Esempio n. 1
        /*--- General Methods ---------------------------------------*/

        /** Add a transition out of this state to another.
         * @param on_sym the symbol the transition is under.
         * @param to_st  the state the transition goes to.
        public void add_transition(symbol on_sym, lalr_state to_st)

            lalr_transition trans;

            /* create a new transition object and put it in our list */
            trans        = new lalr_transition(on_sym, to_st, _transitions);
            _transitions = trans;
Esempio n. 2
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Add a single symbol to the Set.
         * @param sym the symbol we are adding.
         * @return true if this changes the Set.
        public bool add(symbol sym)
//	object previous;


            /* put the object in */
                _all.Add(, sym);

            /* if we had a previous, this is no change */
            //return previous == null;
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
        /** Add a single symbol to the Set.
         * @param sym the symbol we are adding.
         * @return true if this changes the Set.
        public bool add(symbol sym)
            //	object previous;


            /* put the object in */
            return false;

            /* if we had a previous, this is no change */
            //return previous == null;
            return true;
Esempio n. 4
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Emit code for the non-public class holding the actual action code.
         * @param out        stream to produce output on.
         * @param start_prod the start production of the grammar.
        protected static void emit_action_code(TextWriter cout, production start_prod)
            production prod;

            long start_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            /* class header */
                "/** Cup generated class to encapsulate user supplied action code.*/"
            cout.WriteLine("public class " + pre("actions") + " {");

            /* user supplied code */
            if (action_code != null)

            /* field for parser object */
            cout.WriteLine("  private " + parser_class_name + " my_parser;");

            /* constructor */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Constructor */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public " + pre("actions") + "(" + parser_class_name + " t_parser) {");
            cout.WriteLine("    this.my_parser = t_parser;");
            cout.WriteLine("  }");

            /* action method head */
            cout.WriteLine("  /** Method with the actual generated action code. */");
            cout.WriteLine("  public   TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol " +
                           pre("do_action") + "(");
            cout.WriteLine("    int                        " + pre("act_num,"));
            cout.WriteLine("    TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.lr_parser " + pre("parser,"));
            cout.WriteLine("    System.Collections.Stack            xstack1,");
            cout.WriteLine("    int                        " + pre("top)"));
            //  cout.WriteLine("    throws java.lang.Exception");
            cout.WriteLine("    {");

            /* declaration of result symbol */

            /* New declaration!! now return Symbol
             * 6/13/96 frankf */
            cout.WriteLine("      /* Symbol object for return from actions */");
            cout.WriteLine("      mStack " + pre("stack") + " =new mStack(xstack1);");
            cout.WriteLine("      TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol " + pre("result") + ";");

            /* switch top */
            cout.WriteLine("      /* select the action based on the action number */");
            cout.WriteLine("      switch (" + pre("act_num") + ")");
            cout.WriteLine("        {");

            /* emit action code for each production as a separate case */
            IEnumerator p = production.all();

            while (p.MoveNext())
                prod = (production)p.Current;

                /* case label */
                cout.WriteLine("          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/");
                cout.WriteLine("          case " + prod.index() + ": // " +

                /* give them their own block to work in */
                cout.WriteLine("            {");

                /* create the result symbol */

                /*make the variable RESULT which will point to the new Symbol (see below)
                 * and be changed by action code
                 * 6/13/96 frankf */
                cout.WriteLine("              " + prod.lhs().the_symbol().stack_type() +
                               " RESULT = null;");

                /* Add code to propagate RESULT assignments that occur in
                 * action code embedded in a production (ie, non-rightmost
                 * action code). 24-Mar-1998 CSA
                for (int i = 0; i < prod.rhs_length(); i++)
                    // only interested in non-terminal symbols.
                    if (prod.rhs(i).GetType() != typeof(symbol_part))
                    symbol s = ((symbol_part)prod.rhs(i)).the_symbol();
                    if (s.GetType() != typeof(non_terminal))
                    // skip this non-terminal unless it corresponds to
                    // an embedded action production.
                    if (((non_terminal)s).is_embedded_action == false)
                    // OK, it fits.  Make a conditional assignment to RESULT.
                    int index = prod.rhs_length() - i - 1; // last rhs is on top.
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + "// propagate RESULT from " +
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + "if ( " +
                                   "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol) " + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt("
                                   + emit.pre("top") + "-" + index + ")).value != null )");
                    cout.WriteLine("                " + "RESULT = " +
                                   "(" + prod.lhs().the_symbol().stack_type() + ") " +
                                   "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol) " + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt("
                                   + emit.pre("top") + "-" + index + ")).value;");

                /* if there is an action string, emit it */
                if (prod.action() != null && prod.action().code_string() != null &&

                /* here we have the left and right values being propagated.
                 *    must make this a command line option.
                 * frankf 6/18/96 */

                /* Create the code that assigns the left and right values of
                 * the new Symbol that the production is reducing to */
                if (emit.lr_values())
                    int    loffset;
                    string leftstring, rightstring;
                    int    roffset = 0;
                    rightstring = "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol)" + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" +
                                  emit.pre("top") + "-" + roffset + ")).right";
                    if (prod.rhs_length() == 0)
                        leftstring = rightstring;
                        loffset    = prod.rhs_length() - 1;
                        leftstring = "((TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol)" + emit.pre("stack") + ".elementAt(" +
                                     emit.pre("top") + "-" + loffset + ")).left";
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + pre("result") + " = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().index() + "/*" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().name() + "*/" +
                                   ", " + leftstring + ", " + rightstring + ", RESULT);");
                    cout.WriteLine("              " + pre("result") + " = new TUVienna.CS_CUP.Runtime.Symbol(" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().index() + "/*" +
                                   prod.lhs().the_symbol().name() + "*/" +
                                   ", RESULT);");

                /* end of their block */
                cout.WriteLine("            }");

                /* if this was the start production, do action for accept */
                if (prod == start_prod)
                    cout.WriteLine("          /* ACCEPT */");
                    cout.WriteLine("          " + pre("parser") + ".done_parsing();");

                /* code to return lhs symbol */
                cout.WriteLine("          return " + pre("result") + ";");

            /* end of switch */
            cout.WriteLine("          /* . . . . . .*/");
            cout.WriteLine("          default:");
            cout.WriteLine("            throw new System.Exception(");
            cout.WriteLine("               \"Invalid action number found in " +
                           "internal parse table\");");
            cout.WriteLine("        }");

            /* end of method */
            cout.WriteLine("    }");

            /* end of class */
            action_code_time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - start_time;
Esempio n. 5
	/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

	/** Determine if the Set contains a particular symbol. 
	 * @param sym the symbol we are looking for.
	public bool contains(symbol sym) {return _all.ContainsKey(;}
Esempio n. 6
	/*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

	/** Remove a single symbol if it is in the Set. 
	 * @param sym the symbol we are removing.
	public void remove(symbol sym) 
Esempio n. 7
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Determine if the Set contains a particular symbol.
         * @param sym the symbol we are looking for.
        public bool contains(symbol sym)
Esempio n. 8
        /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/

        /** Remove a single symbol if it is in the Set.
         * @param sym the symbol we are removing.
        public void remove(symbol sym)
        /*--- General Methods ---------------------------------------*/
        /** Add a transition out of this state to another.
           * @param on_sym the symbol the transition is under.
           * @param to_st  the state the transition goes to.
        public void add_transition(symbol on_sym, lalr_state to_st)
            lalr_transition trans;

              /* create a new transition object and put it in our list */
              trans = new lalr_transition(on_sym, to_st, _transitions);
              _transitions = trans;