public void Update(Graphics g, string text, Font font, Padding internalBounds,
			Rectangle bounds, Color color, TextFormatFlags formatFlags, IThemeTextOption[] options) {

			IntPtr compatHdc = this._TextHDC;

			if (bounds.Equals(_TextHDCBounds)) {
				//Same bounds, reuse HDC and Clear it
				IntPtr hClearBrush = Native.GDI.CreateSolidBrush(ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Color.Black));
				Native.RECT cleanRect = new Native.RECT(bounds);
				Native.GDI.FillRect(compatHdc, ref cleanRect, hClearBrush);
			else {
				//Other bounds, create new HDC
				IntPtr outputHdc = g.GetHdc();
				IntPtr DIB;
				compatHdc = CreateNewHDC(outputHdc, bounds, out DIB);

				//Store new data
				_TextHDC = compatHdc;
				_TextHDCBounds = bounds;

				//Clear up

			DrawOnHDC(compatHdc, text, font, internalBounds, bounds, color, formatFlags, options);
		public static ThemedText Create(Graphics g, string text, Font font, Padding internalBounds,
			Rectangle bounds, Color color, TextFormatFlags formatFlags, IThemeTextOption[] options) {

			//Get HDC and create a compatible HDC
			IntPtr outputHdc = g.GetHdc();

			IntPtr DIB;
			IntPtr compatHdc = CreateNewHDC(outputHdc, bounds, out DIB);

			DrawOnHDC(compatHdc, text, font, internalBounds, bounds, color, formatFlags, options);

			//Clean up

			//Return the wrapped HDC
			return new ThemedText(compatHdc, bounds);
Esempio n. 3
        protected IThemeTextOption[] CreateOptions()
            IThemeTextOption[] options = new IThemeTextOption[CountOptions()];

            int curr = 0;

            if (_glowEnable) {
                options[curr] = new GlowOption(_glowSize);
            if (_shadowEnable) {
                options[curr] = new ShadowOption(_shadowColor, _shadowOffset, _shadowType);
            if (!_overlayEnable) {
                options[curr] = new OverlayOption(_overlayEnable);
            if (_borderEnable) {
                options[curr] = new BorderOption(_borderColor, _borderSize);

            return options;
		private static void DrawOnHDC(IntPtr compatHdc, string text, Font font, Padding internalBounds,
			Rectangle bounds, Color color, TextFormatFlags formatFlags, IThemeTextOption[] options) {

			//Create the Font to use
			IntPtr hFont = font.ToHfont();
			Native.GDI.SelectObject(compatHdc, hFont);

			//Get theme renderer
			VisualStyleRenderer renderer = new VisualStyleRenderer(VisualStyleElement.Window.Caption.Active);

			//Prepare options
			NativeMethods.DTTOPTS dttOpts = new NativeMethods.DTTOPTS();
			dttOpts.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(dttOpts);
			dttOpts.dwFlags = NativeMethods.DTTOPSFlags.DTT_COMPOSITED | NativeMethods.DTTOPSFlags.DTT_TEXTCOLOR;
			dttOpts.crText = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(color);
			foreach (IThemeTextOption op in options)
				op.Apply(ref dttOpts);

			//Set full bounds with padding
			Native.RECT RECT = new Native.RECT(internalBounds.Left, internalBounds.Top,
				bounds.Width - internalBounds.Right, bounds.Height - internalBounds.Bottom);

			int ret = NativeMethods.DrawThemeTextEx(renderer.Handle, compatHdc, 0, 0, text, -1, (int)formatFlags, ref RECT, ref dttOpts);
			if (ret != 0)

			//Clean up