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Develop by Farhan Muhammad and Ilham Jalu Prakosa


This game can be played by up to 30 players. this game have a simple gameplay, player just need to choose the correct answer from the question given, each the correct answer will be convert into a score


Multiplayer Game Online Platform: Windows Protocol: TCP Game-Engine: Unity 2019 LTS


High Concept Document can be accessed in here


Game Concept Document can be accessed in here

Game Documentation

Flow Chart


packets is a collection of some data that going to send from server to clients or send from clients to server. these packet have an identifier to make server or clients know what should they do when they got that packet, below is the packets identifier that located on server and clients, server and client must have 2 of these packets

public enum ServerPackets
        welcome = 1,

public enum ClientPackets
    welcomeRequest = 1,


Login Page

Sign In

on this login page client must sign in before can play the game, but when user doesnt have the account, they can use sign up feature Login Image if user already have an account to sign in, on clients side function SignInRequest will be running, this function use to send data such as username and password to server, this packets have an identifier that called signInRequest

    public static void SignInRequest(string uname, string pass)
        using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ClientPackets.signInRequest))
            ClientData.Account _account = new ClientData.Account(uname, pass);


on the signInRequest function they called a clientData.Account that contain account data, below is code of Account

namespace ClientData
    public class Account
        public string username;
        public string password;

        public Account(string uname, string pass)
            username = uname;
            password = pass;

clientData.Account is a way to call Account class, then after this class filled by user input on the sign in page, the packet is ready to send to the server, on the server the must run a function corresponding to the packets identifier that client send, below is the code:

packetHandlers = new Dictionary<int, PacketHandler>()
                { (int)ClientPackets.welcomeRequest, ServerHandle.WelcomeReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.signInRequest, ServerHandle.SignInReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.signUpRequest, ServerHandle.SignUpReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.hostRoomRequest, ServerHandle.HostRoomReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.joinRoomRequest, ServerHandle.JoinRoomReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.leaveRoomRequest, ServerHandle.LeaveRoomReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.destroyRoomRequest, ServerHandle.DestroyRoomReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.startMatchRequest, ServerHandle.StartMatchReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.playerPositionRequest, ServerHandle.PlayerPositionReceived },

                { (int)ClientPackets.chatboxRequest, ServerHandle.ChatboxReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.randomizeRequest, ServerHandle.RandomizeReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.colorRequest, ServerHandle.ColorReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.mintakSpawnDong, ServerHandle.MintakPlayer },
                { (int)ClientPackets.playerMovement, ServerHandle.PlayerMovement },
                { (int)ClientPackets.readyGan, ServerHandle.PlayerReady },

                { (int)ClientPackets.triviaQuestionRequest, ServerHandle.TriviaQuestionReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.storeScore, ServerHandle.ScoreReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.scoreRequest, ServerHandle.ScoreSent },
                { (int)ClientPackets.storePlay, ServerHandle.PlayReceived },
                { (int)ClientPackets.playRequest, ServerHandle.PlaySent }

so from the code above server must run SignInReceived Class to check that the user input is true or false, in this class another class is call to do a validation from user input

public static void SignInReceived(int _fromClient, Packet _packet)
            ClientData.Account _account = _packet.ReadObject<ClientData.Account>();

            string validation = AccountHandler.SignIn(_account.username, _account.password);
            if (validation == "login was successful")
                Server.readyDatabase.Add(new ReadyDatabase(_fromClient, false));

            ServerSend.SignInValidation(_fromClient, validation);

AccountHandler is a class to do all of something that have relation with user Account, and from the code above, Account Handler will do a validation from user input

public static string SignIn(string uname, string pass)
            Server.accountDatabase = LoadDatabase<List<AccountDatabase>>("AccountDatabase.xml");

            foreach (AccountDatabase oacc in Server.accountDatabase)
                if (uname == oacc.username && !
                    if (pass == oacc.password)
               = true;
                        Console.WriteLine($"There's player signIn: {uname}");

                        oacc.identity = Client.identity;
                        SaveDatabase(Server.accountDatabase, "AccountDatabase.xml");
                        return "login was successful";
                        return "login failed! your password is wrong";
                else if (uname == oacc.username &&
                    return "login failed! another user is using your account";

            return "login failed! your account's not found";

to check account, server will call a function SaveDatabase that will do a serialize class to check that the data is already on the database, the database we using a xml file

public static void SaveDatabase<T>(T _serialazable, string _fileName)
            var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
            var settings = new XmlWriterSettings()
                Indent = true,
                IndentChars = "\t",
            var writer = XmlWriter.Create(_fileName, settings);

            serializer.WriteObject(writer, _serialazable);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<ArrayOfAccountDatabase xmlns="" xmlns:i="">


































Sign Up

next to sign in form there is sign up form, when user doesnt have an account to sign in so they can make a new account to sign in, below is code from the sign up function on the clients

public static void SignUpRequest(string uname, string pass)
        using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ClientPackets.signUpRequest))
            ClientData.Account _account = new ClientData.Account(uname, pass);


then client will send packet to server, this packet have identifier called signUpRequest that make server must run SignUpReceived function, in this function user's input will be checked

public static void SignUpReceived(int _fromClient, Packet _packet)
            ClientData.Account _account = _packet.ReadObject<ClientData.Account>();
            string validation = AccountHandler.SignUp(_account.username, _account.password);
            ServerSend.SignUpValidation(_fromClient, validation);

on SignUpReceiver will run a function SignUp, this function check the user input, this function have a verification to check that username that user have been input already on the database or not, then this function will call AddDataToDatabase

public static string SignUp(string uname, string pass)
            foreach (AccountDatabase oacc in Server.accountDatabase)
                if (uname == oacc.username)
                    return "login failed! change your username";

            Server.accountDatabase.Add(new AccountDatabase(Client.identity, false, uname, pass, "0", "0"));
            Console.WriteLine($"There's player join: {uname}");

            return "your account registered successfully";

this function will check on the xml file, this function will call a function that xml code already write above. then call the SaveDatabase

public static void AddDataToDatabase()
            accountDatabaseTemp = LoadDatabase<List<AccountDatabase>>("AccountDatabase.xml");
            SaveDatabase(Server.accountDatabase, "AccountDatabase.xml");

this code is using to open the xml data then write the input from user to the database

        public static T LoadDatabase<T>(string _fileName)
            var fileStream = new FileStream(_fileName, FileMode.Open);
            var reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(fileStream, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas());
            var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
            T serializable = (T)serializer.ReadObject(reader, true);

            return serializable;

then after that the server will send packet to the client to notify that the new user has been added to the database so user can sign in with the new account

 public static void SignUpValidation(int _toClient, string _msg)
            using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ServerPackets.signUp))
                SendTCPData(_toClient, _packet);

Main Menu


main menu have a lot of feature, let me tell you one by one, first is button to play called online, when online button clicked another button will shown, this code is use to shown the button to make a room or join a room

    public void ChooseOnline(int code)
        if (!touched && code == 1)
            touched = true;
        else if (touched)
            touched = false;

below is code that run when user click host button, it will create a room to play, and this code will call a function HostRoomRequest

    public void ChooseHost()
        if (codeRoom.text != "")
            RoomDatabase.instance.roomCode = codeRoom.text;
            notifText.text = "please input the room code!";

on the HostRoomRequest will be send a packet that contain room code to the server

    public static void HostRoomRequest(string code)
        using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ClientPackets.hostRoomRequest))

since server receive a hostroomrequest packet data so server must run HostRoomReceived function, then this function will call a validation class

        public static void HostRoomReceived(int _fromClient, Packet _packet)
            string code = _packet.ReadString();
            string notif = RoomHandler.HostRoomValidation(code);
            ServerSend.HostRoomValidation(_fromClient, notif);

then HostRoomValidation will do a validation of a room code that clients send, than on this class will send the code to HostRoom function

        public static string HostRoomValidation(string code)
            foreach (RoomDatabase oroom in roomDatabase)
                if (code == oroom.code)
                    return "create failed! change your room code or join with that code";

            return "room created succesfully";

on the HostRoom, the code wiil be added to the a list of room that a list of room have a variable code that is room code, and isPlay that will be a condition of the room

        public static void HostRoom(string code)
            roomDatabase.Add(new RoomDatabase(code));
            Console.WriteLine($"Room Created Succesfully w/ Code: {code}");
    class RoomDatabase
        public string code { get; set; }
        public bool isPlay { get; set; }

        public List<PlayerJoinedDatabase> playerJoinedDatabase = new List<PlayerJoinedDatabase>();

        public RoomDatabase(string _code)
            code = _code;

then server will send again the room code to the clients, below is the code

        public static void HostRoomValidation(int _toClient, string _msg)
            using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ServerPackets.hostRoom))
                SendTCPData(_toClient, _packet);



then when there is already room in there, player can join to the room that available, player can click join, then this class will call JoinRoomRequest to send a packet data that contain username, id and code to the server

    public void ChooseJoin()
        if (codeRoom.text != "")
            ClientSend.JoinRoomRequest(codeRoom.text, Client.instance.myId, Client.instance.myUname);
            RoomDatabase.instance.roomCode = codeRoom.text;
            notifText.text = "please input the room code!";
    public static void JoinRoomRequest(string code, int id, string uname)
        using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ClientPackets.joinRoomRequest))

then the server will run a function JoinRoomReceived, in this function will be call another function called JoinRoomValidation to do a validation, is there any room with that code or not, if there a room with that code the client can join into a room, but if there is no room with that code player cant join into a room, because there is no room with that code

        public static void JoinRoomReceived(int _fromClient, Packet _packet)
            string code = _packet.ReadString();
            int id = _packet.ReadInt();
            string uname = _packet.ReadString();
            string notif = RoomHandler.JoinRoomValidation(code, id, uname);
            ServerSend.JoinRoomValidation(_fromClient, notif);
        public static string JoinRoomValidation(string code, int id, string uname)
            foreach (RoomDatabase oroom in roomDatabase)
                if (code == oroom.code)
                    JoinRoom(code, id, uname);
                    return "joined succesfully";

            return "join failed! change your room code or host a new room";

since the client send a code, id and username server will call a function called JoinRoom, in this function the clients will be checked, if the player has join the room player will be broadcasted to all the clients

        public static void JoinRoom(string _code, int id,string _uname)
            for (int i = 0; i < roomDatabase.Count; i++)
                if (_code == roomDatabase[i].code)
                    bool playerJoined = false;
                    foreach (PlayerJoinedDatabase oplayer in roomDatabase[roomDatabase.Count - 1].playerJoinedDatabase)
                        if (_uname == oplayer.username)
                            playerJoined = true;

                    if (!playerJoined)
                        roomDatabase[i].playerJoinedDatabase.Add(new PlayerJoinedDatabase(id, _uname, 0));

                        for (int j = 0; j < roomDatabase[i].playerJoinedDatabase.Count; j++)
                            ServerSend.BroadcastPlayerJoined(_code, roomDatabase[i].playerJoinedDatabase[j].id, roomDatabase[i].playerJoinedDatabase[j].username);
        public static void BroadcastPlayerJoined(string _codeRoom, int _id, string _uname)
            using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ServerPackets.playerJoined))

then on the clients side, player who join the room will be added to a list, after that player who has been join the room will be shown on every clients

    public static void AddPlayerToDatabase(Packet _packet)
        string _codeRoom = _packet.ReadString();
        int _id = _packet.ReadInt();
        string _uname = _packet.ReadString();

        if (_codeRoom == RoomDatabase.instance.roomCode)
            RoomDatabase.instance.AddPlayerToDatabase(_id, _uname);
    public void AddPlayerToDatabase(int id, string uname)
        bool found = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < playerDatabase.Count; i++)
            if (id == playerDatabase[i].id)
                found = true;

        if (!found)
            playerDatabase.Add(new PlayerDatabase(id, uname, 0));

beside play button there is a leave button that will take you out of room and go back to the main menu, in this function client will send packets data that tells the server that user has been leave from the room

    public void LeaveDestroyRoom()
        if (!Client.instance.isHost)
            ClientSend.LeaveRoomRequest(RoomDatabase.instance.roomCode, Client.instance.myUname);

        Client.instance.isPlay = false;

and from the play button, client will send a packet to the server to tells the server that the game going to play

    public void StartMatch(string gameType)
        ClientSend.StartMatch(RoomDatabase.instance.roomCode, gameType);
    public static void StartMatch(string code, string gameType)
        using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ClientPackets.startMatchRequest))

when client who is the host of the room send packet data that tell server that game hsa been play, server take that packet and broadcast it to all of the clients

        public static void StartMatchReceived(int _fromClient, Packet _packet)
            string code = _packet.ReadString();
            string gameType = _packet.ReadString();
            RoomHandler.StartMatch(code, true, gameType);
            ServerSend.BroadcastStartMatch(code, gameType);
        public static void BroadcastStartMatch(string _codeRoom, string _gameType)
            using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ServerPackets.startMatch))


after the host play the game, all of clients will be sent to the gameplay scene, first on the gameplay will be generated player as much as clients whose join the room, player script has a function to do a movement script

public class PlayerCharManager : MonoBehaviour
	public int horizontal = 0;
	public int vertical = 0;
	public float maxSpeed = 5f;

	public Animator anim;
	public Rigidbody2D rb;

	public bool faceRight = true;
	public bool isDead = false;
	void Start()
		rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
		anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
		anim.SetBool("walk", false);
		anim.SetBool("dead", false);
		anim.SetBool("jump", false);

    void FixedUpdate()
		Move(horizontal, vertical);

	void Move(int horizontal, int vertical)
		if (horizontal > 0)
			anim.SetBool("walk", true);
			if (faceRight == false)

		if ((horizontal < 0))
			anim.SetBool("walk", true);
			if (faceRight == true)

		if (vertical > 0)
			anim.SetBool("walk", true);

		if (vertical < 0)
			anim.SetBool("walk", true);

		if (horizontal == 0 && vertical == 0)
			anim.SetBool("walk", false);

		rb.velocity = new Vector3(horizontal * maxSpeed, vertical * maxSpeed, 0);


	void Flip()
		faceRight = !faceRight;
		Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
		theScale.x *= -1;
		transform.localScale = theScale;

a Game Manager Script will send player movement to the server

    public void MoveRequest()
        int horizontal = Convert.ToInt32(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"));
        int vertical = Convert.ToInt32(Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));

        if (horizontal == 0 && vertical == 0 && !sendIdle) {
                                      Client.instance.myId, horizontal, vertical);
            sendIdle = true;
        if (horizontal != 0 || vertical != 0)
                                      Client.instance.myId, horizontal, vertical);

            sendIdle = false;

    public void UpdatePlayerPosition(int id, int _controlHorizontal, int _controlVertical)
        for (int i = 0; i < RoomDatabase.instance.playerDatabase.Count; i++)
            if (RoomDatabase.instance.playerDatabase[i].id == id)
                RoomDatabase.instance.playerDatabase[i].character.horizontal = _controlHorizontal;
                RoomDatabase.instance.playerDatabase[i].character.vertical = _controlVertical;

then the server will receive the player position then broadcast it to another player, so they cant see eacb other position

        public static void PlayerPositionReceived(int _fromClient, Packet _packet)
            string code = _packet.ReadString();
            int id = _packet.ReadInt();
            int controlHorizontal = _packet.ReadInt();
            int controlVertical = _packet.ReadInt();
            //Console.WriteLine($"{code} - {id} - {controlHorizontal} - {controlVertical}");
            ServerSend.BroadcastPlayerPosition(code, id, controlHorizontal, controlVertical);
	public static void BroadcastPlayerPosition(string _codeRoom, int _id, int _controlHorizontal, int _controlVertical)
            using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ServerPackets.playerPosition))

below is code to set the question, from all the question will be choose 10 to show for the client, and below code have a function to count player score and show game over if the all of question already finished

    public void SetDatabase(string codeRoom, int categoryResult, int questionResult)
        if (RoomDatabase.instance.roomCode == codeRoom) {
            if (categoryResult == 0)
            else if (categoryResult == 1)
            else if (categoryResult == 2)
            else if (categoryResult == 3)

    public void SetQuestion(string codeRoom, int questionResult)
        if (RoomDatabase.instance.roomCode == codeRoom) {
            questionTemp = questionResult;
            questionText.text = $"{trivia[questionResult].question}";
            questionFix = trivia[questionResult].question;
            answerFix = trivia[questionResult].answer;

    IEnumerator QuestionCountDown()
        questionCountDown -= 1;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

        if (questionCountDown > 0)
            questionCountDown = 5f;
            questionTemp = 0;

            if (answer)
                answer = false;

            if (Client.instance.isHost)

            if (trivia.Count == 0)
                Client.instance.myScore += score;


                Debug.Log($"Total Score: {Client.instance.myScore}");
                Debug.Log($"Total Play: {Client.instance.myPlay}");

                scoreFinalText.text = $"Your Score's: {score}";
                isPlay = false;

every answer will be cheked by code below

public class TriviaCheckAnswer : MonoBehaviour
    public string thisAnswer;

    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        if ( == Client.instance.myUname)
            if (thisAnswer == UITriviaManager.instance.answerFix)
                UITriviaManager.instance.answer = true;
                Debug.Log("Jawabanmu Benar");
                UITriviaManager.instance.answer = false;
                Debug.Log("Jawabanmu Salah");

    private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
        if ( == Client.instance.myUname)
            UITriviaManager.instance.answer = false;
            Debug.Log("Kembali Ke Jawabanmu!");

the server will be choose 10 question randomly

    class TriviaHandler
        public static void SetQuestion(string codeRoom, bool ready, int maxQuestion)
            int questionResult = 0;

            if (ready)
                Random rand = new Random();
                questionResult = rand.Next(0, maxQuestion);
                ServerSend.TriviaQuestionBroadcast(codeRoom, questionResult);

        public static void SetDatabase(string codeRoom, int maxCategory, int maxQuestion)
            List<int> numberTemp = new List<int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < maxQuestion; i++)
                int categoryResult = 0;
                int questionResult = 0;

                Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

                    categoryResult = rand.Next(0, maxCategory);
                    questionResult = rand.Next(0, maxQuestion);
                } while (numberTemp.Contains(questionResult));

                //Console.WriteLine($"Category: {categoryResult} - Question: {questionResult}");
                ServerSend.TriviaDatabaseBroadcast(codeRoom, categoryResult, questionResult);


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