Esempio n. 1
        private static DataMap GenerateMapInternal(Type type, string tableName, IEnumerable <string> keyFields, int schemaVersion)
            if (schemaVersion == 0)
                schemaVersion = int.MaxValue;

            if (keyFields == null)
                keyFields = new string[0];

            var map = new DataMap(type);

            // get or create data item
            IDataMapItem theDataItem = DataItemAttribute.GetFromTypeOrMember(type);

            if (theDataItem != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
                    theDataItem.TableName = tableName;
                theDataItem = new DataMapItem(tableName, true);

            // assign to data map
            map.DataItem = theDataItem;

            // create fields from properties
            foreach (var pi in type.GetProperties())
                IDataMapField field = DataFieldAttribute.GetFromProperty(pi);

                if ((field == null) && theDataItem.ImplicitFieldDefinition)
                    field = new DataMapField(pi, pi.Name, DataManager.GetDbType(pi.PropertyType), true);

                    if (keyFields.Contains(field.FieldName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        field.IsKeyField = true;

                    // special handling of rowVersion field
                    if ((pi.PropertyType == typeof(byte[])) && field.FieldName.Equals("rowVersion", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        field.IsRowVersion = true;

                    // special handling of UTC fields (not in 4.0)
                    if (((pi.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) || (pi.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?))) && field.FieldName.EndsWith("UTC", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        field.DateTimeKind = DateTimeKind.Utc;

                if ((field != null) && (field.SchemaVersion <= schemaVersion))
