Esempio n. 1
 public static PolyLoop[] makePolyLoopArray(int size)
     PolyLoop[] retarr = new PolyLoop[size];
     for(int i = 0; i<size; i++)
         PolyLoop pl = new PolyLoop();
         retarr[i] = pl;
     return retarr;
Esempio n. 2
        //receives a polyloop and a list of points.
        //the polyloop is returned filled with cartesian points
        //can only create a polyloop with 100 coordinates at the most
        public static PolyLoop makePolyLoopsFromDbleList(PolyLoop pg, List<List<double>> pointslist)
            pg.Points = new CartesianPoint[pointslist.Count()];

            //culturally invariant by default
            int listcount = 0;
            foreach (List<double> ofpoints in pointslist)
                //we assume that each set ofpoints has three coordinate
                //the first is an x coordinate, second is y, third is z
                //there will only be three doubles
                CartesianPoint pt = new CartesianPoint();
                pt.Coordinate = new string[3];
                CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(String.Empty);
                string xformat = string.Format(ci, "{0:0.000000}", ofpoints[0]);
                string yformat = string.Format(ci, "{0:0.000000}", ofpoints[1]);
                string zformat = string.Format(ci, "{0:0.000000}", ofpoints[2]);
                pt.Coordinate[0] = xformat;
                pt.Coordinate[1] = yformat;
                pt.Coordinate[2] = zformat;
                pg.Points[listcount] = pt;


            return pg;
 public static PlanarGeometry makegbPlanarGeom(List<List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>> coordinates)
     PlanarGeometry pg = new PlanarGeometry();
     PolyLoop pl = new PolyLoop();
     pg.PolyLoop = pl;
     for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.Count(); i++)
         //the polyloop array of points is defined
         pl.Points = new CartesianPoint[coordinates[i].Count()];
         for (int j = 0; j < coordinates[i].Count(); j++)
             //returns a point with three coordinate strings
             CartesianPoint cp = makegbCartesianPt(coordinates[i][j]);
             //the point is added to the polyloop
             pl.Points[j] = cp;
     return pg;