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Building Single Page Applications using Web API and AngularJS

Frameworks - Libraries

  1. ASP.NET Web API
  2. Entity Framework
  3. Autofac
  4. Automapper
  5. FluentValidation
  6. AngularJS
  7. Bootstrap 3
  8. 3rd part libraries

Installation instructions

  1. Build solution to restore packages
  2. Rebuild solution
  3. Change the connection strings inside the HomeCinema.Data/App.config and HomeCinema.Web/Web.config accoarding to your development environment
  4. Open Package Manager Console
  5. Select HomeCinema.Data as Default project (in package manager console) and run the following commands
    1. add-migration "initial"
    2. update-database -verbose
  6. Run HomeCinema.Web application
  7. Use username: chsakell, password: homecinema to login or register a new account



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Bower installations - you don't have to run them

  1. bower install angucomplete-alt --save
  2. bower install angular-base64
  3. bower install angular-file-upload
  4. bower install tg-angular-validator
  5. bower install bootstrap
  6. bower install raty
  7. bower install angular-loading-bar
  8. bower install angular-bootstrap