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A configuration based commanding and mediator framework that supports command dispatch and execution in-process, over HTTP or over Azure Storage Queues. Written to .NET Standard 2.0 and supports many popular runtimes including .NET Core and .NET 4.6.x.


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A simple configuration based asynchronous command message framework designed to be both easy to use and highly extensible allowing projects to start with a simple in memory based approach to commanding and over time adopt advanced techniques such as event sourcing, remote commanding over REST and auditing. Out the box support is provided for dispatch and execution to occur in-process, over HTTP, and in a deferred manner over Azure Storage Queues. Support is also provided for popping commands directly from queues and executing them along with support for auditing.

The framework supports .NET Standard 2.0 (and higher) and so, at the time of writing, can be used with the following minimum version runtimes:

  • .NET 4.6.1
  • .NET Core 2.0
  • Mono 5.4
  • Xamarin.iOS 10.14
  • Xamarin.Mac 3.8
  • Xamarin.Android 10.8
  • Universal Windows Platform 10.0.16299

As such it can easily be used in a varierty of scenarios such as ASP.Net, ASP.Net Core, Console apps, Worker Roles, WebJobs etc.

Additionally the framework is designed specifically for use with a dependency injection approach and can be used with any of the common dependency injectors (e.g. Autofac, Ninject, Unity, ASP.Net Core Services Container etc.) through the use of a simple adapter.

For an introduction on taking the Commanding and Mediator approach to application architecture using this framework please see this series of posts here.

Getting Started

Firstly install the nuget package for commanding:

Install-Package AzureFromTheTrenches.Commanding

In our example we're going to be using the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection framework for our IoC container and so add the helper package too:

Install-Package AzureFromTheTrenches.Commanding.MicrosoftDependencyInjection

As an example let's create a command that adds two numbers together and returns a result:

public class MathResult
    public int Value { get; set; }

public class AddCommand : ICommand<MathResult>
    public int FirstNumber { get; set; }

    public int SecondNumber { get; set; }

Commands are acted on by handlers and our add action looks like this:

public AddCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<AddCommand, MathResult>
    public Task<MathResult> ExecuteAsync(AddCommand command, MathResult previousResult)
        return new MathResult {
            Value = command.FirstNumber + command.SecondNumber

Having defined our command, result and handler, we need to register these with the commanding system. If you're just writing a console app you can do this in Program.cs but for more realistic usage you'd do this where you configure your IoC container - it's handy to think of command registrations as just another part of your applications configuration, besides which you'll need access to the container. The example below demonstrates registration with the Microsoft ASP.Net Core Service Provider:

IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
IMicrosoftDependencyInjectionCommandingResolver dependencyResolver = serviceCollection.UseCommanding(options);
dependencyResolver.ServiceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

The UseCommanding method is an extension method on the dependency resolver that registers the injectable commaning interfaces and returns an ICommandRegistry interface that allows you to register handlers - you only need to register a handler, the framework will figure out the rest. Registration uses a fluent API style for concise code.

To dispatch our command we need to get hold of the ICommandDispatcher interface and send the command. We'll do that and output the result to the console:

ICommandDispatcher commandDispatcher = dependencyResolver.ServiceProvider.GetService<ICommandDispatcher>();
MathResult mathResult = await commandDispatcher.DispatchAsync(new AddCommand { FirstNumber = 5, SecondNumber = 6});
Console.WriteLine(mathResult.Value); // hopefully says 11

And for simple usage that's it. The above is a bit contrived as we're resolving dependencies by hand and theres a lot of boilerplate to add two numbers together but in real world scenarios all you really need to do is register your commands in the appropriate place, for example if you're using ASP.Net Core then all the dependency injection boilerplate is in place.


Documentation can be found in the wiki. There are also samples below and there's a series of posts on my blog.


  1. Simple in memory command execution

  2. Dispatching commands over HTTP

  3. Executing commands in response to HTTP requests (ASP.Net Core)

  4. Dispatching to and executing from Azure Storage queues

  5. Azure storage auditing

  6. Azure event hub auditing

Advanced Usage

Further usage scenarios can be found in the wiki including:


If you get stuck log a GitHub issue or catch me over on Twitter at @azuretrenches and I'll help if I can.


A configuration based commanding and mediator framework that supports command dispatch and execution in-process, over HTTP or over Azure Storage Queues. Written to .NET Standard 2.0 and supports many popular runtimes including .NET Core and .NET 4.6.x.







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  • C# 98.9%
  • PowerShell 1.1%