public object Evaluate(INode node, IEvaluator pv) { if (node.JjtGetNumChildren() != 2) { throw new EvaluationException("Assignment operator must have 2 operators."); } object obj2 = pv.Eval(node.JjtGetChild(1)); INode node2 = node.JjtGetChild(0); if (node2 is ASTVarNode) { ASTVarNode node3 = (ASTVarNode)node2; if (!node3.Var.SetValue(obj2)) { throw new EvaluationException("Attempt to set the value of a constant variable"); } return(obj2); } if (!(node2 is ASTFunNode) || !(((ASTFunNode)node2).GetPFMC() is ILValue)) { throw new EvaluationException("Assignment should have a variable or LValue for the lhs."); } ((ILValue)((ASTFunNode)node2).GetPFMC()).Set(pv, node2, obj2); return(obj2); }
public object Visit(ASTVarNode node, object data) { Variable var = node.Var; if (var == null) { throw new EvaluationException("var was null in StandardEvaluator"); } object item = var.Value; if (this._trapNullValues && (item == null)) { throw new EvaluationException("Could not evaluate " + node.GetName() + ": no value set for the variable."); } if (this._trapNaN && (((item is double) && double.IsNaN((double)item)) || ((item is float) && float.IsNaN((float)item)))) { throw new EvaluationException("NaN value detected for variable " + node.GetName()); } if (this._trapInfinity && (((item is double) && double.IsInfinity((double)item)) || ((item is float) && float.IsInfinity((float)item)))) { throw new EvaluationException("Infinite value " + item.ToString() + "detected for variable " + node.GetName()); } this.stack.Push(item); return(data); }
public ASTVarNode BuildVariableNode(string name) { ASTVarNode node = new ASTVarNode(JJTVARNODE); Variable var = this.vt.AddVariable(name); node.Var = var; return(this.BuildVariableNode(var)); }
protected double VisitVariable(ASTVarNode node) { object o = node.Var.Value; if (o == null) { throw new EvaluationException("Variable " + node.GetName() + " has a null value"); } return(FromObject(o)); }
public void Set(IEvaluator pv, INode node, object value) { INode node2 = node.JjtGetChild(0); if (!(node2 is ASTVarNode)) { throw new EvaluationException("Ele: lhs must be a variable"); } ASTVarNode node3 = (ASTVarNode)node2; Variable var = node3.Var; if (node.JjtGetNumChildren() == 2) { object obj2 = pv.Eval(node.JjtGetChild(1)); int num = -1; if (obj2 is JepDouble) { num = ((JepDouble)obj2).IntValue - 1; } else { if (!(obj2 is ArrayList)) { throw new EvaluationException("Ele: rhs must be a number"); } ArrayList list = (ArrayList)obj2; if (list.Count != 1) { throw new EvaluationException("Ele: only single dimension arrays supported in JEP"); } num = ((JepDouble)list[0]).IntValue - this.indexShift; } object obj3 = var.Value; if (!(obj3 is ArrayList)) { throw new EvaluationException("Ele: the value of the variable must be a Vector"); } ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList((ArrayList)obj3); list2[num] = value; var.SetValue(list2); } else { int[] indicies = new int[node.JjtGetNumChildren() - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < indicies.Length; i++) { object obj4 = pv.Eval(node.JjtGetChild(i + 1)); if (!(obj4 is JepDouble)) { throw new EvaluationException("Ele: index should be integers, it is " + obj4); } indicies[i] = ((JepDouble)obj4).IntValue - this.indexShift; } object o = var.Value; if (!(o is ArrayList)) { throw new EvaluationException("Ele: the value of the variable must be a ArrayList"); } object obj6 = this.SetEle(o, indicies, 0, value); var.SetValue(obj6); } }
public virtual object Visit(ASTVarNode node, object data) {; return(data); }
public ASTVarNode BuildVariableNode(ASTVarNode node) { return(this.BuildVariableNode(node.Var)); }