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This is a console application that syncronizes the contents of one NuGet feed with another NuGet feed. The syncronize will only add packages to another feed, and will never remove packages.


.NET Core 2.0 and above.


The application uses a json file to configure syncronization and chatbot settings. The json file is in the following format:

  "replicationPairs": [
      "description": "Replicate Powershell Feeds From ProGet To MyGet",
      "type": "nuget",
      "source": {
        "provider": "proget", 
        "url": "",
      "destination": {
        "provider": "myget",
        "url": "",
        "username": "USER_NAME_WITH_READ_ACCESS_TO_MYGET",
      "description": "Replicate NPM Feed From ProGet To MyGet",
      "type": "npm",
      "source": {
        "provider": "proget",
        "url": "",
      "destination": {
        "provider": "myget",
        "url": "",
        "username": "USER_NAME_WITH_READ_ACCESS_TO_MYGET",
      "FunctionKey": "FUNCTION_KEY",
      "ServiceURL": "",
      "ChannelData": "CHANNEL_ID",
      "Environment":  "Dev"

Replication Pairs An array of items that describe a source feed and a destination feed for copying packages. A minimum of one replication pair is needed. For syncronizing multiple feeds, multiple replication pairs will be added to the array.

Type The type of repository to copy. Can either be nuget or npm.

Description User friendly description of the replication pair. This will be written in the log files.

Source / Destination Every replication pair needs to have a single source object and a single destination object. The source object is where NuGet packages will be copied from. The destination object is where NuGet packages will be copied to.

Provider The type of NuGet installation used. Valid values are proget and myget.

Url The URL to the feed to be replicated. Refer to the provider documentation on the correct formatting of the URL for that provider. The config.sample.json file has sample urls for the ProGet and MyGet providers.

Token A token with write access to a feed. For source repositories, the token can be represented by an empty string. The token must be issued for the same user described in the Username / Password items.

Username User with read access to a feed.

Password Password associated with the Username item.

MessageSettings Describes the properties necessary to send messages to a chat bot service

FunctionKey A function key used to trigger the function with. Keys can be found/created under the 'Manage' blade in the Message Proxy function in the Azure Portal. A new key should be created for each instance where a key will be stored (Azure Key Vault, Azure Automation, etc...)

ServiceURL The URL of the service where messages will be sent

ChannelData Used to deliver messages to specific teams channels. To get a channel ID from Teams ask Uncle HAB for the Channel ID from that Channel. Example: @Dev-UncleHAB- what is the channel id?

Environment The environment where the Uncle HAB message proxy function lives. Valid environments are Dev, Test, and Prod.

The .NET solution contains a config.sample.json file that you can use as a template for configuration.


This program is inteded to be run as a scheduled task but can be run manually as well. To run, use the following command:

dotnet org.healthwise.ops.nugetsync.dll 

By default the application will look for a config.json file in the same directory as the org.healthwise.ops.nugetsync.dll. To supply an alternate configuration file, supply a file using the -c flag:

dotnet org.healthwise.ops.nugetsync.dll -c myotherconfig.json


Output will be logged to the directory containing the org.healthwise.ops.nugetsync.dll file named log-<timestamp>.txt. By default a new log file will be created each day, up to 7 files in total. Older files will then be removed from the directory.


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