Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates class definition and appends it to the output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classModel">The class to generate definition for.</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The output.</param>
        /// <param name="generatorOutput"></param>
        protected virtual void AppendConstantModule(TsClass classModel, ScriptBuilder sb)
            if (!classModel.Constants.Any())

            string typeName = this.GetTypeName(classModel);

            sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format("export namespace {0} {{", typeName));

            using (sb.IncreaseIndentation()) {
                foreach (var property in classModel.Constants)
                    if (property.IsIgnored)

                    _docAppender.AppendConstantModuleDoc(sb, property, this.GetPropertyName(property), this.GetPropertyType(property));
                    sb.AppendFormatIndented("export const {0}: {1} = {2};", this.GetPropertyName(property), this.GetPropertyType(property), this.GetPropertyConstantValue(property));

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates TypeScript definitions for classes and/or enums in the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The code model with classes to generate definitions for.</param>
        /// <param name="generatorOutput">The type of definitions to generate</param>
        /// <returns>TypeScript definitions for classes and/or enums in the model..</returns>
        public string Generate(TsModel model, TsGeneratorOutput generatorOutput)
            var sb = new ScriptBuilder(this.IndentationString);

            if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Properties) == TsGeneratorOutput.Properties ||
                (generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Fields) == TsGeneratorOutput.Fields)
                if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Constants) == TsGeneratorOutput.Constants)
                    // We can't generate constants together with properties or fields, because we can't set values in a .d.ts file.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot generate constants together with properties or fields");

                foreach (var reference in _references.Concat(model.References))
                    this.AppendReference(reference, sb);

            // We can't just sort by the module name, because a formatter can jump in and change it so
            // format by the desired target name
            foreach (var module in model.Modules.OrderBy(m => GetModuleName(m)))
                this.AppendModule(module, sb, generatorOutput);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates TypeScript definitions for classes and/or enums in the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The code model with classes to generate definitions for.</param>
        /// <param name="generatorOutput">The type of definitions to generate</param>
        /// <returns>TypeScript definitions for classes and/or enums in the model..</returns>
        public string Generate(TsModel model, TsGeneratorOutput generatorOutput)
            var sb = new ScriptBuilder(this.IndentationString);

            if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Properties) == TsGeneratorOutput.Properties ||
                (generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Fields) == TsGeneratorOutput.Fields)
                if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Constants) == TsGeneratorOutput.Constants)
                    // We can't generate constants together with properties or fields, because we can't set values in a .d.ts file.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot generate constants together with properties or fields");

                foreach (var reference in _references.Concat(model.References))
                    this.AppendReference(reference, sb);

            foreach (var module in model.Modules)
                this.AppendModule(module, sb, generatorOutput);

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates class definition and appends it to the output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classModel">The class to generate definition for.</param>
        /// <param name="sb">The output.</param>
        /// <param name="generatorOutput"></param>
        protected virtual void AppendClassDefinition(TsClass classModel, ScriptBuilder sb, TsGeneratorOutput generatorOutput)
            string typeName   = this.GetTypeName(classModel);
            string visibility = this.GetTypeVisibility(classModel, typeName) ? "export " : "";

            _docAppender.AppendClassDoc(sb, classModel, typeName);
            sb.AppendFormatIndented("{0}class {1}", visibility, typeName);
            if (classModel.BaseType != null)
                sb.AppendFormat(" extends {0}", this.GetFullyQualifiedTypeName(classModel.BaseType));

            if (classModel.Interfaces.Count > 0)
                var implementations = classModel.Interfaces.Select(GetFullyQualifiedTypeName).ToArray();

                var prefixFormat = classModel.Type.IsInterface ? " extends {0}"
                    : classModel.BaseType != null ? " , {0}"
                    : " extends {0}";

                sb.AppendFormat(prefixFormat, string.Join(" ,", implementations));

            sb.AppendLine(" {");

            var members = new List <TsProperty>();

            if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Properties) == TsGeneratorOutput.Properties)
            if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Fields) == TsGeneratorOutput.Fields)
            using (sb.IncreaseIndentation())
                foreach (var property in members)
                    if (property.IsIgnored)

                    _docAppender.AppendPropertyDoc(sb, property, this.GetPropertyName(property), this.GetPropertyType(property));
                    sb.AppendLineIndented(string.Format("{0}: {1};", this.GetPropertyName(property), this.GetPropertyType(property)));


Esempio n. 5
        protected virtual void AppendModule(TsModule module, ScriptBuilder sb, TsGeneratorOutput generatorOutput)
            var classes = module.Classes.Where(c => !_typeConvertors.IsConvertorRegistered(c.Type) && !c.IsIgnored).OrderBy(c => GetTypeName(c)).ToList();
            var enums   = module.Enums.Where(e => !_typeConvertors.IsConvertorRegistered(e.Type) && !e.IsIgnored).OrderBy(e => GetTypeName(e)).ToList();

            if ((generatorOutput == TsGeneratorOutput.Enums && enums.Count == 0) ||
                (generatorOutput == TsGeneratorOutput.Properties && classes.Count == 0) ||
                (enums.Count == 0 && classes.Count == 0))

            if (generatorOutput == TsGeneratorOutput.Properties && !classes.Any(c => c.Fields.Any() || c.Properties.Any()))

            if (generatorOutput == TsGeneratorOutput.Constants && !classes.Any(c => c.Constants.Any()))

            var moduleName           = GetModuleName(module);
            var generateModuleHeader = moduleName != string.Empty;

            if (generateModuleHeader)
                if (generatorOutput != TsGeneratorOutput.Enums &&
                    (generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Constants) != TsGeneratorOutput.Constants)
                    sb.Append("declare ");

                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("namespace {0} {{", moduleName));

            using (sb.IncreaseIndentation()) {
                if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Enums) == TsGeneratorOutput.Enums)
                    foreach (var enumModel in enums)
                        this.AppendEnumDefinition(enumModel, sb, generatorOutput);

                if (((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Properties) == TsGeneratorOutput.Properties) ||
                    (generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Fields) == TsGeneratorOutput.Fields)
                    foreach (var classModel in classes)
                        this.AppendClassDefinition(classModel, sb, generatorOutput);

                if ((generatorOutput & TsGeneratorOutput.Constants) == TsGeneratorOutput.Constants)
                    foreach (var classModel in classes)
                        if (classModel.IsIgnored)

                        this.AppendConstantModule(classModel, sb);
            if (generateModuleHeader)
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates reference to other d.ts file and appends it to the output.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reference">The reference file to generate reference for.</param>
 /// <param name="sb">The output</param>
 protected virtual void AppendReference(string reference, ScriptBuilder sb)
     sb.AppendFormat("/// <reference path=\"{0}\" />", reference);