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This project was developed targeting dotnet core v2.2.203. It provides an example of a custom built JWT authentication scheme in the context of a project management system.

SQL scripts were written for a MySQL database engine. My development environment used MySQL Workbench v8.0.16.

The front-end is developed using the ReactJS framework, initialized with npx create-react-app. It uses a redux centralized store.

The project provides a basis and may be extended into something more production ready by creating SSL certificates to communicate over https, or by placing the project behind a reverse proxy such as NGINX. In such a scenario, it is highly recommended that the consumer review and revise the choice of database name (DotnetJwtAuth) and project namespaces (Indigogetter.*). I recommend using this guide as a guide -- file by file -- rather than cloning or forking the project blindly. To maximize the benefit of a thorough review, comments have been placed throughout to facilitate knowledge transfer.

Building the API

From the project root:

cd Api
cd Indigogetter.WebService.Auth
dotnet publish -c Release -o bin/out

Running the API

In order to run the API in development, staging or production, the following environment variables will need to be established:


From the project root:

dotnet Api/Indigogetter.WebService.Auth/bin/out/Indigogetter.WebService.Auth.dll

Building the Client (Production)

From the project root:

cd Client
cd react-client
npm run build

Running the Client (Dev Mode)

From the project root:

cd Client
cd react-client
npm start


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