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An Extended Dedicated Server for Hellion


Build status


Jenkins -

Forums and Plugins -

Steam Discussion -

Hellion Forum Topic -

The new Development branch in the Git repository contains the latest working code for the server.
Its almost ready for an actual release, but can be used by server owners who know how to clone and run a build operation. And who knows that it could potentionally mess up their current server! We dont want to create an actual release for the Development branch at this moment but this will change soon.

Whats New

Now includes SteamCMD support
	it will download the game server and create all the required folders without any user interaction except running HellionExtendedServer.exe[/list]


 You can edit the GameServerIni in the GUI
 Console commands to use (See the Console Command section below)
 you can chat with people on the server by just typing into the command prompt or on the Chat tab of the GUI.
 You can read the chat from all players that talk on the console, or on the Chat tab of the GUI.
 (Alpha)You can build and use plugins.
 Ingame chat commands.
 (WIP)Permission System


Just drop the 2 files and the folder from the zip archive into your Hellion Dedicated Server directory or drop the 2 files into a new folder and it will install the server for you and all of the required files.


To start the server, just run HellionServerExtender.exe ( make sure the files above exist with HellionExtendedServer.exe)

Command Line Arguments

 -nogui - Disables the GUI
 -autostart - The server automaticly starts when HES is ran
 -noupdatehellion - HES will not automaticly update Hellion Dedicated
 -noupdatehes - HES will not update itself

Console Commands

commands start with /

Type directly into the console to talk to players as the server.
 /help - lists these commands
 /players -list - returns the full list of connected players
 /players -count - returns the current amount of online players
 /players -all - returns every player that has ever been on the server. And if they're online.
 /opengui - reopens the GUI if it was closed
 /start - starts the server
 /stop - stops the server
 /kick - kicks the specified player from the server
 /save - forces a universe save
 /save -send - forces a universe save, and tells connected players
 /send (name) text - send a message to the specified player


Generalwrex TheCaptain Yungtechboy1

If you would like to help, fork or message us!

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