protected override IServiceProvider CreateServiceProvider()
            var nss = new DelegateNamingSubSystem()
                SubSystemHandler = (s, hs) =>
                    if (hs.Any(h => h.ComponentModel.IsOverridable()))
                        var nonOverridable = hs.Except(hs.Where(h => h.ComponentModel.IsOverridable()));
                        if (nonOverridable.Any())


            this.container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer();

            this.container.Kernel.AddSubSystem(SubSystemConstants.NamingKey, nss);
            this.container.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new ArrayResolver(this.container.Kernel, true));

            var wrapper = new ServiceProviderWrapper(this.container);

            var bootConventions = new BootstrapConventions();

                Component.For <IServiceProvider>()
                .Properties(pi => bootConventions.IgnorePropertyInjection(pi))
            this.container.Register(Component.For <IWindsorContainer>().Instance(this.container));
                Component.For <BootstrapConventions>()
                .Properties(pi => bootConventions.IgnorePropertyInjection(pi))

            this.container.AddFacility <Castle.Facilities.SubscribeToMessageFacility>();
            this.container.AddFacility <InjectViewInRegionFacility>();

Esempio n. 2
        protected override IServiceProvider CreateServiceProvider()
            //var nss = new DelegateNamingSubSystem()
            //	SubSystemHandler = ( s, hs ) =>
            //	{
            //		if ( hs.Any( h => h.ComponentModel.IsOverridable() ) )
            //		{
            //			var nonOverridable = hs.Except( hs.Where( h => h.ComponentModel.IsOverridable() ) );
            //			if ( nonOverridable.Any() )
            //			{
            //				return nonOverridable.Single();
            //			}
            //		}

            //		return null;
            //	}

            var conventions = new BootstrapConventions();

            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            builder.Register(c => this.wrapper).As <IServiceProvider>().SingleInstance();
            builder.Register(c => this.container).As <IContainer>().SingleInstance();

            this.container = builder.Build();
            this.wrapper   = new ServiceProviderWrapper(this.container);

            //this.container.Kernel.AddSubSystem( SubSystemConstants.NamingKey, nss );
            //this.container.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver( new ArrayResolver( this.container.Kernel, true ) );

		public SubscribeToMessageModule( Boot.BootstrapConventions conventions )
			// TODO: Complete member initialization
			this.conventions = conventions;
		public InjectViewInRegionModule( BootstrapConventions conventions )
			this.conventions = conventions;
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConventionsHanlder"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="broker">The broker.</param>
		/// <param name="releaser">The releaser.</param>
		/// <param name="bootstrapConventions">The Bootstrap Conventions</param>
		public ConventionsHanlder( IMessageBroker broker, IReleaseComponents releaser, BootstrapConventions bootstrapConventions )
		{ = broker;
			this.releaser = releaser;
			this.bootstrapConventions = bootstrapConventions;

			this.DefaultResolveViewModelType = viewType =>
				var aName = new AssemblyName( viewType.Assembly.FullName );
				var vmTypeName = String.Format( "{0}.{1}Model, {2}", viewType.Namespace, viewType.Name, aName.FullName );
				var vmType = Type.GetType( vmTypeName, false );

				return vmType;

			this.ResolveViewModelType = viewType =>
				return this.DefaultResolveViewModelType( viewType );

			this.DefaultResolveViewType = viewModelType =>
				var aName = new AssemblyName( viewModelType.Assembly.FullName );
				var vTypeName = String.Format( "{0}.{1}, {2}", viewModelType.Namespace, viewModelType.Name.Remove( viewModelType.Name.LastIndexOf( 'M' ) ), aName.FullName );
				var vType = Type.GetType( vTypeName, true );

				return vType;

			this.ResolveViewType = viewModelType =>
				return this.DefaultResolveViewType( viewModelType );

			this.DefaultViewReleaseHandler = ( view, behavior ) =>
				var autoDispose = view.GetType().IsAttributeDefined<ViewManualReleaseAttribute>() == false;
				if( autoDispose || behavior == ViewReleaseBehavior.Force )
					var vm = this.GetViewDataContext( view, ViewDataContextSearchBehavior.LocalOnly );
					if( vm != null )
						this.SetViewDataContext( view, null );
						if( this.ShouldUnsubscribeViewModelOnRelease( view ) )
						{ vm );

						this.releaser.Release( vm );

					this.DetachViewBehaviors( view );

					this.releaser.Release( view );

			this.ViewReleaseHandler = ( view, behavior ) =>
				this.DefaultViewReleaseHandler( view, behavior );

			Func<DependencyObject, Boolean> isSingletonView = view =>
				var implementation = view.GetType();
				var contracts = this.bootstrapConventions.SelectViewContracts( implementation );
				var isShell = this.bootstrapConventions.IsShellView( contracts, implementation );

				return isShell;

			this.DefaultShouldUnsubscribeViewModelOnRelease = view => !isSingletonView( view );

			this.ShouldUnsubscribeViewModelOnRelease = view => this.DefaultShouldUnsubscribeViewModelOnRelease( view );

			this.DefaultShouldReleaseView = view => !isSingletonView( view );

			this.ShouldReleaseView = view => this.DefaultShouldReleaseView( view );

			this.DefaultShouldUnregisterRegionManagerOfView = view => !isSingletonView( view );

			this.ShouldUnregisterRegionManagerOfView = view => this.DefaultShouldUnregisterRegionManagerOfView( view );

			this.DefaultFindHostingWindowOf = vm =>
				var view = this.GetViewOfViewModel( vm );
				var window = this.FindWindowOf( view );//.FindWindow();
				return window;

			this.FindHostingWindowOf = vm =>
				return this.DefaultFindHostingWindowOf( vm );

			this.DefaultFindWindowOf = dependencyObject =>
				var window = Window.GetWindow( dependencyObject );//.FindWindow();
				return window;

			this.FindWindowOf = dependencyObject =>
				return this.DefaultFindWindowOf(dependencyObject);

			this.DefaultViewHasDataContext = ( view, behavior ) =>
				return this.GetViewDataContext( view, behavior ) != null;

			this.ViewHasDataContext = ( view, behavior ) =>
				return this.DefaultViewHasDataContext( view, behavior );

			this.DefaultGetViewDataContext = ( view, behavior ) =>
				if( behavior == ViewDataContextSearchBehavior.Legacy )
					if( view is FrameworkElement )
						return ( ( FrameworkElement )view ).DataContext;
					else if( view is FrameworkContentElement )
						return ( ( FrameworkContentElement )view ).DataContext;
					if( view is FrameworkElement )
						var dc = view.ReadLocalValue( FrameworkElement.DataContextProperty );
						if( dc != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue )
							return dc;
					else if( view is FrameworkContentElement )
						var dc = view.ReadLocalValue( FrameworkContentElement.DataContextProperty );
						if( dc != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue )
							return dc;

				return null;

			this.GetViewDataContext = ( view, behavior ) =>
				return this.DefaultGetViewDataContext( view, behavior );

			this.DefaultSetViewDataContext = ( view, dc ) =>
				if( view is FrameworkElement )
					( ( FrameworkElement )view ).DataContext = dc;
				else if( view is FrameworkContentElement )
					( ( FrameworkContentElement )view ).DataContext = dc;

			this.SetViewDataContext = ( view, dc ) =>
				this.DefaultSetViewDataContext( view, dc );

			this.DefaultTryHookClosedEventOfHostOf = ( view, closedCallback ) =>
				//dobbiamo anche cercare una IClosableView oltre che una Window
				var window = this.FindWindowOf( view );
				if( window != null )
					EventHandler<System.ComponentModel.ClosingEventArgs> closing = null;
					closing = ( s, e ) =>
							closedCallback( window );
							window.Closing -= closing;

					window.Closing += closing;
					EventHandler closed = null;
					closed = ( s, e ) =>
							closedCallback( window );
							window.Closed -= closed;

					window.Closed += closed;

				return window;

			this.TryHookClosedEventOfHostOf = ( view, closedCallback ) =>
				return this.DefaultTryHookClosedEventOfHostOf( view, closedCallback );

			this.DefaultIsHostingView = fe => fe.GetType().Name.EndsWith( "View" );

			this.IsHostingView = fe => this.DefaultIsHostingView( fe );

			this.DefaultAttachViewToViewModel = ( view, viewModel ) =>
				viewModel.As<IViewModel>( i =>
					i.View = view;
				} );

			this.AttachViewToViewModel = ( view, viewModel ) =>
				this.DefaultAttachViewToViewModel( view, viewModel );

			this.DefaultGetViewOfViewModel = viewModel =>
				if( viewModel is IViewModel )
					return ( ( IViewModel )viewModel ).View;

				return null;

			this.GetViewOfViewModel = viewModel =>
				return this.DefaultGetViewOfViewModel( viewModel );

			this.DefaultAttachViewBehaviors = view =>
				var bhv = Interaction.GetBehaviors( view );
				if( view is Window && bhv.OfType<WindowLifecycleNotificationsBehavior>().None() )
					bhv.Add( new WindowLifecycleNotificationsBehavior(, this ) );
				else if( view is FrameworkElement && bhv.OfType<FrameworkElementLifecycleNotificationsBehavior>().None() )
					bhv.Add( new FrameworkElementLifecycleNotificationsBehavior(, this ) );

				if( bhv.OfType<DependencyObjectCloseHandlerBehavior>().None() )
					bhv.Add( new DependencyObjectCloseHandlerBehavior(, this ) );

			this.AttachViewBehaviors = view =>
				this.DefaultAttachViewBehaviors( view );
			this.AttachViewBehaviors = view =>
				var bhv = Interaction.GetBehaviors( view );
				//if( view is Page )
				//    bhv.Add( new PageNavigationNotifcationsBehavior( ) );
				bhv.Add( new FrameworkElementLifecycleNotificationsBehavior(, this ) );
				bhv.Add( new DependencyObjectCloseHandlerBehavior(, this ) );

			this.DefaultDetachViewBehaviors = view =>
				var bhv = Interaction.GetBehaviors( view );
				if( view is Window )
					bhv.OfType<WindowLifecycleNotificationsBehavior>().ToList().ForEach( x => bhv.Remove( x ) );
				else if( view is FrameworkElement )
					bhv.OfType<FrameworkElementLifecycleNotificationsBehavior>().ToList().ForEach( x => bhv.Remove( x ) );
				bhv.OfType<DependencyObjectCloseHandlerBehavior>().ToList().ForEach( x => bhv.Remove( x ) );

			this.DetachViewBehaviors = view =>
				this.DefaultDetachViewBehaviors( view );
			this.DetachViewBehaviors = view =>
				var bhv = Interaction.GetBehaviors( view );
				bhv.OfType<FrameworkElementLifecycleNotificationsBehavior>().ToList().ForEach( x => bhv.Remove( x ) );
				bhv.OfType<DependencyObjectCloseHandlerBehavior>().ToList().ForEach( x => bhv.Remove( x ) );

			this.DefaultShouldNotifyViewModelLoaded = ( view, dataContext ) =>
				if( dataContext == null )
					return false;

				var hasAttribute = dataContext.GetType().IsAttributeDefined<NotifyLoadedAttribute>();
				var hasRegions = RegionService.CurrentService.HoldsRegionManager( view );

				return hasAttribute || hasRegions;

			this.ShouldNotifyViewModelLoaded = ( view, dataContext ) =>
				return this.DefaultShouldNotifyViewModelLoaded( view, dataContext );

			this.DefaultShouldNotifyViewLoaded = view =>
				 * we should decide if the attribute must be applied on the view or, as in this fix,
				 * mainly for backward compatibility, can be applied also on the ViewModel and the
				 * _View_Loaded message is still broadcasted.
				//var dataContext = this.GetViewDataContext( view );
				//var hasAttributeOnViewModel = dataContext != null && dataContext.GetType().IsAttributeDefined<NotifyLoadedAttribute>();
				var hasAttributeOnView = view.GetType().IsAttributeDefined<NotifyLoadedAttribute>();
				var hasRegions = RegionService.CurrentService.HoldsRegionManager( view );

				return /* hasAttributeOnViewModel || */ hasAttributeOnView || hasRegions;

			this.ShouldNotifyViewLoaded = view =>
				return this.DefaultShouldNotifyViewLoaded( view );