Esempio n. 1
        private static XamlMember CreateXamlMember(XAttribute attribute, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
            XamlName name  = new XamlName(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.NamespaceName.IsNullOrEmpty() ? namespaces.Get(String.Empty) : attribute.Name.NamespaceName);
            object   value = (object)MarkupExtensionParser.Parse(attribute.Value, namespaces);

            return(new XamlMember(name, namespaces, value));
Esempio n. 2
        private static XamlMember CreateXamlMember(XAttribute attribute, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
            XamlName name = new XamlName(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.NamespaceName.IsNullOrEmpty() ? namespaces.Get(String.Empty) : attribute.Name.NamespaceName);
            object value = (object)MarkupExtensionParser.Parse(attribute.Value, namespaces);

            return new XamlMember(name, namespaces, value);
Esempio n. 3
 public XamlElement(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, IEnumerable <XamlMember> members = null, IEnumerable <object> values = null, IEnumerable <XamlMember> directives = null) :
     base(name, namespaces)
     this.Members    = members ?? EmptyMembers;
     this.Values     = values ?? EmptyValues;
     this.Directives = directives ?? EmptyDirectives;
Esempio n. 4
 public XamlElement(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, IEnumerable<XamlAttribute> attributes = null, IEnumerable<XamlElement> children = null, string textValue = null)
     : base(name, namespaces)
     this.Attributes = attributes ?? new XamlAttribute[0];
     this.Children = children ?? new XamlElement[0];
     this.TextValue = textValue ?? String.Empty;
Esempio n. 5
 public XamlElement(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, IEnumerable<XamlMember> members = null, IEnumerable<object> values = null, IEnumerable<XamlMember> directives = null)
     : base(name, namespaces)
     this.Members = members ?? EmptyMembers;
     this.Values = values ?? EmptyValues;
     this.Directives = directives ?? EmptyDirectives;
Esempio n. 6
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            XamlName other = obj as XamlName;

            return(Object.ReferenceEquals(this, other) || !Object.ReferenceEquals(other, null) &&
                   this.LocalName == other.LocalName &&
                   this.NamespaceName == other.NamespaceName);
Esempio n. 7
        public static RoutedEvent GetRoutedEvent(XamlName eventName)
            if (!eventName.IsMemberName)
                throw new Granular.Exception("Invalid routed event name \"{0}\"", eventName.LocalName);

            Type ownerType = TypeParser.ParseType(eventName.ContainingTypeName);
            return GetOwnedRoutedEvent(ownerType, eventName.MemberName);
Esempio n. 8
        public static bool TryResolveType(XamlName name, out Type type)
            if (XamlTypes.TryParseXamlType(name, out type))
                return true;

            XamlName extensionName = new XamlName(String.Format("{0}Extension", name.LocalName), name.NamespaceName);

            return TryGetType(name, out type) || TryGetType(extensionName, out type);
Esempio n. 9
        public static Type ParseType(XamlName name)
            Type type;

            if (!TryParseType(name, out type))
                throw new Granular.Exception("Type \"{0}\" wasn't found", name);

            return type;
Esempio n. 10
        public static Type ParseXamlType(XamlName xamlName)
            Type type;

            if (!TryParseXamlType(xamlName, out type))
                throw new Granular.Exception("Type {0} wasn't found", xamlName);

            return type;
Esempio n. 11
        private static XamlMember CreateXamlMember(XElement element, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
            XamlName name = new XamlName(element.Name.LocalName, element.Name.NamespaceName.IsNullOrEmpty() ? namespaces.Get(String.Empty) : element.Name.NamespaceName);

            if (element.Attributes().Any())
                throw new Granular.Exception("Member \"{0}\" cannot contain attributes", element.Name);

            if (element.Elements().Any(child => IsMemberName(child.Name)))
                throw new Granular.Exception("Member \"{0}\" cannot contain member elements", element.Name);

            return(new XamlMember(name, namespaces, CreateValues(element, namespaces)));
Esempio n. 12
        public static string ParseTypeName(this ITypeParser typeParser, XamlName name)
            if (XamlLanguage.IsXamlType(name))
                return String.Empty;

            string typeName;

            if (!typeParser.TryParseTypeName(name.LocalName, name.NamespaceName, out typeName))
                throw new Granular.Exception("Type \"{0}\" wasn't found", name);

            return typeName;
Esempio n. 13
        private static XamlMember CreateXamlMember(XElement element, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
            XamlName name = new XamlName(element.Name.LocalName, element.Name.NamespaceName.IsNullOrEmpty() ? namespaces.Get(String.Empty) : element.Name.NamespaceName);

            if (element.Attributes().Any())
                throw new Granular.Exception("Member \"{0}\" cannot contain attributes", element.Name);

            if (element.Elements().Any(child => IsMemberName(child.Name)))
                throw new Granular.Exception("Member \"{0}\" cannot contain member elements", element.Name);

            return new XamlMember(name, namespaces, CreateValues(element, namespaces));
Esempio n. 14
        public XamlName(string localName, string namespaceName = null)
            this.LocalName = localName ?? String.Empty;
            this.NamespaceName = namespaceName ?? String.Empty;

            int typeSeparatorIndex = LocalName.IndexOf('.');

            if (typeSeparatorIndex != -1)
                MemberName = LocalName.Substring(typeSeparatorIndex + 1);
                ContainingTypeName = new XamlName(LocalName.Substring(0, typeSeparatorIndex), NamespaceName);

                IsMemberName = true;
                MemberName = LocalName;
Esempio n. 15
        public XamlName(string localName, string namespaceName = null)
            this.LocalName     = localName ?? String.Empty;
            this.NamespaceName = namespaceName ?? String.Empty;

            int typeSeparatorIndex = LocalName.IndexOf('.');

            if (typeSeparatorIndex != -1)
                MemberName         = LocalName.Substring(typeSeparatorIndex + 1);
                ContainingTypeName = new XamlName(LocalName.Substring(0, typeSeparatorIndex), NamespaceName);

                IsMemberName = true;
                MemberName = LocalName;
Esempio n. 16
        public static IEventAdapter CreateAdapter(Type targetType, XamlName eventName)
            RoutedEvent routedEvent = GetRoutedEvent(targetType, eventName);
            if (routedEvent != null)
                return new RoutedEventAdapter(routedEvent);

            EventInfo clrEvent = GetClrEvent(targetType, eventName);
            if (clrEvent != null)
                return new ClrEventAdapter(clrEvent);

            PropertyInfo eventProperty = GetEventProperty(targetType, eventName);
            if (eventProperty != null)
                return new EventPropertyAdapter(eventProperty);

            return null;
Esempio n. 17
        public static bool TryGetValue(object target, XamlName propertyName, out object value)
            DependencyProperty dependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.GetProperty(target.GetType(), propertyName);
            if (dependencyProperty != null && target is DependencyObject)
                value = ((DependencyObject)target).GetValue(dependencyProperty);
                return true;

            Type propertyContainingType = propertyName.IsMemberName ? TypeParser.ParseType(propertyName.ContainingTypeName) : target.GetType();

            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = propertyContainingType.GetInstanceProperty(propertyName.MemberName);
            if (propertyInfo != null && !propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Any())
                value = propertyInfo.GetValue(target, new object[0]);
                return true;

            value = null;
            return false;
Esempio n. 18
 public PropertyPathElement(XamlName propertyName)
     this.PropertyName = propertyName;
Esempio n. 19
 public IndexPropertyPathElement(XamlName propertyName, IEnumerable<string> indexRawValues, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
     this.PropertyName = propertyName;
     this.IndexRawValues = indexRawValues;
     this.namespaces = namespaces;
Esempio n. 20
        private static PropertyInfo GetClrProperty(Type containingType, XamlName propertyName)
            string propertyMemberName = propertyName.MemberName;
            Type propertyContainingType = propertyName.IsMemberName ? TypeParser.ParseType(propertyName.ContainingTypeName) : containingType;

            return propertyContainingType.GetInstanceProperty(propertyMemberName);
Esempio n. 21
        public static IPropertyAdapter CreateAdapter(Type targetType, XamlName propertyName)
            if (propertyName.IsEmpty)
                return null;

            DependencyProperty dependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.GetProperty(targetType, propertyName);
            if (dependencyProperty != null)
                return new DependencyPropertyAdapter(dependencyProperty);

            PropertyInfo clrProperty = GetClrProperty(targetType, propertyName);
            if (clrProperty != null)
                return new ClrPropertyAdapter(clrProperty);

            return null;
Esempio n. 22
 public XamlNode(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Namespaces = namespaces;
Esempio n. 23
        private static EventInfo GetClrEvent(Type containingType, XamlName eventName)
            string eventMemberName = eventName.MemberName;
            Type eventContainingType = eventName.IsMemberName ? TypeParser.ParseType(eventName.ContainingTypeName) : containingType;

            return eventContainingType.GetEvent(eventMemberName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
Esempio n. 24
 public XamlAttribute(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, object value)
     : base(name, namespaces)
     this.Value = value;
Esempio n. 25
 public XamlMember(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, IEnumerable <object> values) :
     base(name, namespaces)
     this.Values = values ?? EmptyValues;
Esempio n. 26
        public static IElementInitializer FromXamlElement(XamlName memberName, XamlElement memberElement, Type containingType)
            IEventAdapter eventAdapter = EventAdapter.CreateAdapter(containingType, memberName);
            if (eventAdapter != null)
                return ElementEventMemberInitializer.FromXamlElement(eventAdapter, memberElement);

            IPropertyAdapter propertyAdapter = PropertyAdapter.CreateAdapter(containingType, memberName);
            if (propertyAdapter != null)
                return ElementPropertyMemberInitializer.FromXamlElement(propertyAdapter, memberElement);

            throw new Granular.Exception("Type \"{0}\" does not contain a member named \"{1}\"", containingType.Name, memberName);
Esempio n. 27
 public XamlNode(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
     this.Name       = name;
     this.Namespaces = namespaces;
Esempio n. 28
        public static IElementInitializer Create(XamlName memberName, Type containingType, IEnumerable<object> values, XamlNamespaces namespaces)
            IEventAdapter eventAdapter = EventAdapter.CreateAdapter(containingType, memberName);
            if (eventAdapter != null)
                return new ElementEventMemberInitializer(eventAdapter, GetEventHandlerName(memberName, values));

            IPropertyAdapter propertyAdapter = PropertyAdapter.CreateAdapter(containingType, memberName);
            if (propertyAdapter != null)
                return ElementPropertyMemberInitializer.Create(propertyAdapter, values, namespaces);

            throw new Granular.Exception("Type \"{0}\" does not contain a member named \"{1}\"", containingType.Name, memberName);
Esempio n. 29
        private static PropertyInfo GetEventProperty(Type containingType, XamlName eventName)
            string eventMemberName = eventName.MemberName;
            Type eventContainingType = eventName.IsMemberName ? TypeParser.ParseType(eventName.ContainingTypeName) : containingType;

            PropertyInfo eventProperty = eventContainingType.GetInstanceProperty(eventMemberName);
            return eventProperty != null && eventProperty.IsDelegate() ? eventProperty : null;
Esempio n. 30
        private static RoutedEvent GetRoutedEvent(Type containingType, XamlName eventName)
            string eventMemberName = eventName.MemberName;
            Type eventContainingType = eventName.IsMemberName ? TypeParser.ParseType(eventName.ContainingTypeName) : containingType;

            return EventManager.GetOwnedRoutedEvent(containingType, eventMemberName);
Esempio n. 31
 public static bool IsDirective(XamlName name)
Esempio n. 32
        public static bool TryGetMemberValue(this XamlElement element, XamlName memberName, out object value)
            XamlAttribute memberAttribute = element.Attributes.Where(attribute => attribute.Name == memberName).FirstOrDefault();
            if (memberAttribute != null)
                value = memberAttribute.Value;
                return true;

            XamlElement memberChild = element.Children.Where(child => child.Name == memberName).FirstOrDefault();
            if (memberChild != null)
                value = memberChild.GetMemberValue();
                return true;

            value = null;
            return false;
Esempio n. 33
 public static bool TryParseType(XamlName name, out Type type)
     return resolvedTypesCache.TryGetValue(name, out type);
Esempio n. 34
 public static bool IsXamlType(XamlName name)
Esempio n. 35
        private static bool TryGetType(XamlName xamlName, out Type type)
            if (xamlName.NamespaceName.StartsWith(ClrNamespacePrefix))
                string clrNamespace = GetClrNamespace(xamlName.NamespaceName.Substring(ClrNamespacePrefix.Length));
                string assemblyName = GetAssemblyName(xamlName.NamespaceName.Substring(ClrNamespacePrefix.Length));

                if (TryGetType(xamlName.LocalName, clrNamespace, assemblyName, out type))
                    return true;

                return false;

            foreach (XmlnsDefinitionAttribute xmlnsDefinition in GetXmlnsDefinitionAttributes())
                if (xmlnsDefinition.XmlNamespace == xamlName.NamespaceName &&
                    TryGetType(xamlName.LocalName, xmlnsDefinition.ClrNamespace, xmlnsDefinition.AssemblyName, out type))
                    return true;

            type = null;
            return false;
Esempio n. 36
 public XamlMember(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, object value)
     : this(name, namespaces, new object[] { value })
Esempio n. 37
        private static string GetEventHandlerName(XamlName memberName, IEnumerable<object> values)
            if (!values.Any())
                throw new Granular.Exception("Member \"{0}\" doesn't have values", memberName);

            if (values.Count() > 1)
                throw new Granular.Exception("Member \"{0}\" cannot have multiple values", memberName);

            if (!(values.First() is String))
                throw new Granular.Exception("Member \"{0}\" value is not an event handler name", memberName);

            return (string)values.First();
Esempio n. 38
 public XamlMember(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, IEnumerable<object> values)
     : base(name, namespaces)
     this.Values = values ?? EmptyValues;
Esempio n. 39
 public static bool TryParseXamlType(XamlName name, out Type type)
     return TypeProviders.TryGetValue(name, out type);
Esempio n. 40
 public XamlMember(XamlName name, XamlNamespaces namespaces, object value) :
     this(name, namespaces, new object[] { value })