コード例 #1
        private async Task ProcessVasnPendingItem(string vasnEventId, string[] itemList)
            var vasnAdapter      = new Adapters.Oal.dbo_vasn_event_newAdapter();
            var vasnPendingPolly = await Policy.Handle <SqlException>(e => e.IsTimeout())
                                   .WaitAndRetryAsync(RetryCount, WaitInterval)
                                   .ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(async() => await vasnAdapter.LoadOneAsync(vasnEventId));

            if (null != vasnPendingPolly.FinalException)
                throw new Exception("Process Vasn Pending Polly Error", vasnPendingPolly.FinalException);

            var vasn      = vasnPendingPolly.Result;
            var vasnItems = new List <Adapters.Oal.dbo_vasn_event_new>();

            foreach (var item in itemList)
                var console = IsConsole(item);
                var child   = vasn.Clone();
                child.id             = GenerateId(34);
                child.consignment_no = item;
                child.data_flag      = "1";
                child.item_type_code = console ? "02" : "01";
                if (child.dateCreatedOALDateField.HasValue && child.dateCreatedOALDateField.Value < new DateTime(1753, 1, 1))
                    child.dateCreatedOALDateField = null;
            foreach (var item in vasnItems)
                var pr = Policy.Handle <SqlException>(e => e.IsDeadlockOrTimeout())
                         .WaitAndRetryAsync(RetryCount, WaitInterval)
                         .ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(() => vasnAdapter.InsertAsync(item));
                var result = await pr;
                if (result.FinalException != null)
                    throw result.FinalException; // send to dead letter queue
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(result.Result > 0, "Should be at least 1 row");
コード例 #2
        public async Task RunAsync(Vasns.Domain.Vasn vasn)
            var consoleList = new List <string>();

            if (IsConsole(vasn.ConsignmentNo))

            var vasnEventAdapter    = new Adapters.Oal.dbo_vasn_event_newAdapter();
            var vasnWwpEventAdapter = new Adapters.Oal.dbo_wwp_event_new_logAdapter();
            var vasnEventMap        = new Integrations.Transforms.RtsVasnToOalVasnEventNew();
            var parentRow           = await vasnEventMap.TransformAsync(vasn);

            parentRow.id = GenerateId(34);

            var vasnWwpEventLogMap = new Integrations.Transforms.RtsVasnOalWwpEventNewLog();
            var parentWwpRow       = await vasnWwpEventLogMap.TransformAsync(vasn);


            var consoleItem = await GetItemConsigmentsFromConsoleDetailsAsync(vasn.ConsignmentNo);

            if (null != consoleItem)
                var children = consoleItem.Split(new[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var item in children)
                    if (consoleList.Contains(item))
                    ProcessChild(parentRow, item);
                    ProcessChildWwp(parentWwpRow, item);

                    //2 level
                    var console = IsConsole(item);
                    if (!console)
                    var childConsole = await GetItemConsigmentsFromConsoleDetailsAsync(item);

                    if (null != childConsole)
                        var childConsoleItems = childConsole.Split(new[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (var cc in childConsoleItems)
                            if (consoleList.Contains(cc))
                            ProcessChild(parentRow, cc);
                            ProcessChildWwp(parentWwpRow, cc);

                            //3 level
                            var anotherConsole = IsConsole(cc);
                            if (!anotherConsole)
                            var anotherChildConsole = await GetItemConsigmentsFromConsoleDetailsAsync(cc);

                            if (null != anotherChildConsole)
                                var anotherChildConsoleItems = anotherChildConsole.Split(new[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                foreach (var ccc in anotherChildConsoleItems)
                                    if (consoleList.Contains(ccc))
                                    ProcessChild(parentRow, ccc);
                                    ProcessChildWwp(parentWwpRow, ccc);
                                AddPendingItems(parentRow.id, parentWwpRow.id, cc);
                        AddPendingItems(parentRow.id, parentWwpRow.id, item);
                AddPendingItems(parentRow.id, parentWwpRow.id, vasn.ConsignmentNo);

            foreach (var item in m_vasnEventRows)
                var pr = Policy.Handle <SqlException>()
                         .WaitAndRetryAsync(5, x => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500 * Math.Pow(2, x)))
                         .ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(() => TrackEvents(vasnEventAdapter.InsertAsync, item));
                var result = await pr;
                if (result.FinalException != null)
                    throw result.FinalException; // send to dead letter queue
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(result.Result > 0, "Should be at least 1 row");

            foreach (var item in m_vasnWwpEventLogRows)
                var pr = Policy.Handle <SqlException>()
                         .WaitAndRetryAsync(5, x => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500 * Math.Pow(2, x)))
                         .ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(() => TrackEvents(vasnWwpEventAdapter.InsertAsync, item));
                var result = await pr;
                if (result.FinalException != null)
                    throw result.FinalException; // send to dead letter queue
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(result.Result > 0, "Should be at least 1 row");

            var pendingAdapter = new Adapters.Oal.dbo_event_pending_consoleAdapter();

            foreach (var item in m_vasnEventPendingConsoleRows)
                var pr = Policy.Handle <SqlException>()
                         .WaitAndRetryAsync(5, x => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500 * Math.Pow(2, x)))
                         .ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(() => TrackEvents(pendingAdapter.InsertAsync, item));
                var result = await pr;
                if (result.FinalException != null)
                    throw result.FinalException; // send to dead letter queue
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(result.Result > 0, "Should be at least 1 row");