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RepeatApp - Note syncronization application - Short Description

This is a note taking application. When the app is first istalled a "First Notebook" will be created, in which notes can be saved. Each note has to belong to a notebook. In order to distinguish different notes content they can be placed in other notebooks. A Notebooks has a name and a list of Notes. A Note has a name and a content. The next feature that I am working on is data Syncronization accross all devices.

I built a NotebookAPI, which will be the central database and a Syncronization Service, which handles the sync of the data.

The project consists of 2 servers and 2 clients.
The clients are mobile (Xamarin - Android) and web (Node JS) and have the following functionalities:

• Authentication using an External Service

• Data stored on a local database (only for mobile client). - SQLite

• Synchronization of data with Web API.

The servers are:

• Web API, which serves as a central synchronized point for data to be stored.

• Synchronizing Service, which handles the data synchronization (C#)

The architecture:

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Web client

• Login:

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• Add notebook:

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• Notebook/Notes view:

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Mobile client

• Login :

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• Syncronization View:

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