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College-Long Video Game Development Project! Stuff

CS Video Game Project

In a terminal, use git clone to download this project to your computer (or git sync to get new additions others have made if you already have this project) and git checkout Development to start editting in the Development branch. Then use Unity to edit and update it and then use git add -A (to add all changes), git commit -m "comment about what you added" and git push to add to the project

This is a college-long project with a publishing deadline for 2020. Half of the development team will graduate then. In order to increase production speed, this project makes use of DevOps techniques such as Trunk-Based-Development and Automated Testing.

*Note: Git commands should be done in a console with admin privilege, or you could get a permissions error.

*We are using Unity (Free edition). Contributing with out-of-date versions can cause errors.