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A FoundryVTT SDK Binding for Bridge.NET C# in Windows Visual Studio. is a FOSS C# to Javascript compiler for Visual Studio and can be downloaded free from

The FVTTBridge SDK runtime is installed as a module from this url:

To build a system and and autoamtically deploy it to your local Foundry install, modify this code to point to your foundry data folder and put it in your project post-build event:

rmdir /s /q C:\Users\jeffp\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\systems\$(TargetName) & C: & mkdir "\Users\jeffp\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\systems\$(TargetName)" && mkdir "\Users\jeffp\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\systems\$(TargetName)\module" && xcopy "$(TargetDir)bridge" "\Users\jeffp\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\systems\$(TargetName)\module" /E && xcopy "$(TargetDir)Resources" "\Users\jeffp\AppData\Local\FoundryVTT\Data\systems\$(TargetName)" /E

See the example system.json in the test system FVTTBridgeTest to see how to reference the runtime


After installing Bridge.NET, get the following packjages for your project from nuget Bridge.jQuery Retyped.es2015 Retyped.es5 Retyped.howler Retyped.node Retyped.pixi


Make sure that the properties of all files in the Resources tree are set to "copy if newer"

Usages Notes

The bindings are all in the FVTTBridge.Bindings directory and namesapce. All the bindings use dynamic parameters and return tyypes except for function delegeates which are of type Action. This is because the bdinings are auto-generated from the actual FOundry javascript code and Javascript has no type information. Refer to the Foundry Javascript API docs for p;arameter types expected.

The core of a system is a suibclass of the FOundrySystem class. The core of a module is a subclass of the FoundryModule class. Due to anincomaptability issue with C# and Javascript, you do NOT create subclasses of Actor and ActorSheet when using FVTTBRidge. Instead you create sub classes of BridgeActor and BridgeActorSheet and return these classes as the ActorType and ActorSheetType from your FoundrySystem subclass (see the FVTTBridgeTest example).


A FoundryVTT SDK Binding for Bridge.NET C#






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