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Simple C# WebRTC sample, part of the Meshcentral open source project v0.7

All code is released under Apache 2.0 license except for OpenSSL which comes under it's own license. Open license.txt for more details.
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--- For Windows, WebRTC C# sample ---

If you are just getting started go in "WebRTC C# sample/bin/debug" folder and run "WebRTC Sample.exe". You then hit the "Open Browser" button. This will open a browser that will connect back to the C# sample. We included a tiny HTTP server to serve the sample web page and exchange the WebRTC offer and answer. Once open, the page will automatically start the WebRTC session and you get a chat window on both sides you can use to send and receive data.

The WebRTC stack itself is built in C and compiled into WebRTC.dll. The file is large because we statically link OpenSSL which provides the WebRTC security and dTLS support. We then have "WebRTC.cs", the code that does the C-to-C# bindings.

To use WebRTC in your own applications, all you need to do is include the WebRTC.cs file in your project, add the line "using OpenSource.WebRTC;" to your code and start using WebRTC C# classes.

-- For Linux and Windows, WebRTC C sample ---

The WebRTC data stack built entirely in C code with a working C sample that will compile on both Windows and Linux. Compile it, run it and open a browser to the specified URL to get a WebRTC session going between the browser and the C application.

On Windows, load "WebRTC MicroStackSample.sln" in Visual Studio, compile and run.

On Linux type the following to compile:

	make linux-32
	make linux-64
	make linux-arm

For "Linux-arm", you need to edit the path of the ARM compiler in the makefile.


Pear's WebRTC DataChannel Implementation. In ANSI C & Cross-platform. (built on top of Intel's)



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