Esempio n. 1
        private void CheckMonitorItems()
                Settings.Instance.MonitorItems.Where(i => i.IsEnabled).ForEach(item =>
                    var server = Settings.Instance.FindServer(item.Server);
                    if (server != null)
                        server.Database = "master";
                        switch (item.AlertType)
                        case AlertTypes.SQL:
                            switch (item.CondictionType)
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                var sessions = SQLHelper.Query(QueryEngine.SQLProcesses, server);
                                sessions.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().ForEach(r =>
                                    var id  = r["spid"].ToString();
                                    var sql = QueryEngine.GetSessionSQL(id, server);
                                    if (IsTextMatch(sql, item.Target))
                                        bool result;
                                        if (item.CondictionType == 1)
                                            TimeSpan span = ((DateTime)r["last_batch_end"]).Subtract((DateTime)r["last_batch_begin"]);
                                            result        = span > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(item.CondictionValue);
                                            sql           = span.ToString() + ", " + sql;
                                            result = true;
                                        if (result)
                                            var key = id + "|" + r["hostname"].ToString() + "|" + r["hostprocess"].ToString();
                                            ShowAlert(item, key, sql);

                            case 2:
                                var tasks = SQLHelper.Query(QueryEngine.SQLWaitingTasks, server);
                                tasks.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().ForEach(r =>
                                    var id = r["[Blocking Session Id]"].ToString();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                                        var sql = QueryEngine.GetSessionSQL(id, server);
                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                                            sql = "session id = " + id;
                                        ShowAlert(item, sql, sql);


                        case AlertTypes.Server:
                            switch (item.CondictionType)
                            case 0:
                                    SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar("SELECT @@version", server);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    ShowAlert(item, server.Server, ex.Message);


                        //case AlertTypes.CPU:
                        //    var cpu = CurrentCpuUsage;
                        //    if (cpu > item.CondictionValue)
                        //        ShowAlert(item, cpu.ToString());
                        //    break;
                        //case AlertTypes.Memory:
                        //    var mem = AvailableRAM;
                        //    if (mem > item.CondictionValue)
                        //        ShowAlert(item, mem.ToString());
                        //    break;
                        //case AlertTypes.Diskspace:
                        //    break;
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 2
        private void CheckPerformanceItem(ServerInfo Server, bool IsServer)
            PerformanceRecord record;

            if (IsServer)
                var sql                      = @"declare @now       datetime
declare @cpu_busy   bigint
declare @io_busy	bigint
declare @idle		bigint
declare @pack_received	bigint
declare @pack_sent	bigint
declare @pack_errors	bigint
declare @connections	bigint
declare @total_read	bigint
declare @total_write	bigint
declare @total_errors	bigint

declare @oldcpu_busy    bigint	/* used to see if DataServer has been rebooted */
declare @interval	bigint
declare @mspertick	bigint	/* milliseconds per tick */

**  Set @mspertick.  This is just used to make the numbers easier to handle
**  and avoid overflow.
select @mspertick = convert(int, @@timeticks / 1000.0)

**  Get current monitor values.
	@now = getdate(),
	@cpu_busy = @@cpu_busy,
	@io_busy = @@io_busy,
	@idle = @@idle,
	@pack_received = @@pack_received,
	@pack_sent = @@pack_sent,
	@connections = @@connections,
	@pack_errors = @@packet_errors,
	@total_read = @@total_read,
	@total_write = @@total_write,
	@total_errors = @@total_errors

**  Check to see if DataServer has been rebooted.  If it has then the
**  value of @@cpu_busy will be less than the value of spt_monitor.cpu_busy.
**  If it has update spt_monitor.
select @oldcpu_busy = cpu_busy
	from master.dbo.spt_monitor
if @oldcpu_busy > @cpu_busy
	update master.dbo.spt_monitor
			lastrun = @now,
			cpu_busy = @cpu_busy,
			io_busy = @io_busy,
			idle = @idle,
			pack_received = @pack_received,
			pack_sent = @pack_sent,
			connections = @connections,
			pack_errors = @pack_errors,
			total_read = @total_read,
			total_write = @total_write,
			total_errors = @total_errors

**  Now print out old and new monitor values.
set nocount on
select @interval = datediff(ss, lastrun, @now)
	from master.dbo.spt_monitor
/* To prevent a divide by zero error when run for the first
** time after boot up
if @interval = 0
	select @interval = 1
select last_run = lastrun, current_run = @now, seconds = @interval,
	cpu_busy_total = convert(bigint, (@cpu_busy / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	cpu_busy_current = convert(bigint, ((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	cpu_busy_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
	io_busy_total = convert(bigint, (@io_busy / 1000 * @mspertick)),
	io_busy_current = convert(bigint, ((@io_busy - io_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	io_busy_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@io_busy - io_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
	idle_total = convert(bigint, (convert(bigint,@idle) / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	idle_current = convert(bigint, ((@idle - idle)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	idle_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@idle - idle)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
	packets_received_total = @pack_received,
	packets_received_current = @pack_received - pack_received,
	packets_sent_total = @pack_sent,
	packets_sent_current = @pack_sent - pack_sent,
	packet_errors_total = @pack_errors,
	packet_errors_current = @pack_errors - pack_errors,
	total_read = @total_read,
	current_read = @total_read - total_read,
	total_write = @total_write,
	current_write =	@total_write - total_write,
	total_errors = @total_errors,
	current_errors = @total_errors - total_errors,
	connections_total = @connections,
	connections_current = @connections - connections
from master.dbo.spt_monitor

**  Now update spt_monitor
update master.dbo.spt_monitor
		lastrun = @now,
		cpu_busy = @cpu_busy,
		io_busy = @io_busy,
		idle = @idle,
		pack_received = @pack_received,
		pack_sent = @pack_sent,
		connections = @connections,
		pack_errors = @pack_errors,
		total_read = @total_read,
		total_write = @total_write,
		total_errors = @total_errors"        ;
                var serverInfo               = SQLHelper.Query(sql, Server);
                var row                      = serverInfo.Rows[0];
                var cpu_busy_current         = Convert.ToInt64(row["cpu_busy_current"]);
                var io_busy_current          = Convert.ToInt64(row["io_busy_current"]);
                var current_read             = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_read"]);
                var current_write            = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_write"]);
                var packets_received_current = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_received_current"]);
                var packets_sent_current     = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_sent_current"]);
                var connections_current      = Convert.ToInt64(row["connections_current"]);
                record = new PerformanceRecord
                    Value1  = Convert.ToInt64(row["cpu_busy_current"]),
                    Value2  = Convert.ToInt64(row["io_busy_current"]),
                    Value3  = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_read"]),
                    Value4  = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_write"]),
                    Value5  = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_received_current"]),
                    Value6  = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_sent_current"]),
                    Value7  = Convert.ToInt64(row["connections_current"]),
                    Value8  = Convert.ToInt64(row["io_busy_total"]),
                    Value9  = Convert.ToInt64(row["cpu_busy_total"]),
                    Value10 = Convert.ToInt64(row["total_read"]),
                    Value11 = Convert.ToInt64(row["total_write"]),
                    Value12 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_received_total"]),
                    Value13 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_sent_total"]),
                    Value14 = Convert.ToInt64(row["connections_total"]),
                OnUpdateServerInfo(record, Server, IsServer);
                var data = QueryEngine.GetDatabaseIOInfo(Server);
                if (lastPerformanceData != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        var row  = data.Rows[i];
                        var last = lastPerformanceData.Rows[i];
                        row["CurrentNumberReads"]  = Convert.ToInt64(row["NumberReads"]) - Convert.ToInt64(last["NumberReads"]);
                        row["CurrentNumberWrites"] = Convert.ToInt64(row["NumberWrites"]) - Convert.ToInt64(last["NumberWrites"]);
                var db = data.Rows[0];
                record = new PerformanceRecord
                    Value1  = Convert.ToInt64(db["NumberReads"]),
                    Value2  = Convert.ToInt64(db["BytesRead"]),
                    Value3  = Convert.ToInt64(db["NumberWrites"]),
                    Value4  = Convert.ToInt64(db["BytesWritten"]),
                    Value5  = Convert.ToInt64(db["CurrentNumberReads"]),
                    Value6  = Convert.ToInt64(db["CurrentNumberWrites"]),
                    Value13 = Convert.ToInt64(db["IsStall"]),
                    Value16 = Convert.ToDateTime(db["StartDate"]),
                    Value15 = Convert.ToInt64(db["FileCount"])
                bool hasLog = data.Rows.Count > 1;
                if (hasLog)
                    var log = data.Rows[1];
                    record.Value7   = Convert.ToInt64(log["NumberReads"]);
                    record.Value8   = Convert.ToInt64(log["BytesRead"]);
                    record.Value9   = Convert.ToInt64(log["NumberWrites"]);
                    record.Value10  = Convert.ToInt64(log["BytesWritten"]);
                    record.Value11  = Convert.ToInt64(log["CurrentNumberReads"]);
                    record.Value12  = Convert.ToInt64(log["CurrentNumberWrites"]);
                    record.Value14  = Convert.ToInt64(log["IsStall"]);
                    record.Value15 += Convert.ToInt64(log["FileCount"]);
                OnUpdateServerInfo(record, Server, IsServer);
                lastPerformanceData = data;