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Clear and easy meeting scheduling. Nothing else.

This is the GitHub repository for the app When.

How to Run Locally

To run/test this project locally, please follow the following steps

Installing dependencies

The app was built with .NET Core 3.1 as a backend which serves a React SPA as a Frontend. Therefore you need:

For macOS/Linux, you might as well refer to Homebrew/your respective package manager to install these dependencies.

Cloning and Running the Project

After you have installed all the necessary dependencies and cloned the project with git clone, you can run it using one of the following methods:

a) Visual Studio

Simply start Visual Studio, open the When.sln file in the Project root and click "Run".

b) dotnet CLI (macOS/Linux)

  1. Navigate into the When project folder which is in the Project root

    cd $PATH_TO_REPO/When

  2. Run the project with the dotnet runtime

    dotnet run

Both methods should install the necessary project dependencies (even the npm packages from the React app) on the first build and run the server. You can then access the React app with a browser of your choice using the URL:


(optional) Connecting to a Local Postgres Database

When uses an In-Memory-Database when the environment variable $DATABASE_URL is not set. This allows for quick prototyping without having to worry about installing/maintaining a local database only for testing purposes.

However, if you do want to provide a local Postgres database in order to test some database functions, you can provide such a URL to your local database as follows:

  1. Construct URL from your database credentials and set environment variable:

    export DATABASE_URL="postgres://<username>:<password>@localhost:5432/<database-name>"

    Assuming, that your Postgres server runs on port 5432 on your machine.

    The app will build a connection string from this URL and connect to your local database.

  2. Run migrations to the local database:

    dotnet ef database update

    This will make EntityFramework create the necessary tables and relations in your local database. ($DATABASE_URL has to be set here as well!)

After that, you can run the app using the steps above and When will use your database as a persistent storage across restarts so that your data doesn't get lost.

How to Contribute

  1. (Preferably) Create an issue in the Issues tab and assign it to yourself so that it is clear, what is currently being worked on.
  2. Fork this repo
  3. Make your desired changes
  4. Make a Pull Request to this repo's develop branch
  5. Get reviewed
  6. Profit 😀

How to get Help

Found a bug? Have some ideas? Need help?

Feel free to write an issue on the Issues tab!

You are also free to fix the issue yourself and make a Pull Request, as stated above, with your changes if you have a solution in mind.


Clear and easy meeting scheduling. Nothing else.






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