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This is a framework designed to implement cloud applications utilizing Microsoft's Windows Azure cloud service. The goal was to create a framework that was scalable and flexible and easy to use. Part of this was achieved through the use of a combination of HTML pages utilizing JavaScript and generic handlers to handle certain types of backend processing such as database access or search requests.
Rather than serving up pages stored in the VM, the framework serves up objects that are stored in Windows Azure Blob Storage. Database queries are defined using XML blocks and interpreted by a handler. Lucene Search queries are handled the same way.

#The Configuration File# There are two items defined in the role.cscfg file. One is the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Plugins.Diagnostics.ConnectionString This is used to determine both where to store the diagnostic logs but also serves as the connection to where the config file used by the framework is stored.
There is another setting called configurationContainer. This is the container that contains a file named configuration.xml. The configuration.xml file stores all of the configuration data for the Web and Worker roles. At the moment, there are four repeating sections:

  • blobData
  • fragmentData
  • queueData
  • tableData
    Each individual element section contains a name attribute. This allows for adding other domain names for multi-tenanted hosting. If you used, for example, name="", then you could have a different blob storage then you are using for

<root> <blobData name="default">
<Setting name="endpoint" value="http://{provide}" />
<Setting name="account" value="{provide}" />
<Setting name="accountSharedKey" value="{provide}" />
<Setting name="rootContainer" value="$root" />
<fragmentData name="default">
<Setting name="HandlerFragments" value="fragments" />
<Setting name="luceneFragments" value="lucene-fragments" />
<queueData name="default">
<Setting name="endpoint" value="http://{provide}" />
<Setting name="account" value="{provide}" />
<Setting name="accountSharedKey" value="{provide}" />
<tableData name="default">
<Setting name="endpoint" value="http://{provide}" />
<Setting name="account" value="{provide}" />
<Setting name="accountSharedKey" value="{provide}" />

#Defining a Database Call# Database calls are handled by the Queries.ashx handler. The web-config defines this handler so it processes any request ending in .q. The handler then looks in a blob container called fragments to find a similarly named xml blob.

Note File names are case sensitive. ThisIsADataRequest.q must match up to ThisIsADataRequest.xml.

The following is an exampe of an XML configuration for a database call: <?xml version="1.0"?>
<storedProcedure procedureName="" connectionName="" requirePost="false" >
<parameter parameterName="@Clue" urlParameterName="Clue" dataType="nvarchar" dataLength="255" defaultValue="DBNull" isOutput="false" />
<cacheInformation expireSeconds="0" cacheability="private" />


A framework for developing Azure Applications that allows for quick and easy setup






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