Esempio n. 1
        // Returns the total score of the player, with the card or no card
        public static int GetScore(Player p, Player east, Player west, string cardID)
            // Score for victory is automatically computing the Victory points for
            // Blue cards, Wonder stages,
            int score = 0;
            int schoiceCount = 0;

            Dictionary<Score, int> oldScore = new Dictionary<Score, int>();
            List<Card> played = new List<Card>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<Score, int> k in p.getScore())
                oldScore[k.Key] = k.Value;

            foreach (string card in p.getPlayed())

            // Card isn't NULL - returns the score of the player with the hypothetical card in the players
            // Played card list
            if (cardID != null)
                Card card = CardLibrary.getCard(cardID);
                if (!p.cardPlayed(cardID))

                // Check Wonder board effects first
                // This way if a player has guildCopy, it will take into account that the scientist guild
                // card is added into the players played hand and counted
                for (int i = 0; i < p.getBoard().getStagesBuilt(); i++)
                    foreach (Effect e in p.getBoard().getSide().getStageEffects(i))
                        if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.SCHOICE))
                            schoiceCount += 1;
                        // Loop through Wonder Effects for the players
                        // GUILD COPY - not finished
                        else if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.GUILD))
                            played.Add(GetGuildCopyCard(p, east, west));
                    } // Foreach loop through Wondestage effects
                } // For loop through the stages

                // Looping through the player's played cards
                foreach (Card card in played)
                    // Looping through the effects of each Card for End Game purposes
                    foreach (Effect e in card.effects)
                        // Victory Points
                        if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.VICTORY))
                            // FROM: NEIGHBORS
                            // and BASIS: CardColour, Wonderstages, Defeat
                            if (e.from != Effect.FromType.NONE && e.from.Equals(Effect.FromType.NEIGHBOURS))
                                // Apply victory points awarded for each
                                // Wonderstage neigboring cities own
                                if (e.basis.Equals(Effect.BasisType.WONDER))
                                    score += GetVictoryAllWonders(p, east, west);

                                //Victory points given per neighbor's conlfict token
                                else if (e.basis.Equals(Effect.BasisType.DEFEAT))
                                   score += GetVictoryNeighboursConflict(east, west);

                                 // Victory points awarded per certain structure built by neighbours
                                   score += GetVictoryNeighboursColour(east, west, cardType[e.basis], e.amount);
                            // FROM: PLAYER
                            // BASIS: CardColour, Wonderstages,
                            else if (e.from != Effect.FromType.NONE && e.from.Equals(Effect.FromType.PLAYER))
                                if (e.basis.Equals(Effect.BasisType.WONDER))
                                   score += p.getBoard().getStagesBuilt();
                                    score += GetVictoryColour(p, cardType[e.basis], e.amount);
                            // FROM: ALL
                            // BASIS: Wonderstages
                            else if (e.from != Effect.FromType.NONE && e.from.Equals(Effect.FromType.ALL))
                              score +=  GetVictoryAllWonders(p, east, west);
                        } // End Victory Points

                        // SCIENCE CHOICE
                        else if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.SCHOICE))
                            schoiceCount += 1;
                    } // End Effect Loop for Cards
                } // End Current Player's Card Loop

                for (int i = 0; i < p.getBoard().getStagesBuilt(); i++)
                    foreach (Effect e in p.getBoard().getSide().getStageEffects(i))
                        if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.VICTORY)) score += e.amount;

                // Max Function, will add onto the max science value
                foreach (KeyValuePair<Score, int> k in GetBestScienceChoice(p, schoiceCount))
                    oldScore[k.Key] += k.Value;
                score += CalculateScience(oldScore[Score.GEAR], oldScore[Score.COMPASS], oldScore[Score.TABLET]);
                score += p.getScoreNum(Score.CONFLICT);
                score += GetTreasuryScore(p);

                return score;