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Late 70s Atari game clone


This project copies basic Asteroid Arcade gameplay elements.
Esc - quit
Arrows / WAD - move and rotate (no backwards move)
LMB / space - shoot
4 lives per game. For every 1000pts a UFO comes. Rewards for asteroids: large - 20pts, medium - 50pts, small - 100pts; UFO - 200pts.
No leveling, game ends with all lives beaten.


GameManager -

entry point with the only Awake() method in the project. Handles game state, reloads project on every scene reload.

SceneHelper -

keeps pixels to world units Math, spaceship game object link and main camera links. Static.

SpaceshipController -

handles controls, produces bullets, die/respawn logic, calls Player.LoseLife(). Publics for editor: spaceship velocity and torque multipliers, bullet speed and lifetime. Is teleportable.

AsteroidController -

handles asteroids collisions, movement, produces children after death. Publics: velocity bounds, max torque. Is teleportable, is exploadable.

AsteroidHelper -

auxilary static class. Basic asteroid info.

AsteroidBuilder -

produces asteroids of random types and sizes (stages in project names), keeps duration before next spawn and decreases it with PointsOverSecond speed.

UIController -

keeps score and remainig lives in top left screen corner, has game over panel. Static

GameState, PlayerState classes -

more likely structs. Only purpose - keeping whether the player is alive and the game is ongoing or not.

Player -

keeps info about it's lives and points. Every 1000pts calls a UFO to spawn. Keeps immortality duration. Static.

UfoController -

produces and keeps settings of UFOs. Has 2 phases in player pursuit - horizontal and straight. Is teleportable, is exploadable.

ResourcesLoader -

keeps singletons of resources that are needed to be loaded on fly, e.g. asteroids, explosions or spaceship different texture. Static.

TeleportableBehaviour -

calculates and runs teleportation logic for onscreen objects. Moves them to the opposite side of the screen. Owners: SpaceshipController, AsteroidsController, UfoController.

ExploadableBehaviour -

checks if the collision should destroy the asset and if needed does it. Owners: UfoController, AsteroidController.

Project has primitive sound effects for hitting the player, destroying enemy, UFO flying, shooting and game over.

Expected game behaviour: any player collision = death, enemies do not collide each other, enemy and laser collision = enemy death, UFOs change phases of pursuit, after game over enemies are not teleportable anymore.


Late 70s Atari game clone






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