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With NBlackBox you can record domain events in a simple store and later replay them.

Usually this is called event sourcing with an event store as a persistence medium. But I like to compare it with recording data during a flight in a black box. This data represents "the truth" about the state changes of an air plane and can be played back to get insight into the movements of the air plane - especially in case of a crash.

Once recorded data cannot be changed. And depending on the use case the recorded data be played back selectively.

Usage samples for the folder based black box:

using nblackbox;
using(var bb = new FolderBlackBox(@"c:\myblackbox")) {
  bb.Record("eventname", "aggregateid", "data, data");

  var events = bb.Player.Play(); // replays all events

  // selective replay
  events = bb.Player.ForEvent("eventname").Play();
  events = bb.Player.ForEvent("e1", "e2", "e3", ...).Play();

  bb.Player.WithContext("a1", "a2", "a3", ...).Play();

  bb.Player.FromIndex(42).Play(); // indexes are 0 based

  bb.Player.FromIndex(42).WithContext("a1").ForEvent("e1", "e2").Play();

When recording an event the black box fires an event. It´s fired synchronously; subscribers should switch to another thread if their event processing is time consuming.

using(var bb = new FolderBlackBox(...)) {
  bb.OnRecorded += recordedEvent => { ... };

The FolderBlackBox class stores all events as separate text files in a folder passed to its ctor.

A simple lock is used to make the FolderBlackBox thread-safe on write. On read there is no need for this; it´s an append only store.

Of course the FolderBlackBox is not tuned for highest performance. Rather it´s supposed to make exploration of event sourcing and related topics like CQRS as painless as possible.

In addition to folder based storage of events there is a SQlite based black box: SQliteBlackBox - and it´s working the same, of course. Thread-safety is achieved by using a transaction upon write. When recording an event batch it´s wrapped around the whole batch.

All black boxes notify their subscribers only after all events in a batch have been persisted successfully.


-Ralf Westphal, Hamburg, Germany


Thanks to lcanis for his contributions to the SQliteBlackBox.


A "flightrecorder" for .NET applications - others would call it an event store






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