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This sample REST API project displays music entity of the artists and their videos.

Code project implements in C# and .NET MVC using IoC/Dependency Injection design pattern.

Open solution file with Visual Studio 2012

REST API methods:

Get a specific Artist entity

Get a specific Video entity

List all the videos they appear in a given artist

Add/update/delete an Artist entity

List all artists in the DB

Unit Test project tests following features:

Controller test

Data access test

REST Web API test

Follow these steps to set up the project:

Create Music.Db database:

Right click on SQL Server Object Explorer, create LocalDb v11.0 database called "Music.Db" Run "Database Scripts.sql" to create schema, stored procedures

Web.config & App.config:

Database connection: "Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=Music.Db;Integrated Security=True"

IIS set up:

Web API project uses IIS Express; however to allow POST/DELETE api methods work, you need to set up the Web API run on your IIS server.


Web API implements in C# and .NET MVC using IoC/Dependency Injection and Stored Procedure






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