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A C# (G)Lua lexer, parser, code analysis, transformation and code generation toolkit.

This is (another) rewrite from scratch based on Roslyn and The Complete Syntax of Lua with a few extensions:

  1. Operators introduced in Garry's Mod Lua (glua):
    • && for and;
    • || for or;
    • != for ~=;
    • ! for not;
  2. Comment types introduced in Garry's Mod Lua (glua):
    • C style single line comment: // ...;
    • C style multi line comment: /* */;
  3. Characters accepted as part of identifiers by LuaJIT (emojis, non-rendering characters, or basically any byte above 127/0x7F);
  4. Roblox compound assignment: +=, -=, *=, /=, ^=, %=, ..=;
  5. Lua 5.3 bitwise operators.

Using Loretta v0.2

Parsing text

  1. (Optional) Pick a LuaSyntaxOptions preset and then create a LuaParseOptions from it. If no preset is picked, LuaSyntaxOptions.All is used by default;
  2. (Optional) Create a SourceText from your code (using one of the SourceText.From overloads);
  3. Call LuaSyntaxTree.ParseText with your SourceText/string, (optional) LuaParseOptions, (optional) path and (optional) CancellationToken;
  4. Do whatever you want with the returned LuaSyntaxTree.

Formatting Code

The NormalizeWhitespace method replaces all whitespace and and end of line trivia by normalized (standard code style) ones.

Accessing scope information

If you'd like to get scoping and variable information, create a new Script from your SyntaxTrees and then do one of the following:

Using Variables

There are 4 kinds of variables:

  • VariableKind.Local a variable declared in a LocalVariableDeclarationStatementSyntax;
  • VariableKind.Global a variable used without a previous declaration;
  • VariableKind.Parameter a function parameter;
  • VariableKind.Iteration a variable that is an iteration variable from a NumericForLoopSyntax or GenericForLoopSyntax;

The interface for variables is IVariable which exposes the following information:

  • IVariable.Kind- The VariableKind;
  • IVariable.Scope - The containing scope;
  • IVariable.Name - The variable name (might be ... for varargs);
  • IVariable.Declaration - The place where the variable was declared (null for the implcit arg and ... variables available in all files and global variables);
  • IVariable.ReferencingScopes - The scopes that have statements that directly reference this variable;
  • IVariable.CapturingScopes - Scopes that capture this variable as an upvalue;
  • IVariable.ReadLocations - Nodes that read from this variable;
  • IVariable.WriteLocations - Nodes that write to this variable;

Using Scopes

There are 4 kinds of scopes:

  • ScopeKind.Global - There is only one of these, the Script.RootScope. It implements IScope and only contains globals;
  • ScopeKind.File - These implement IFileScope and are the root scopes for files (LuaSyntaxTrees);
  • ScopeKind.Function - These implement IFunctionScope and are generated for these nodes:
    • AnonymousFunctionExpressionSyntax;
    • LocalFunctionDeclarationStatementSyntax;
    • FunctionDeclarationStatementSyntax.
  • ScopeKind.Block - These implement only IScope and are generated for normal blocks from these nodes:
    • NumericForStatementSyntax;
    • GenericForStatementSyntax;
    • WhileStatementSyntax;
    • RepeatUntilStatementSyntax;
    • IfStatementSyntax;
    • ElseIfClauseSyntax;
    • ElseClauseSyntax;
    • DoStatementSyntax.

IScopes are the most basic kind of scope and all other scopes derive from it. The information exposed by them is:

  • IScope.Kind - The ScopeKind;
  • IScope.Node - The SyntaxNode that originated the scope. Will be null for global and file scopes;
  • IScope.Parent - The scope's parent IScope. Will be null for the global scope;
  • IScope.DeclaredVariables - The IVariables that were declared in this scope;
  • IScope.ReferencedVariables - The IVariables that are referenced by this scope or its children;
  • IScope.GotoLabels - The IGotoLabels directly contained by this scope.

IFunctionScopes are scopes from function declarations. They have everything from IScopes and also:

  • IFunctionScope.Parameters - The IVariable parameters for this function;
  • IFunctionScope.CapturedVariables - The IVariables captured as upvalues by this function.

IFileScopes are scopes for entire files (LuaSyntaxTrees). They have everything from IScopes and also:

  • IFileScope.ArgsVariable - The implicit args variable available in all lua script files;
  • IFileScope.VarArgParameter - The implicit vararg parameter available in all lua script files.


A C# (G)Lua lexer, parser, code analysis, transformation and generation library.







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