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This is a Url Shortener Web Application. A project by Nuru Salihu Abdullahi.

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This is a Url Shortener Web Application developed to satisfy the partial requirement for job Application process at Mindvalley Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Url Shortener is often available and provided by large software cooperations such as google's and the popularly known bitly

#Design Description

The project is strictly based on Model View Controller or polularly known as MVC Design . The Solution has 3 projects name UrlShortener.DOmain which is our main model class. UrlShortener.WebUI is solely responsible for our view and and controller classes . UrlShorter.Test project is where our UnitTest were performed .

#Design flow

Like mentioned above the project follows the popular MVC design . The important code folow i would like to emphasize here is the controller dependency injection and the Dependency Inversion Principle of the SOLID principle applied in the model class. I utilize ninject dependency injector nuget to inject our data as served from the model to each and every controller.

  • UrlShortener.Domain

    Our model class. The use of Dependency Inversion principle . Below is our model class


 public class Url
        public int UrlId { get; set; }
        public string OriginalUrl { get; set; }
        public string UrlCode { get; set; }
        public DateTime PostedDate { get; set; }
        public string IpAddress { get; set; }

and inside our Abstract folder is our Interface class.

public interface IUrlsRepository
        IQueryable Urls { get; }

        bool AddUrl(Url url);


and in our Concrete folder comes our context classes


public class EFDbContext:DbContext
        public virtual IDbSet Urls { get; set; }


 public class EFUrlRepository : IUrlsRepository
        public EFDbContext context = new EFDbContext();
        private Security security = new Security();
        public IQueryable Urls
            get { return context.Urls; }

        public bool AddUrl(Url url)
            //Our add/save url initiative

The classes flow above ensure the inversion of any depency that might ensued as explain in the Dependency Inversion Principle of the SOLID Principle.

  • UrlShortener.WebUI

    The important code flow i want to emphasize on here is our ninject dependecny injector.

    In our Infrastructure folder lies our ninjectControllerFactory class.

    public class NinjectControllerFactory:DefaultControllerFactory
          private IKernel ninjectkernel;
          public NinjectControllerFactory()
          //create object of the ninject kernel
              ninjectkernel = new StandardKernel();
              //We then add our bindings that explain how our controllers call
              //should be handled
          protected override IController GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
              //Each page request comes here first, the controller name is then return as requested
              return controllerType == null
                  ? null
                  : (IController)ninjectkernel.Get(controllerType);
          private void AddBindings()

The GetControllerInstance method above serve the user with the controller requested by the user . Example when . The ControllerName is passed to the method which inturn searc through the available controllers for the said controller. If found return , otherwise throws not found exception . The AddBindings method above execured in our constructor ensure that the AdddBindings() is executed which in turn inject the IurlsRepository depency to each controller's construct when called. This can be observe in our controller constructor below

 public UrlShortenerController(IUrlsRepository repo)
            //Inject Dependency.
            repository = repo;


The project is solely developed and maintained by Nuru Salihu Abdullahi


This is a Url Shortener Web Application. A project by Nuru Salihu Abdullahi.






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