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Application stores users project and assigns them to locations This is my bachelor project.


Service Port
Inventory 7000,7001
ApiGateway 7100,7101
AuthSever 7200,7201
Places 7300,7301
Db 1433
RabbitMq 5672
RabbitMqGui 15672


How to run

Steps (1-3 only the first time):

  1. To create mssql and rabbitmq servers run inside docker directory:
    docker-compose up
  2. Create database
  3. Seed database
  4. Run Keeper (DEV)
    • Using Powershell script: go inside scripts and run .\dev_run.ps1
    • Using Visual Studio: open Keeper.sln and run:
      • ApiGateway.WebApi
      • Inventory.WebApi
    • Using dotnetCLI: head to src directory and run dotnet run
      • Inside ApiGateway\ApiGateway.WebApi
      • Inside Inventory\WebApi

Proper script based on docker is in development.

Docker configuration


Database migrations

Clean database need migrations applied. To do so you need first to install tools:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

After this operation you may need to restart system.

Database connection string is in every service in appsettings.json file. You might need to change it to connect to database. You can apply migrations for one service going to service solution directory and typing

dotnet ef database update

Database seeds

Seeds are located in sql\<service_name> folder. To apply them run seed.ps1 per each service.


Each microservice will have his own queue, which it will listen on. All microservices will use the same direct exchange to send messages.
