コード例 #1
             * Overrides default method. If we have not parsed the INI file text value, yet,
             * we do this now.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public override void ToVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                // if we are still raw, then parse the INI file content
                if ( Values.Count == 0  )
                    ALIB.ASSERT( Delim == '\0' );
                    Delim= variable.Delim;
                    variable.Comments._()._( Comments );

                    //-----  remove INI-File specific from raw value -----
                    AString raw= new AString();
                    raw._( RawValue );

                    // remove '='
                    if ( raw.CharAtStart() != '=' )
                        ALIB.WARNING( "No equal sign in variable \"" + variable.Fullname + "\" of INI file." );

                    // remove "\\n"
                    int startIdx= 0;
                    while ( (startIdx= raw.IndexOf( '\n', startIdx )) >= 0 )
                        // find \\n and trim around this location
                        int delLen= 2;
                        if ( raw.CharAt( --startIdx) == '\r' )
                            delLen= 3;
                        ALIB.ASSERT( raw.CharAt(startIdx) == '\\' );
                        raw.Delete( startIdx, delLen );

                        startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                        // if now the next value is starting with a comment symbol, we remove to the next \n
                            char c= raw.CharAt( startIdx );
                            if (     c != '#'
                                &&   c != ';'
                                && ( c != '/' || raw.CharAt( startIdx + 1 ) != '/' ) )

                            int idx= raw.IndexOf( '\n' );
                            if (idx < 0 ) idx= raw.Length();
                            raw.Delete( startIdx, idx - startIdx + 1 );
                            if( startIdx >= raw.Length() )
                            startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                    // now convert
                    parent.StringConverter.LoadFromString( variable, raw );

                    // copy the parsed values back to our entry and store the delimiter
                    for( int i= 0; i < variable.Size() ; i++ )
                        Values.Add( new AString( variable.GetString( i ) ) );

                // otherwise, use base method
                    base.ToVariable( parent, variable );
コード例 #2
ファイル: Lox.cs プロジェクト: AlexWorx/ALox-Logging-Library
    /** ****************************************************************************************
     * Reads a prefix string from the ALib configuration system.
     * This internal method is used when a new domain is created,
     * @param dom         The domain to set the verbosity for.
    protected void  getDomainPrefixFromConfig( Domain  dom )
        Variable variable= new Variable( ALox.PREFIXES, GetName() );
        if( 0 == variable.Load() )

        Tokenizer prefixTok=        new Tokenizer();
        Tokenizer prefixTokInner=   new Tokenizer();
        Substring domainStr=        new Substring();
        AString   domainStrBuf=     new AString();
        Substring prefixStr=        new Substring();
        for( int varNo= 0; varNo< variable.Size(); varNo++ )
            prefixTok.Set( variable.GetString( varNo ), '=' );

            domainStr.Set( prefixTok.Next() );
            if ( domainStr.StartsWith( "INTERNAL_DOMAINS", DomainSensitivity ) )
                domainStrBuf._()._( domainStr.Buf, domainStr.Start + 16, domainStr.Length() -16 );
                while ( domainStrBuf.CharAtStart() == '/' )
                    domainStrBuf.DeleteStart( 1 );
                domainStrBuf.InsertAt( ALox.InternalDomains, 0 );
                domainStr.Set( domainStrBuf );

            prefixTokInner.Set( prefixTok.Next(), ',' );
            prefixStr.Set( prefixTokInner.Next() );
            if ( prefixStr.IsEmpty() )
            if ( prefixStr.Consume( '\"' ) )
                prefixStr.ConsumeFromEnd( '\"' );

            Inclusion otherPLs= Inclusion.Include;
            if ( prefixTokInner.Actual.IsNotEmpty() )
                otherPLs= ALIB.ReadInclusion( prefixTokInner.Actual  );

            int searchMode= 0;
            if ( domainStr.Consume       ( '*' ) )    searchMode+= 2;
            if ( domainStr.ConsumeFromEnd( '*' ) )    searchMode+= 1;
            if(     ( searchMode == 0 && dom.FullPath.Equals          ( domainStr,    DomainSensitivity )     )
                ||  ( searchMode == 1 && dom.FullPath.StartsWith      ( domainStr,    DomainSensitivity )     )
                ||  ( searchMode == 2 && dom.FullPath.EndsWith        ( domainStr,    DomainSensitivity )     )
                ||  ( searchMode == 3 && dom.FullPath.IndexOf         ( domainStr, 0, DomainSensitivity ) >=0 )
                dom.PrefixLogables.Add( new Domain.PL( new AString( prefixStr ), otherPLs ) );

                // log info on this
                intMsg._()._NC( "String \"" )._NC( prefixStr )._NC ( "\" added as prefix logable for domain \'" )
                          ._NC( dom.FullPath )
                          ._NC( "\'. (Retrieved from variable" )
                          ._NC( variable.Fullname )._( ".)" );
                logInternal( Verbosity.Info, "PFX", intMsg );
コード例 #3
ファイル: Lox.cs プロジェクト: AlexWorx/ALox-Logging-Library
    /** ****************************************************************************************
     * Reads the verbosity for the given logger and domain from the ALib configuration system.
     * This internal method is used in two occasions:
     * - when a new logger is added: recursively for all existing domains (\p configStr is
     *   given)
     * - when a new domain is created on the fly(\p configStr is not given)
     * @param logger      The logger to set the verbosity for.
     * @param dom         The domain to set the verbosity for.
     * @param variable    The (already read) variable to set verbosities from.
    protected void  getVerbosityFromConfig( Logger  logger,  Domain  dom, Variable variable  )
        // get logger number. It may happen that the logger is not existent in this domain tree.
        int loggerNo= dom.GetLoggerNo( logger ) ;
        if ( loggerNo < 0 )

        Tokenizer verbosityTknzr=   new Tokenizer();
        Substring domainStr=      new Substring();
        AString   domainStrBuf=   new AString();
        for( int varNo= 0; varNo< variable.Size(); varNo++ )
            verbosityTknzr.Set( variable.GetString( varNo ), '=' );

            domainStr.Set( verbosityTknzr.Next() );
            if ( domainStr.StartsWith( "INTERNAL_DOMAINS", DomainSensitivity ) )
                domainStrBuf._()._( domainStr.Buf, domainStr.Start + 16, domainStr.Length() -16 );
                while ( domainStrBuf.CharAtStart() == '/' )
                    domainStrBuf.DeleteStart( 1 );
                domainStrBuf.InsertAt( ALox.InternalDomains, 0 );
                domainStr.Set( domainStrBuf );

            Substring verbosityStr=  verbosityTknzr.Next();
            if ( verbosityStr.IsEmpty() )

            int searchMode= 0;
            if ( domainStr.Consume       ( '*' ) )    searchMode+= 2;
            if ( domainStr.ConsumeFromEnd( '*' ) )    searchMode+= 1;
            if(     ( searchMode == 0 && dom.FullPath.Equals          ( domainStr,    DomainSensitivity )     )
                ||  ( searchMode == 1 && dom.FullPath.StartsWith      ( domainStr,    DomainSensitivity )     )
                ||  ( searchMode == 2 && dom.FullPath.EndsWith        ( domainStr,    DomainSensitivity )     )
                ||  ( searchMode == 3 && dom.FullPath.IndexOf         ( domainStr, 0, DomainSensitivity ) >=0 )
                Verbosity verbosity= ALox.ReadVerbosity( verbosityStr);
                dom.SetVerbosity( loggerNo, verbosity, variable.Priority );

                // log info on this
                intMsg._()._NC( "Logger \"" )._NC( logger.GetName() ) ._NC( "\":" ).Tab(11 + maxLoggerNameLength)
                          ._( '\'' )._NC( dom.FullPath )
                          ._( '\'' ).InsertChars(' ', maxDomainPathLength - dom.FullPath.Length() + 1 )
                          ._("= Verbosity." );
                          ALox.ToString( verbosity, dom.GetPriority(loggerNo), intMsg ).TrimEnd()
                logInternal( Verbosity.Info, "LGR", intMsg );
コード例 #4
        public void CharAt()
            AString ms= new AString();

            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtStart   ()    ,    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtEnd     ()    ,    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        ( -1 ),    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  0 ),    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  1 ),    '\0' );

            UT_EQ(  ms               [ -1 ],    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  0 ],    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  1 ],    '\0' );


            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtStart   ()    ,    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtStart_NC()    ,    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtEnd     ()    ,    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtEnd_NC  ()    ,    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        ( -1 ),    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  0 ),    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  1 ),    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt_NC     (  0 ),    'A'  );

            UT_EQ(  ms               [ -1 ],    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  0 ],    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  1 ],    '\0' );


            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtStart   ()    ,    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtStart_NC()    ,    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtEnd     ()    ,    'C'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAtEnd_NC  ()    ,    'C'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        ( -1 ),    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  0 ),    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  1 ),    'B'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  2 ),    'C'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt        (  3 ),    '\0' );

            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt_NC     (  0 ),    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt_NC     (  1 ),    'B'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms.CharAt_NC     (  2 ),    'C'  );

            UT_EQ(  ms               [ -1 ],    '\0' );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  0 ],    'A'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  1 ],    'B'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  2 ],    'C'  );
            UT_EQ(  ms               [  3 ],    '\0' );

            ms.SetCharAt( -1, '@' );    UT_EQ    ( "ABC",   ms );
            ms.SetCharAt(  0, 'X' );    UT_EQ    ( "XBC",   ms );
            ms.SetCharAt(  1, 'Y' );    UT_EQ    ( "XYC",   ms );
            ms.SetCharAt(  2, 'Z' );    UT_EQ    ( "XYZ",   ms );
            ms.SetCharAt(  3, '$' );    UT_EQ    ( "XYZ",   ms );