コード例 #1
    public void EntityLeftPerception(Entity removedEntity)
        AIEntityMemory memory = null;

        // Add a new memory if this is the first time encountering the other entity
        if (!m_memories.TryGetValue(removedEntity.EntityID, out memory))
            Debug.LogError("Memory not found for entity: " + removedEntity.EntityName);

        memory.state = EntityMemoryState.Idle;
コード例 #2
    public void EntityEnteredPerception(Entity addedEntity)
        AIEntityMemory memory = null;

        // Add a new memory if this is the first time encountering the other entity
        if (!m_memories.TryGetValue(addedEntity.EntityID, out memory))
            Debug.Log("Unknown entity in perception. Adding memory: " + addedEntity.EntityName);

            memory    = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AIEntityMemory>();
            memory.id = addedEntity.EntityID;
            m_memories.Add(addedEntity.EntityID, memory);

        memory.state = EntityMemoryState.InPerception;
コード例 #3
    public override void Update()
        AIEntityMemory currentMemory = null;

        Vector3 position = m_parentAI.transform.position;

        foreach (var entity in m_parentAI.PerceivedEntitites)
            // Fetch the memory of the entity.
            if (!m_memories.TryGetValue(entity.EntityID, out currentMemory))
                Debug.LogError("Entity has no memory: " + entity.EntityName);

            // Check whether the entity can be seen.
            float coverage = EntityUtils.SweepRadius(position, entity.transform.position, entity.GetVisibilityRadius(), 10, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("LevelGeo"));
            if (coverage > 0.0f)
                if (currentMemory.state != EntityMemoryState.InAwareness)

                currentMemory.state         = EntityMemoryState.InAwareness;
                currentMemory.lastAwareTime = Time.time;
            else if (currentMemory.state == EntityMemoryState.InAwareness)
                // If not, check the cooldown to see if the entity has left awareness.
                // TODO: Move the cooldown to settings.
                if (Time.time - currentMemory.lastAwareTime > 3.0f)
                    currentMemory.state = EntityMemoryState.InPerception;

             * switch(currentMemory.state)
             * {
             * case EntityMemoryState.Idle:            { Debug.Log("Idle"); break; }
             * case EntityMemoryState.InPerception:    { Debug.Log("Perception"); break; }
             * case EntityMemoryState.InAwareness:     { Debug.Log("Awareness"); break; }
             * }
             * */