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  1. I've never played roulette before and I did not know the rules. Therefore, the first step was to read a few webpages about the rules of roulette.
  2. I played other roulette games.
  3. I coded roulette logic with unit test, not related to Unity project.
  4. Implemented UI element by element.
  5. Test

How I have dealt with specific problems along the way

  1. Problem: How to test if score is calculated correctly?
    I didn't want to test and calculate it manually, so first thing I did was to create unit tests.

  2. Problem: A lot of bet fields
    There are a lot of fields where player can place a chip, so I created small Unity Editor script to pre-generate game objects for me, it saved a lot of time.

List of features you would like to implement, if given more time

  1. Improve visuals
    1. Real roulette animation.
    2. Chip should turn color to gray when player doesn't have enough money.
    3. No more bets dialog
    4. Add vibrations on spin
    5. Add animation showing won chips goes to balance and other chips going to casio.
  2. Add music and sound effects
  3. Repeat last bet button.
  4. Clear current bet button.
  5. History of bets and wins
  6. Game save - to save player's wallet balance. Preferably in Google/Apple accound.
  7. IAP
    1. chips
    2. table skins
    3. chips skins
  8. Rewarded Ad to get more free chips
  9. Daily reward to get more free chips
  10. analytics SDK to track
    1. retention.
    2. Daily, Monthly Active Users
    3. Sessions per user
    4. Time spent
    5. and so on...
  11. Push notification with huge amount free chips when player's retention is going down.
  12. I would implement not really random and fair Wheel, but one that will engage player based on his progress
  13. Daily/monthly leaderboard - who won the biggest amount of money.
  14. Second option - American roulette
  15. Share screenshoot button on player win


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