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What's WaaS?

WaaS is short for Web scraper as a service. It's a web-application that allows users to define crawls that look for a RegEx Pattern on an URL. WaaS will periodically check the website for matching patterns and notify the users via E-Mail.

How to run it


To run WaaS locally you need the following software:

We're using Visual Studio to run and debug the back-end of the app but you can also run the app with the dotnet cli tool included in the .NET Core SDK by running dotnet run WaaS.Presentation.csproj in the WaaS.Presentation folder.

  1. Clone or download this git repository.
  2. Open a cli in the WaaS\WaaS.Presentation\ClientApp folder.
  3. Download the required npm dependencies using npm i
  4. Start the Angular SPA using npm start.
  5. Open the WaaS.sln in Visual Studio.
  6. Set WaaS.Presentation as the Startup project.
  7. Start the application.
