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C# Pattern Matching 3.3

This is second a try to implement pattern matching in C# as-idiomatic-as-possible. The idea was to avoid fluent matcher building and to provide a simple and clear syntax.

New in 3.3: .NETStandard2.0 Support

New in 3.0:

  • Complete redesign of Union<..> type (more type-safe)

Breaking changes against 2.* branch:

  • Unions must be matched with UnionMatcher
  • There is no more other way to extract value from Union<..> but pattern matching


Matching w/o returning a value:

var match = new Matcher<string>
    {s => s.Length == 1, s => Console.WriteLine("1")},
    {s => s.Length == 2, s => Console.WriteLine("2")},
    {s => true, s => Console.WriteLine("Many")}

match("a") // 1
match("aa") // 2
match("aaa") // Many

Matching w returning a single-type value:

var match = new Matcher<string, int>
    {s => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s), (string _) => 0},
    {s => true, s => s.Length}

int len1 = match(null); // 0
int len2 = match("abc"); // 3

Matching with Some/None:

var match = new Matcher<Option<int>, int?>
    // Predicate matching requires explicit type annotation
    {i => i is None, (Option<int> _) => null},
    {i => i as Some<int>, i => i.Value},

match(new None<int>()); // null
match(new Some<int>(10)); // 10

Union<..> matching:

var match = new UnionMatcher<Union<string, StringBuilder>, string>
    {UnionCase._<string>(), s => s},
    {UnionCase._<StringBuilder>(), sb => sb.ToString()}

match("string"); // string
match(new StringBuilder("stringBuilder")); // stringBuider

Matching with Regexes:

var match = new Matcher<string, string>
    {Case.Rx(new Regex("\\d{2}")), s => s},
    {Case.Rx(new Regex("test\\s(\\d{3})")), s => s}

match("12"); // 12
match("test 123"); // 123

Check out tests for more examples.


C# Pattern Matching via expression trees







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