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This repository contains components which provide run-time bundling and minification features for ASP.NET Core 2 in a similar way the System.Web.Optimization library does for classic ASP.NET.

NuGet Release

Main features

  • Css and Js minification and bundling (powered by NUglify and WebMarkupMin).
  • Less compilation and bundling (built on dotLess).
  • Straightforward and flexible configuration made possible by fluent API, compatibility with bundleconfig.json and multi-level settings inheritance.
  • Full control over server and client-side caching (including cache busting). Backing store is replaceable, memory and file system cache implementations are included.
  • Fully customizable transformation pipelines.
  • Dynamic content sources and query string parameterized bundles.
  • Razor tag helpers and the familiar, System.Web.Optimization-like API can be used as well.
  • Change detection.
  • Correct handling of URL path prefixes (app branch prefix, static files middleware prefix, etc.)
  • Highly modular design leveraging DI, which provides great extensibility.

Basic usage

1. Install NuGet package

The Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling package contains the core components only so you need to install a package that contains an actual implementation. You can choose between NUglify and WebMarkupMin implementations currently.

Install-Package Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling.NUglify


Install-Package Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling.WebMarkupMin

If you want to enable Less features as well, you need to install the following package:

Install-Package Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling.Less

2. Register bundling services

Add the following to the ConfigureServices method in your Startup class:

    .UseNUglify() // or .UseWebMarkupMin(), respectively
    .AddLess(); // if you need Less support
    .EnableCacheHeader(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)); // if you want to enable client-side caching

The _env field contains the current hosting environment. You can inject it in the constructor like this:

readonly IHostingEnvironment _env;

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration, IHostingEnvironment env)
    Configuration = configuration;
    _env = env;

UseDefaults adds support for Css and Js and sets the default transformations, enables hash based cache busting and memory caching (the only option currently). In case of development hosting environment, it enables change detection, otherwise enables minification.

If you want to switch to file system-backed caching, call UseFileSystemCaching() on the builder (after UseDefaults). Besides that, there are additional settings available on the builder.

3. Configure bundles

You configure your bundles in the Configure method of the Startup class in the following manner:

app.UseBundling(bundles =>
    // loading bundles from the json config file
    bundles.LoadFromConfigFile("/bundleconfig.json", _env.ContentRootFileProvider);

    // building an advanced configuration in code



UseBundling adds a middleware to the ASP.NET Core request pipeline. You can consider it as a static files middleware, so you need to place it after the exception handler middleware but before the MVC middleware (and probably before any authentication or authorization middlewares).

By default, the bundle URL paths will be prefixed with /bundles (this can be changed by supplying options to the UseBundling method) so the bundle registered to /virtual-path/to/bundle.css will be accessible at ~/bundles/virtual-path/to/bundle.css. You need to supply prefixed paths when you referencing bundles in the Razor views! (Since even multiple bundling middlewares can be registered with different prefixes. ;)

It's also important to include the proper file extension (which corresponds to the outputted content) in the bundle path, otherwise the file won't be served. (Or you may mess with the options and supply another IContentTypeProvider but I don't think it's worth it... :D)

By default, the include (and exclude) file paths are relative to the web root folder (this can be changed again by supplying another IFileProvider in the options). You can use the ordinary globbing patterns supported by the .NET Core file providers.

Instead of inefficiently adding excludes to remove pre-minified files, you may consider to implement an IFileBundleSourceFilter and add it as a global file filter.

4. Configure Razor views

In order to enable the bundling tag helpers you need to include the following in your _ViewImports.cshtml:

@using Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling.ViewHelpers
@addTagHelper *, Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling

5. Referencing bundles in Razor views

It's recommended to use helpers as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    @* [...] *@

    @* referencing stylesheet using tag helper *@
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/bundles/virtual-path/to/bundle.css" />

    @* referencing stylesheet using static helper *@
    @await Styles.RenderAsync("~/bundles/virtual-path/to/less-bundle.css")

    @* [...] *@

    @* referencing script using tag helper *@
    <script src="~/bundles/virtual-path/to/bundle.js"></script>

    @* referencing script using static helper *@
    @await Scripts.RenderAsync("~/bundles/virtual-path/to/bundle.js")

    @RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)

Advanced features

Check out the DynamicBundle demo to get an idea what you can use dynamic parameterized bundles for.

Bundling middleware settings

The behavior of the bundling middleware can be tweaked by passing a BundlingOptions instance to the UseBundling method.


Description Default value
SourceFileProvider The provider used by file sources. IHostingEnvironment. WebRootFileProvider
StaticFilesRequestPath The path prefix used when doing URL rebasing of static files. none
RequestPath The path prefix added to bundle URLs. It may be empty but not recommended as in that case identifying non-bundle requests involves some additional steps. "/bundles"
ContentTypeProvider Used to map files to content-types.
DefaultContentType The default content type for a request if the ContentTypeProvider cannot determine one. none
ServeUnknownFileTypes Specifies if files of unrecognized content-type should be served. false
OnPrepareResponse This can be used to add or change the response headers.

Bundle settings

Bundle settings can be configured on multiple levels: globally, per bundle type, per bundle, etc. Settings made on a higher level is effective until it's overridden on a lower level. Technically, this means if a property is set to null, the corresponding setting value will be inherited from the higher level (if any). If it's set to a non-null value, the setting will be effective on the current and lower levels.

Global settings

These can be configured when registering services using the AddBundling method. You may specify them by supplying a configuration delegate as its argument. Some of them can be specified using fluent API.

Per bundle type settings

These can be set similarly when calling the AddCss, AddJson, etc. extensions methods on the builder object returned by AddBundling.

Per bundle settings

If you need more fine-grained control, you can specify settings for a single bundle when defining them in the UseBundling using fluent API.


Description Default value Global Per type Per bundle Per item
EnableMinification Enables minification globally. If set to true, minification transformations will be added to the pipeline by default. false X
EnableChangeDetection Enables change detection. false X
EnableCacheHeader Enables client-side caching. If set to true, the Cache-Control HTTP header will be sent automatically. false X
CacheHeaderMaxAge Specifies the max-age value the Cache-Control HTTP header. undefined X
Builder The object responsible to produce the output of the bundle. X X X
FileFilters Objects that filters or sorts the input file list provided by file sources. X X X
ItemTransforms Transformations that are applied to each input item. This can even be set on item level. X X X X
Transforms Transformations that are applied to the concatenated output of input item transformations. X X X
ConcatenationToken The string used to concatenate the outputs of input item transformations. X X
CacheOptions Options for bundle output caching. cache with no expiration X
DependsOnParams Declares that the query string is relevant for caching as the bundle use its parameters to provide its output. false X
OutputEncoding Encoding of the output. UTF-8 X
InputEncoding Encoding of the input. auto-detect, fallback to UTF-8 X

Planned features

  • css imports inlining (currently less bundles can be used as a workaround)
  • change tracking of css / less imports ?
  • html bundling ?


  • documentation (vs xml docs, settings)
  • increase unit test code coverage

Any feedback or help appreciated! ;)


A run-time bundling and minification library for ASP.NET Core.







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  • Batchfile 0.1%