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A C# wrapper for db4o that provides concurrent-read/single-write access to objects for use in a web-based game engine. It provides automatic transparent persistence without requiring post-build manipulation.


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A db4o concurrency and persistence wrapper for C#

During initial development of the browser-based game engine Henge it became apparent that an object database was required since a standard SQL database (even when using a persistence layer such as NHibernate) would not be suitable. It was decided to use db4o since it handles complex object graphs efficiently and is extremely simple to use.

However, db4o does not employ any form of optimistic/object locking since it is primarily intended for embedded use. Henge also had a requirement above and beyond optimistic locking that would ensure all object modifications get applied, not simply overwritten.

For example, if you have a character in a game who is attacked by two other players simultaneously:

			Player 1							Player 2
	Can attack character?				Can attack character?
	health = character.Health			health = character.Health
	character.Health = health - 1		character.Health = health - 1

This is a very contrived example meant to represent two threads attempting to simultaneously modify the character. In this scenario (even with some form of optimistic locking) one of the health modifications would be lost. What we actually want to do is the following:

			Player 1							Player 2
	Can attack character?				Can attack character?
	Lock character						Awaiting lock
	health = character.Health			-
	character.Health = health - 1		-
	Release lock						Lock character
										health = character.Health
										character.Health = health - 1
										Release lock

Coincidental was designed to permit this form of locking and also support concurrent reading (vital for a web-based game engine). It was also intended to provide transparent activation and persistence thereby removing the need to perform post-build assembly instrumentation via the Db4oTool. This is achieved through automatic object proxying making use of the Castle DynamicProxy library.

Getting Started

Coincidental is in the alpha stage and is therefore not recommended for general use. It is not feature rich and only exposes some of the functionality that you would otherwise get from using db4o directly. Since it is in alpha and being developed alongside Henge please be aware that the API is likely to change.

Until it has reached a reasonably stable state there will not be any file releases so you must build the library from source.

Building Coincidental

To build and use Coincidental you must have either .NET 3.5 or Mono 2.6+ installed. The solution can be opened using an IDE such as MonoDevelop, SharpDevelop or VisualStudio. Alternatively it can be built using the msbuild or xbuild tools.

The project depends on certain libraries which should be placed in a "references" folder (at the same level as the solution file).

From the Castle project you will need:

  • Castle.Core.dll
  • Castle.DynamicProxy2.dll

From db4o you will need (tested against v8.0, but be aware that the archives downloadable from the db4o site are not fully compatible with Mono and they need compiling manually with the MONO flag enabled):

  • Db4objects.Db4o.dll
  • Db4objects.Db4o.Linq.dll
  • Mono.Reflection.dll

Once the references are in place the project can be built. It will output the Coincidental.dll along with the references to the appropriate "bin" folder. These should all be copied/linked to where you intend to use them (they must all be available at run-time).

Coincidental API

Warning: This is likely to change as Coincidental and Henge progress


Access to the database is through the Provider. It is intended that a single Provider be used for access to the database and should be shared across all threads. At the time of writing the Provider was not implemented as a singleton so it is possible to use more than one at once, however, if you attempt to use multiple Provider instances to access the same database file it will not be permitted (since db4o locks the file).

Provider Functions

  • bool Initialise(CoincidentalConfiguration configuration)

    • configuration: A coincidental configuration instance. Refer to the example at the bottom.
    • Returns true if successful and false if it has already been initialised.

    This should be called before attempting to use any other functions, an exception will occur if you do not!

  • static CoincidentalConfiguration Configure

    Property that returns a new instance of CoincidentalConfiguration which can be modified and then passed to the Initialise function.

  • T Store< T>(T entity)

    • entity: Object to be stored. The underlying db4o container will automatically store the entire object tree.
    • Returns a persistent instance of the object.

    Stores a transient object tree to the database. If a persistent object is passed in nothing will happen. Mixing persistent objects with transients here is not a good idea.

  • bool Delete(object entity)

    • entity: Persistent object to be deleted.
    • Returns true if successful and false if the object was not persistent.

    Delete a persistent object from the database.

  • bool Delete(IEnumerable<object> entities)

    • entities: An enumerable list of persistent objects.
    • Returns true if successful and false if any of the objects were not persistent.

    Delete a list of persistent objects from the database. This is more efficient than deleting the entities individually since it is performed in a single transaction.

  • IQueryable< T> Query< T>()

    • Returns a queryable interface.

    Provides the primary interface for querying the database. The queries are passed straight through to db4o but the results are intercepted and proxied as persistent objects.

  • T Get(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func< T, bool>> expression)

    • expression: A LINQ expression describing how to select the required entity.
    • Returns a persisted entity or null if no matching entity was found.

    Provides a simple way of retrieving a single entity from the database.

  • IDisposable Lock(params object [] entities)

    • entities: A variable number of persistent objects to be locked.
    • Returns an object which must be disposed.

    Keeps attempting to lock all of the supplied objects until it is successful and then returns an IDisposable instance which will automatically unlock all of the objects when it is disposed. The simplest way of ensuring this is with the "using" syntax (see the example at the bottom).

  • void Flush()

    Coincidental automatically keeps track of which objects have been modified. When this function is called any modified objects will be automatically flushed to the db4o database. Coincidental also takes this opportunity to clean up its cache, removing object instances that have not been accessed for some time so that they may be garbage collected.

    It is not advisable to call this at the end of each web request, in fact for a web-based game it is best to allow it to work almost as an in-memory database with a service thread forcing occasional flushes to disk. At the cost of potentially losing changes if the application is forcibly closed it should be far more responsive.

Persistent Objects

When a Store, Query or Get is performed, the result is a persistent object. They support transparent activation, so when you access a property which is an object, list or dictionary it will be automatically loaded from the database. These objects also support transparent persistence, so if they are modified then they will be written back to the database file during the next call to Flush.

Coincidental works with plain old CLR objects, but they must use automatic virtual properties as follows:

public class Entity
	public virtual string Name				{ get; set; }
	public virtual DateTime Time			{ get; set; }
	public virtual Entity Reference			{ get; set; }
	public virtual IList<string> Strings	{ get; set; }

	public Entity()
		this.Strings = new List<string>();

The use of non-virtual properties will cause problems (since they cannot be intercepted by the proxy). At this time Coincidental only supports generic collections (lists and dictionaries) and the properties within an entity must be declared using the appropriate interfaces (IList<> or IDictionary<,>). Be aware that when a list or dictionary is accessed it will be automatically activated so please avoid having huge lists of objects stored within other objects.

If you attempt to modify any properties of an object without first locking it an exception will be thrown.


Coincidental provides an Indexed attribute which can be used to mark the properties in your entities which you wish to be indexed within the db4o database. These indexes are then applied at the configuration stage via an IndexConfiguration class which provides the following functions as a fluent-style interface:

  • IndexConfiguration Add< T>()

    Include the class of type T when generating indexes.

  • IndexConfiguration AssemblyOf< T>()

    Potentially include all classes in the same assembly as T to be indexed.

  • IndexConfiguration Where(Func< Type, bool> expression)

    Apply this expression to filter the classes retrieved by the AssemblyOf method. This does not affect any classes included directly with the Add method.

Multiple assemblies and multiple where expressions can be specified. All of the where expressions are applied to all of the assemblies! Refer to the example below to see how to use the index configuration.

Orphan Tracking

Coincidental can support automatic orphan tracking and purging which is essentially a form of garbage collection for db4o. Since an entity within a game may be referenced in many places, it can be difficult to know when that entity can be safely deleted from the underlying database.

To indicate that a specific class should be tracked it should implement the interface IOrphanTracked which requires it to have the property "long ReferenceCount { get; set; }".

The value of ReferenceCount will be automatically zeroed when a tracked object is stored. Once you are using a persistent instance of the object, reading of the ReferenceCount works as expected but a write will result in an exception since ReferenceCount modification is only permitted internally.

Automatic purging of orphaned objects during a call to Flush can be enabled with the configuration option "AutomaticOrphanPurge".


This is a quick example based around the Entity defined above. The activation depth is that used by db4o which is automatically honoured by the Coincidental layer.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;

using Coincidental;

namespace CoincidentalTest
	class MainClass
		public static void Main(string [] args)
			CoincidentalConfiguration config = Provider.Configure
				.Indexing(i => i.AssemblyOf<Entity>());

			using (Provider db = new Provider())
				db.Store<Entity>(new Entity {
					Name = "Test",
					Time = DateTime.Now,
					Reference = new Entity {
						Name = "Reference"

				Entity entity = db.Get<Entity>(e => e.Name == "Test");

					// Will throw an exception since the object is not locked
					entity.Name = "NewName";
				catch (Exception e)

				using (db.Lock(entity))
					// This time it works because the object has been locked
					entity.Name = "NewName";



A C# wrapper for db4o that provides concurrent-read/single-write access to objects for use in a web-based game engine. It provides automatic transparent persistence without requiring post-build manipulation.







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