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Base64 Diff


  1. Download the solution from Git (
  2. Build the solution Caliel.Base64Diff.sln using Visual Studio 2017
  3. Execute the main project Caliel.Base64Diff.Api either on IIS Express or Self hosted
  4. Open your favorite web browser and go to http://localhost:63634/docs.

There are two configurations for port: 63634 to IIS Express and 63635 to Self hosted.

But you can change it in the Project Configuration


  • Visual Studio 2017
  • .NET Core SDK 2.0


The solution has been splitted into 3 layers, and there are 4 test projects.

  • Caliel.Base64.Api

This layer allows users make requests in order to save content into left or right side.

  • Caliel.Base64.Data

This layer reads and writes data. Now the project is using File System to write binaries files (folder c:\temp) and, in the future, this could be changed.

  • Caliel.Base64.Domain

This layer does the magic tricks, the API only receives HTTP request and send it to Domain in order to validate, compare and persist data.

  • Caliel.Base64.API.Tests,
  • Caliel.Base64.Domain.Tests
  • Caliel.Base64.Data.Tests

Unit tests projects to referred project.

  • Caliel.Base64.Tests

Integration tests, from end-to-end. All tests post to API and wait for response, like a real enviromnent.


The API owns 5 endpoints as specified below:

Endpoint Description
GET /docs Documentation auto-generated by Swagger
GET /v1/ping Ping to check if service is avaiable
POST /v1/diff/{id}/left Post left side of Diff (should be in base64 form)
POST /v1/diff/{id}/right Post Right side of Diff (should be in base64 form)
GET /v1/diff/{id} Compare and returns similarity between left and right side

POST Request

    "data": "Q2FsaWVsIENvc3Rh"

GET Response

  "similarity": "AreEquals",
  "diffs": [
      "offset": 0,
      "length": 0

If you want know more about endpoints and parameters you can check at http://localhost:63634/docs and see online documentation.


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