Equals() public method

public Equals ( object comparand ) : bool
comparand object
return bool
        public static bool IsSupportedMatchingRule(Uri matchBy)
            Fx.Assert(matchBy != null, "The matchBy must be non null.");

            return (matchBy.Equals(FindCriteria.ScopeMatchByPrefix) ||
                matchBy.Equals(FindCriteria.ScopeMatchByUuid) ||
                matchBy.Equals(FindCriteria.ScopeMatchByLdap) ||
                matchBy.Equals(FindCriteria.ScopeMatchByExact) ||
Esempio n. 2
        internal static bool UriEquals(System.Uri u1, System.Uri u2, bool ignoreCase, bool includeHostInComparison, bool includePortInComparison)
            if (u1.Equals(u2))
            if (u1.Scheme != u2.Scheme)
            if (includePortInComparison && (u1.Port != u2.Port))
            if (includeHostInComparison && (string.Compare(u1.Host, u2.Host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0))
            if (string.Compare(u1.AbsolutePath, u2.AbsolutePath, ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
            string components = u1.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.Unescaped);
            string strB       = u2.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.Unescaped);
            int    length     = ((components.Length > 0) && (components[components.Length - 1] == '/')) ? (components.Length - 1) : components.Length;
            int    num2       = ((strB.Length > 0) && (strB[strB.Length - 1] == '/')) ? (strB.Length - 1) : strB.Length;

            if (num2 != length)
            return(string.Compare(components, 0, strB, 0, length, ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <include file='doc\AssemblyCache.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="GlobalAssemblyCache.Contains"]/*' />
 /// <param name="codeBaseUri">Uri pointing to the assembly</param>
 public static bool Contains(Uri codeBaseUri)
     lock (GlobalAssemblyCache.Lock)
         if (!GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded)
             GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded = true;
             GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).Module.Assembly.Location), "fusion.dll"));
         IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
         int rc = GlobalAssemblyCache.CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, ASM_CACHE.GAC, 0);
         if (rc < 0 || assemblyEnum == null) return false;
         IApplicationContext applicationContext;
         IAssemblyName currentName;
         while (assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0)
             AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(currentName);
             if (assemblyName.CodeBase.StartsWith(codeBaseUri.Scheme))
                     Uri foundUri = new Uri(assemblyName.CodeBase);
                     if (codeBaseUri.Equals(foundUri)) return true;
                 catch (Exception) { }
         return false;
    /// <param name="codeBaseUri">Uri pointing to the assembly</param>
    public static bool Contains(Uri codeBaseUri){
      if (codeBaseUri == null) { Debug.Fail("codeBaseUri == null"); return false; }
        if (!GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded){
          GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded = true;
          System.Reflection.Assembly systemAssembly = typeof(object).Assembly;
          //^ assume systemAssembly != null && systemAssembly.Location != null;
          string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(systemAssembly.Location);
          //^ assume dir != null;
          GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(dir, "fusion.dll"));
        IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
        int rc = GlobalAssemblyCache.CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, ASM_CACHE.GAC, 0);
        if (rc < 0 || assemblyEnum == null) return false;
        IApplicationContext applicationContext;
        IAssemblyName currentName;
        while (assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0){
          //^ assume currentName != null;
          AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(currentName);
          string scheme = codeBaseUri.Scheme;
          if (scheme != null && assemblyName.CodeBase.StartsWith(scheme)){
              Uri foundUri = new Uri(assemblyName.CodeBase);
              if (codeBaseUri.Equals(foundUri)) return true;
#if !FxCop
        return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Saml2AuthorizationDecisionStatement"/> class from
        /// a resource and decision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource">The <see cref="Uri"/> of the resource to be authorized.</param>
        /// <param name="decision">The <see cref="SamlAccessDecision"/> in use.</param>
        /// <param name="actions">Collection of <see cref="Saml2Action"/> specifications.</param>
        public Saml2AuthorizationDecisionStatement(Uri resource, SamlAccessDecision decision, IEnumerable<Saml2Action> actions)
            if (null == resource)
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("resource");

            // This check is making sure the resource is either a well-formed absolute uri or
            // an empty relative uri before passing through to the rest of the constructor.
            if (!(resource.IsAbsoluteUri || resource.Equals(EmptyResource)))
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgument("resource", SR.GetString(SR.ID4121));

            if (decision < SamlAccessDecision.Permit || decision > SamlAccessDecision.Indeterminate)
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("decision"));

            this.resource = resource;
            this.decision = decision;

            if (null != actions)
                foreach (Saml2Action action in actions)
        public object Deserialize(string value, JsonConverter converter)
            //Integration.Implementation.LogAudit("TinCanActor Deserialize called", null);
            IDictionary objMap = converter.DeserializeJSONToMap(value);
            string typeField = null;
            if (objMap.Contains("type"))
                typeField = (string)objMap["type"];

            //Avoid infinite loop here, if type is this base class
            Type targetType = typeof(ActivityDefinition_JsonTarget);

            if (typeField != null)
                Uri activityType = new Uri((string)objMap["type"]);

                if (activityType.Equals("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/cmi.interaction"))
                    targetType = typeof(InteractionDefinition);

            return converter.DeserializeJSON(value, targetType);
 internal static AtomLinkMetadata MergeLinkMetadata(AtomLinkMetadata metadata, string relation, Uri href, string title, string mediaType)
     AtomLinkMetadata metadata2 = new AtomLinkMetadata(metadata);
     string strB = metadata2.Relation;
     if (strB != null)
         if (string.CompareOrdinal(relation, strB) != 0)
             throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkRelationsMustMatch(relation, strB));
         metadata2.Relation = relation;
     if (href != null)
         Uri uri = metadata2.Href;
         if (uri != null)
             if (!href.Equals(uri))
                 throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkHrefsMustMatch(href, uri));
             metadata2.Href = href;
     if (title != null)
         string str2 = metadata2.Title;
         if (str2 != null)
             if (string.CompareOrdinal(title, str2) != 0)
                 throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkTitlesMustMatch(title, str2));
             metadata2.Title = title;
     if (mediaType != null)
         string str3 = metadata2.MediaType;
         if (str3 == null)
             metadata2.MediaType = mediaType;
             return metadata2;
         if (!HttpUtils.CompareMediaTypeNames(mediaType, str3))
             throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkMediaTypesMustMatch(mediaType, str3));
     return metadata2;
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context, Uri serviceBaseUri)
            var sparqlGenerator = new SparqlGenerator(_config.Map, _config.DefaultLanguageCode, _config.MaxPageSize);

            var messageWriterSettings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings(_config.BaseODataWriterSettings)
                    BaseUri = serviceBaseUri
            if (context.Request.AcceptTypes != null)
                messageWriterSettings.SetContentType(String.Join(",", context.Request.AcceptTypes),

            var requestMessage = new HttpDataRequestMessage(context.Request);
            ODataVersion effectiveVersion = GetEffectiveODataVersion(requestMessage);
            messageWriterSettings.Version = effectiveVersion;

            var metadataUri = new Uri(serviceBaseUri, "./$metadata");
            if (serviceBaseUri.Equals(context.Request.Url))
                // We need to respond with the service document
                var responseMessage = new HttpDataResponseMessage(context.Response);
                context.Response.ContentType = "application/xml";
                context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                var feedGenerator = new ODataFeedGenerator(requestMessage, responseMessage,
                                                           _config.Map, serviceBaseUri.ToString(),
            else if (serviceBaseUri.ToString().TrimEnd('/').Equals(context.Request.Url.ToString().TrimEnd('/')))
                // Trimming of trailing slash to normalize - the serviceBaseUri should always have a trailing slash, 
                // but we will redirect requests that do not to the proper service document url
                context.Response.RedirectPermanent(serviceBaseUri.ToString(), true);
            else if (metadataUri.Equals(context.Request.Url))
                context.Response.ContentType = "application/xml";
                var parsedQuery = QueryDescriptorQueryNode.ParseUri(
                var responseMessage = new HttpDataResponseMessage(context.Response);
                var feedGenerator = new ODataFeedGenerator(
                sparqlGenerator.SparqlQueryModel.Execute(_config.SparqlEndpoint, feedGenerator);
                context.Response.ContentType = "application/atom+xml";
Esempio n. 9
 // Remove the 'CredentialInfo' object from the list that matches to the given 'Uri' and 'AuthenticationType'
 public void Remove(Uri uriObj, String authenticationType)
     for (int index = 0; index < arrayListObj.Count; index++)
         CredentialInfo credentialInfo = (CredentialInfo)arrayListObj[index];
         if (uriObj.Equals(credentialInfo.uriObj) && authenticationType.Equals(credentialInfo.authenticationType))
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Applys the rule instance to the public or system identifier in an
        /// attempt to locate the URI of a resource with can provide the required
        /// information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publicId">The public identifier of the external entity
        /// being referenced, or null if none was supplied.</param>
        /// <param name="systemId">The system identifier of the external entity
        /// being referenced.</param>
        /// <param name="catalogs">The stack of catalogs being processed.</param>
        /// <returns>A new URI if the rule was successfully applied, otherwise
        /// <b>null</b>.</returns>
        public String ApplyTo(String publicId, String systemId, Stack<GroupEntry> catalogs)
            Uri				targetUri = new Uri (systemId);
            Uri				systemUri = new Uri (BaseAsUri (), this.systemId);

            if (targetUri.Equals (systemUri))
                return (new Uri (BaseAsUri (), new Uri (uri)).ToString ());

            return (null);
Esempio n. 11
 public NetworkCredential GetCredential(Uri uriObj, String authenticationType)
     for (int index = 0; index < arrayListObj.Count; index++)
         CredentialInfo credentialInfoObj = (CredentialInfo)arrayListObj[index];
         if (uriObj.Equals(credentialInfoObj.uriObj) && authenticationType.Equals(credentialInfoObj.authenticationType))
             return credentialInfoObj.networkCredentialObj;
     return null;
Esempio n. 12
 private static byte[] GetBytesFromWeb(Uri imageURL)
     if (imageURL.Equals(Resources.MissingPictureUrl)) return ConvertImageToBytes(Resources.missingPicture);
         var webClient = new WebClient();
         return webClient.DownloadData(imageURL);
         return ConvertImageToBytes(Resources.missingPicture);
        public static void fEquals()
            Uri uri1 = new Uri("http://www.yahoo.com/tw");
            Uri uri2 = new Uri("http://www.yahoo.com");

            if (uri1.Equals(uri2))
            else {
Esempio n. 14
        public void StorageUriWithTwoUris()
            Uri primaryClientUri = new Uri("http://" + AccountName + BlobService + EndpointSuffix);
            Uri primaryContainerUri = new Uri(primaryClientUri, "container");
            Uri secondaryClientUri = new Uri("http://" + AccountName + SecondarySuffix + BlobService + EndpointSuffix);
            Uri dummyClientUri = new Uri("http://" + AccountName + "-dummy" + BlobService + EndpointSuffix);

            StorageUri singleUri = new StorageUri(primaryClientUri);

            StorageUri singleUri2 = new StorageUri(primaryClientUri);

            StorageUri singleUri3 = new StorageUri(secondaryClientUri);

            StorageUri multiUri = new StorageUri(primaryClientUri, secondaryClientUri);

            StorageUri multiUri2 = new StorageUri(primaryClientUri, secondaryClientUri);

                () => new StorageUri(primaryClientUri, primaryContainerUri),
                "StorageUri constructor should fail if both URIs do not point to the same resource");

            StorageUri multiUri3 = new StorageUri(primaryClientUri, dummyClientUri);

            StorageUri multiUri4 = new StorageUri(dummyClientUri, secondaryClientUri);

            StorageUri multiUri5 = new StorageUri(secondaryClientUri, primaryClientUri);
 internal DynamicVirtualDiscoSearcher(string startDir, string[] excludedUrls, string rootUrl) : base(excludedUrls)
     this.webApps = new Hashtable();
     this.Adsi = new Hashtable();
     base.origUrl = rootUrl;
     this.entryPathPrefix = this.GetWebServerForUrl(rootUrl) + "/ROOT";
     this.startDir = startDir;
     string localPath = new Uri(rootUrl).LocalPath;
     if (localPath.Equals("/"))
         localPath = "";
     this.rootPathAsdi = this.entryPathPrefix + localPath;
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines whether the GAC contains the specified code base URI.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="codeBaseUri">The code base URI.</param>
    public static bool Contains(Uri codeBaseUri) {
      Contract.Requires(codeBaseUri != null);
      lock (GlobalLock.LockingObject) {
        var gacKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\.NETCompactFramework\Installer\Assemblies\Global");
        if (gacKey == null) return false;
        var codeBase = codeBaseUri.AbsoluteUri;
        foreach (var gacName in gacKey.GetValueNames()) {
          var values = gacKey.GetValue(gacName) as string[];
          if (values == null || values.Length == 0) continue;
          if (string.Equals(values[0], codeBase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true;
          if (values.Length > 1 && string.Equals(values[1], codeBase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true;
        return false;
#if __MonoCS__
        IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum = new MonoAssemblyEnum();
        if (!GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded) {
          GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded = true;
          var systemAssembly = typeof(object).Assembly;
          var systemAssemblyLocation = systemAssembly.Location;
          string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(systemAssemblyLocation)??"";
          GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(dir, "fusion.dll"));
        IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
        int rc = GlobalAssemblyCache.CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, ASM_CACHE.GAC, 0);
        if (rc < 0 || assemblyEnum == null) return false;
        IApplicationContext applicationContext;
        IAssemblyName currentName;
        while (assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0) {
          //^ assume currentName != null;
          AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(currentName);
          string/*?*/ scheme = codeBaseUri.Scheme;
          if (scheme != null && assemblyName.CodeBase.StartsWith(scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
            try {
              Uri foundUri = new Uri(assemblyName.CodeBase);
              if (codeBaseUri.Equals(foundUri)) return true;
            } catch (System.ArgumentNullException) {
            } catch (System.UriFormatException) {
        return false;
Esempio n. 17
    static int Equals(IntPtr L)
            ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
            System.Uri obj  = (System.Uri)ToLua.CheckObject <System.Uri>(L, 1);
            object     arg0 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 2);
            bool       o    = obj != null?obj.Equals(arg0) : arg0 == null;

            LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o);
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
 internal void FetchRequest(System.Uri uri, WebRequest request)
     this._Request              = request;
     this._Policy               = request.CachePolicy;
     this._Response             = null;
     this._ResponseCount        = 0;
     this._ValidationStatus     = CacheValidationStatus.DoNotUseCache;
     this._CacheFreshnessStatus = System.Net.Cache.CacheFreshnessStatus.Undefined;
     this._CacheStream          = null;
     this._CacheStreamOffset    = 0L;
     this._CacheStreamLength    = 0L;
     if (!uri.Equals(this._Uri))
         this._CacheKey = uri.GetParts(UriComponents.AbsoluteUri, UriFormat.Unescaped);
     this._Uri = uri;
        private void OnSourceChanged(Uri oldValue, Uri newValue, Object parameter)
            // if resetting source or old source equals new, don't do anything
            if (this.IsResetSource || newValue != null && newValue.Equals(oldValue))

            // handle fragment navigation
            string newFragment = null;
            var oldValueNoFragment = NavigationManager.RemoveFragment(oldValue);
            var newValueNoFragment = NavigationManager.RemoveFragment(newValue, out newFragment);

            if (newValueNoFragment != null && newValueNoFragment.Equals(oldValueNoFragment))
                // fragment navigation
                FragmentNavigationEventArgs args = new FragmentNavigationEventArgs
                    Fragment = newFragment,
                    Parameter = parameter,

                OnFragmentNavigation(this.Content as IContent, args);
                var navType = this.IsNavigatingHistory ? NavigationType.Back : NavigationType.New;

                // only invoke CanNavigate for new navigation
                if (!this.IsNavigatingHistory && !CanNavigate(oldValue, newValue, navType))

                Navigate(oldValue, newValue, navType, parameter);
Esempio n. 20
		public void Equals3 ()
			Uri uri1 = new Uri ("svn+ssh://[email protected]");
			Uri uri2 = new Uri ("svn+ssh://[email protected]");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals (uri2));
Esempio n. 21
		public void Equals2 ()
			Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#main");
			Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?x=1");
			Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals (uri2), "#2 known to fail with ms.net 1.x");
Esempio n. 22
        // 检查数组中的哪个url和strOneBinding端口、地址冲突
        // return:
        //      -2  不冲突
        //      -1  出错
        //      >=0 发生冲突的url在数组中的下标
        static int IsBindingDup(string strOneBinding,
            string[] bindings,
            out string strError)
            strError = "";

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strOneBinding) == true)
                strError = "strOneBinding参数值不能为空";
                return -1;

            Uri one_uri = new Uri(strOneBinding);

            for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++)
                string strCurrentBinding = bindings[i];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strCurrentBinding) == true)

                Uri current_uri = new Uri(strCurrentBinding);

                if (one_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "net.tcp")
                    if (current_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "net.tcp")
                        // 端口不能冲突
                        if (one_uri.Port == current_uri.Port)
                            strError = "'"+strOneBinding+"' 和 '"+strCurrentBinding+"' 之间端口号冲突了";
                            return i;
                    else if (current_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "net.pipe")
                        // 不存在冲突的可能
                    else if (current_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "http")
                        // 端口号不能冲突
                        if (one_uri.Port == current_uri.Port)
                            strError = "'" + strOneBinding + "' 和 '" + strCurrentBinding + "' 之间端口号冲突了";
                            return i;
                else if (one_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "net.pipe")
                    if (current_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "net.pipe")
                        // 不能全部相同
                        if (one_uri.Equals(current_uri) == true)
                            strError = "net.pipe类型的URL '" + strOneBinding + "' 有两项完全相同";
                            return i;

                        if (IsUrlEqual(one_uri.ToString(), current_uri.ToString()) == true)
                            strError = "net.pipe类型的URL '" + strOneBinding + "' 有两项实质上相同(末尾仅仅差异一个'/'字符)";
                            return i;
                else if (one_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "http")
                    if (current_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "net.tcp")
                        // 端口不能冲突
                        if (one_uri.Port == current_uri.Port)
                            strError = "'" + strOneBinding + "' 和 '" + strCurrentBinding + "' 之间端口号冲突了";
                            return i;
                    else if (current_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "net.pipe")
                        // 不可能冲突
                    else if (current_uri.Scheme.ToLower() == "http")
                        // 端口号可以相同,但是不能全部相同
                        if (one_uri.Equals(current_uri) == true)
                            strError = "http类型的URL '"+strOneBinding+"' 有两项完全相同";
                            return i;

                        if (IsUrlEqual(one_uri.ToString(), current_uri.ToString()) == true)
                            strError = "http类型的URL '" + strOneBinding + "' 有两项实质上相同(末尾仅仅差异一个'/'字符)";
                            return i;


            return -2;
Esempio n. 23
        // 对两个URL字符串进行忽略最后一个'/'字符的比较
        static bool IsUrlEqual(string url1, string url2)
            if (url1.Length > 0 && url1[url1.Length - 1] != '/')
                url1 += "/";
            if (url2.Length > 0 && url2[url2.Length - 1] != '/')
                url2 += "/";

            if (url1 == url2)
                return true;

            // 更严格地比较

                Uri uri1 = new Uri(url1);
                Uri uri2 = new Uri(url2);

                if (uri1.Equals(uri2) == true)
                    return true;

                return false;
                return false;
Esempio n. 24
 bool UriEqual( Uri uri1, string uri1Str, string uri2Str, XmlResolver resolver ) {
     if (resolver == null) {
         return uri1Str == uri2Str;
     if (uri1 == null){
         uri1 = resolver.ResolveUri( null, uri1Str );
     Uri uri2 = resolver.ResolveUri( null, uri2Str );
     return uri1.Equals(uri2);
        public static string UriWrtDocumentUri(string uri, string documentUri)
            var result = uri;
                var uriParsed = new Uri(uri);
                var documentUriParsed = new Uri(documentUri);

                if (uriParsed.Equals(documentUriParsed))
                    result = "'self'";
                else if (uriParsed.Scheme == documentUriParsed.Scheme)
                    result = uriParsed.Host;
                    if (!(uriParsed.Port == 0 || uriParsed.IsDefaultPort))
                        result += ":" + uriParsed.Port;
            catch (Exception)
                // Again we can get exceptions if the URI can't parse as a .NET URI.
                // Pass through if we can't do anything better.

            return result;
Esempio n. 26
		public void RelativeEqualsTest()
			Uri uri1 = new Uri ("foo/bar", UriKind.Relative);
			Uri uri2 = new Uri ("foo/bar", UriKind.Relative);
			Uri uri3 = new Uri ("bar/man", UriKind.Relative);
			Uri uri4 = new Uri ("BAR/MAN", UriKind.Relative);
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1 == uri2, "#1a");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals(uri2), "#1b");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1 != uri3, "#2a");
			Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals(uri3), "#2b");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1 == uri2, "#3a");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals(uri2), "#3b");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1 != uri3, "#4a");
			Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals(uri3), "#4b");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri3 != uri4, "#5a");
			Assert.IsTrue (!uri3.Equals(uri4), "#5b");
Esempio n. 27
		public void Equals4 ()
			var uri = new Uri ("http://w3.org");
			Assert.IsFalse (uri.Equals ("-"));
Esempio n. 28
		public void TestEquals2 ()
			Uri a = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com");
			Uri b = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com");

			Assert.AreEqual (a, b, "#1");

			a = new Uri ("mailto:user:[email protected]?subject=uri");
			b = new Uri ("MAILTO:USER:[email protected]?SUBJECT=URI");

			Assert.IsTrue (a != b, "#2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:user:[email protected]?subject=uri", a.ToString (), "#2a");
			Assert.AreEqual ("mailto:USER:[email protected]?SUBJECT=URI", b.ToString (), "#2b");

			a = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com/ports/");
			b = new Uri ("http://www.go-mono.com/PORTS/");

			Assert.IsTrue (!a.Equals (b), "#3");
Esempio n. 29
        static List<string> getListing(string url)
            string name = new Uri(url).AbsolutePath;

            name = Path.GetFileName(name.TrimEnd('/'));

            List<string> list = new List<string>();

            if (File.Exists(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name))
                if (new FileInfo(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name).Length > 0)
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name))
                        while (!sr.EndOfStream)

                    return list;

                log.Info("srtm req " + url);

                WebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(url);

                using (WebResponse res = req.GetResponse())
                using (StreamReader resstream = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream()))

                    string data = resstream.ReadToEnd();

                    Regex regex = new Regex("href=\"([^\"]+)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    if (regex.IsMatch(data))
                        MatchCollection matchs = regex.Matches(data);
                        for (int i = 0; i < matchs.Count; i++)
                            if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Contains(".."))
                            if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Contains("http"))
                            if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().EndsWith("/srtm/version2_1/"))

                            list.Add(url.TrimEnd(new char[] {'/', '\\'}) + "/" + matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString());

                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name))
                    list.ForEach(x =>

                    if (name.Equals("README.txt") || name.Equals("Region_definition.jpg"))
                        sw.Write(" ");

            catch (WebException ex)

            return list;
Esempio n. 30
		public void Equals1 ()
			Uri uri1 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#main");
			Uri uri2 = new Uri ("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#fragment");
			Assert.IsTrue (uri1.Equals (uri2), "#1");
			Assert.IsTrue (!uri2.Equals ("http://www.contoso.com/index.html?x=1"), "#3");
			Assert.IsTrue (!uri1.Equals ("http://www.contoso.com:8080/index.htm?x=1"), "#4");
Esempio n. 31
        private void OnSourceChanged(Uri oldValue, Uri newValue) {
            // if resetting source or old source equals new, don’t do anything
            if (_isResetSource || newValue != null && newValue.Equals(oldValue)) {

            // handle fragment navigation
            string newFragment;
            var oldValueNoFragment = NavigationHelper.RemoveFragment(oldValue);
            var newValueNoFragment = NavigationHelper.RemoveFragment(newValue, out newFragment);

            if (newValueNoFragment != null && newValueNoFragment.Equals(oldValueNoFragment)) {
                // fragment navigation
                var args = new FragmentNavigationEventArgs {
                    Fragment = newFragment

                OnFragmentNavigation(Content as IContent, args);
            } else {
                var navType = _isNavigatingHistory ? NavigationType.Back :
                    _isNavigatingFuture ? NavigationType.Forward :

                // only invoke CanNavigate for new navigation
                if (!_isNavigatingHistory && !_isNavigatingFuture && !CanNavigate(oldValue, newValue, navType)) {

                Navigate(oldValue, newValue, navType);
Esempio n. 32
        private void OnSelectedSourceChanged(Uri oldValue, Uri newValue) 
            if (!_isSelecting) {
                // if old and new are equal, don't do anything
                if (newValue != null && newValue.Equals(oldValue)) {


            // raise SelectedSourceChanged event
            var handler = SelectedSourceChanged;
            handler?.Invoke(this, new SourceEventArgs(newValue));
        /*-------------- internal members -------------*/
        internal void FetchRequest(Uri uri, WebRequest request)
            _Request = request;
            _Policy  = request.CachePolicy;
            _Response = null;
            _ResponseCount = 0;
            _ValidationStatus     = CacheValidationStatus.DoNotUseCache;
            _CacheFreshnessStatus = CacheFreshnessStatus.Undefined;
            _CacheStream          = null;
            _CacheStreamOffset    = 0L;
            _CacheStreamLength    = 0L;

            if (!uri.Equals(_Uri))
                // it's changed from previous call
                _CacheKey = uri.GetParts(UriComponents.AbsoluteUri, UriFormat.Unescaped);
            _Uri = uri;