Esempio n. 1
			public AdjusmentLayerInfo(BinaryReverseReader reader, Layer layer)
				Debug.WriteLine("AdjusmentLayerInfo started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

				Layer = layer;

				String signature = new String(reader.ReadChars(4));
				if (signature != "8BIM")
					throw new IOException("Could not read an image resource");

				Key = new String(reader.ReadChars(4));

				UInt32 dataLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
				Data = reader.ReadBytes((Int32)dataLength);
Esempio n. 2
		public ImageResource(BinaryReverseReader reverseReader)
			Name = String.Empty;
			OSType = new String(reverseReader.ReadChars(4));
			if (OSType != "8BIM" && OSType != "MeSa")
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not read an image resource");

			ID = reverseReader.ReadInt16();
			Name = reverseReader.ReadPascalString();

			UInt32 settingLength = reverseReader.ReadUInt32();
			Data = reverseReader.ReadBytes((Int32)settingLength);

			if (reverseReader.BaseStream.Position % 2 == 1) reverseReader.ReadByte();
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Load up the masking information of the supplied PSD
		/// </summary>        
		private void LoadGlobalLayerMask(BinaryReverseReader reader)
			Debug.WriteLine("LoadGlobalLayerMask started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

			UInt32 maskLength = reader.ReadUInt32();

			if (maskLength <= 0) return;

			_globalLayerMaskData = reader.ReadBytes((Int32)maskLength);
Esempio n. 4
		} //end Load()

		/// <summary>
		/// Loads up the Layers of the supplied PSD file
		/// </summary>      
		private void LoadLayers(BinaryReverseReader reader)
			Debug.WriteLine("LoadLayers started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

			UInt32 layersInfoSectionLength = reader.ReadUInt32();

			if (layersInfoSectionLength <= 0)

			Int64 startPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;

			Int16 numberOfLayers = reader.ReadInt16();

			// If <0, then number of layers is absolute value,
			// and the first alpha channel contains the transparency data for
			// the merged result.
			if (numberOfLayers < 0)
				AbsoluteAlpha = true;
				numberOfLayers = Math.Abs(numberOfLayers);


			if (numberOfLayers == 0) return;

			for (Int32 i = 0; i < numberOfLayers; i++)
                _layers.Add(new Layer(reader, this));

			foreach (Layer layer in Layers)
				foreach (Layer.Channel channel in layer.Channels.Where(c => c.ID != -2))

			if (reader.BaseStream.Position % 2 == 1) reader.ReadByte();

			// make sure we are not on a wrong offset, so set the stream position 
			// manually
			reader.BaseStream.Position = startPosition + layersInfoSectionLength;
Esempio n. 5
        public PsdFile Load(String filename)
			using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open))
				//binary reverse reader reads data types in big-endian format.
				BinaryReverseReader reader = new BinaryReverseReader(stream);

				#region "Headers"
				//The headers area is used to check for a valid PSD file
				Debug.WriteLine("LoadHeader started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

				String signature = new String(reader.ReadChars(4));
				if (signature != "8BPS") throw new IOException("Bad or invalid file stream supplied");

				//get the version number, should be 1 always
				if ((Version = reader.ReadInt16()) != 1) throw new IOException("Invalid version number supplied");

				//get rid of the 6 bytes reserverd in PSD format
				reader.BaseStream.Position += 6;

				//get the rest of the information from the PSD file.
				//Everytime ReadInt16() is called, it reads 2 bytes.
				//Everytime ReadInt32() is called, it reads 4 bytes.
				_channels = reader.ReadInt16();
				_rows = reader.ReadInt32();
				_columns = reader.ReadInt32();
				_depth = reader.ReadInt16();
				ColorMode = (ColorModes)reader.ReadInt16();

				//by end of headers, the reader has read 26 bytes into the file.
				#endregion //End Headers

				#region "ColorModeData"
				Debug.WriteLine("LoadColorModeData started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

				UInt32 paletteLength = reader.ReadUInt32(); //readUint32() advances the reader 4 bytes.
				if (paletteLength > 0)
					ColorModeData = reader.ReadBytes((Int32)paletteLength);
				#endregion //End ColorModeData

				#region "Loading Image Resources"
				//This part takes extensive use of classes that I didn't write therefore
				//I can't document much on what they do.

				Debug.WriteLine("LoadingImageResources started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));


				UInt32 imgResLength = reader.ReadUInt32();
				if (imgResLength <= 0) return null;

				Int64 startPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;

				while ((reader.BaseStream.Position - startPosition) < imgResLength)
					ImageResource imgRes = new ImageResource(reader);

					ResourceIDs resID = (ResourceIDs)imgRes.ID;
					switch (resID)
						case ResourceIDs.ResolutionInfo:
							imgRes = new ResolutionInfo(imgRes);
						case ResourceIDs.Thumbnail1:
						case ResourceIDs.Thumbnail2:
							imgRes = new Thumbnail(imgRes);
						case ResourceIDs.AlphaChannelNames:
							imgRes = new AlphaChannels(imgRes);


				// make sure we are not on a wrong offset, so set the stream position 
				// manually
				reader.BaseStream.Position = startPosition + imgResLength;

				#endregion //End LoadingImageResources

				#region "Layer and Mask Info"
				//We are gonna load up all the layers and masking of the PSD now.
				Debug.WriteLine("LoadLayerAndMaskInfo - Part1 started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
				UInt32 layersAndMaskLength = reader.ReadUInt32();

				if (layersAndMaskLength <= 0) return null;

				//new start position
				startPosition = reader.BaseStream.Position;

				//Lets start by loading up all the layers
				//we are done the layers, load up the masks

				// make sure we are not on a wrong offset, so set the stream position 
				// manually
				reader.BaseStream.Position = startPosition + layersAndMaskLength;
				#endregion //End Layer and Mask info

				#region "Loading Final Image"

				//we have loaded up all the information from the PSD file
				//into variables we can use later on.

				//lets finish loading the raw data that defines the image 
				//in the picture.

				Debug.WriteLine("LoadImage started at " + reader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

				ImageCompression = (ImageCompression)reader.ReadInt16();

				ImageData = new Byte[_channels][];


				if (ImageCompression == ImageCompression.Rle)
					// The RLE-compressed data is proceeded by a 2-byte data count for each row in the data,
					// which we're going to just skip.
					reader.BaseStream.Position += _rows * _channels * 2;


				Int32 bytesPerRow = 0;

				switch (_depth)
					case 1:
						bytesPerRow = _columns;//NOT Shure
					case 8:
						bytesPerRow = _columns;
					case 16:
						bytesPerRow = _columns * 2;


				for (Int32 ch = 0; ch < _channels; ch++)
					ImageData[ch] = new Byte[_rows * bytesPerRow];

					switch (ImageCompression)
						case ImageCompression.Raw:
							reader.Read(ImageData[ch], 0, ImageData[ch].Length);
						case ImageCompression.Rle:
								for (Int32 i = 0; i < _rows; i++)
									Int32 rowIndex = i * _columns;
									RleHelper.DecodedRow(reader.BaseStream, ImageData[ch], rowIndex, bytesPerRow);

				#endregion //End LoadingFinalImage

            return this;
		} //end Load()
Esempio n. 6
		public Layer(BinaryReverseReader reverseReader, PsdFile psdFile)
			AdjustmentInfo = new List<AdjusmentLayerInfo>();
			SortedChannels = new SortedList<Int16, Channel>();
			Channels = new List<Channel>();
			Debug.WriteLine("Layer started at " + reverseReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

			PsdFile = psdFile;

			Rectangle localRectangle = new Rectangle
				                           Y = reverseReader.ReadInt32(),
										   X = reverseReader.ReadInt32()
			localRectangle.Height = reverseReader.ReadInt32() - localRectangle.Y;
			localRectangle.Width = reverseReader.ReadInt32() - localRectangle.X;

			Rect = localRectangle;

			Int32 numberOfChannels = reverseReader.ReadUInt16();
			for (Int32 channel = 0; channel < numberOfChannels; channel++)
				Channel ch = new Channel(reverseReader, this);
				SortedChannels.Add(ch.ID, ch);

			String signature = new String(reverseReader.ReadChars(4));

			if (signature != "8BIM") throw (new IOException("Layer Channelheader error"));

			_blendModeKeyStr = new String(reverseReader.ReadChars(4));
			Opacity = reverseReader.ReadByte();

			Clipping = reverseReader.ReadByte() > 0;

			Byte flags = reverseReader.ReadByte();
			_flags = new BitVector32(flags);

			reverseReader.ReadByte(); //padding

			Debug.WriteLine("Layer extraDataSize started at " + reverseReader.BaseStream.Position.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

			// this is the total size of the MaskData, the BlendingRangesData, the 
			// Name and the AdjustmenLayerInfo
			UInt32 extraDataSize = reverseReader.ReadUInt32();

			// remember the start position for calculation of the 
			// AdjustmenLayerInfo size
			Int64 extraDataStartPosition = reverseReader.BaseStream.Position;

			MaskData = new Mask(reverseReader, this);
			BlendingRangesData = new BlendingRanges(reverseReader, this);

			Int64 namePosition = reverseReader.BaseStream.Position;

			Name = reverseReader.ReadPascalString();

			Int32 paddingBytes = (Int32)((reverseReader.BaseStream.Position - namePosition) % 4);

			Debug.Print("Layer {0} padding bytes after name", paddingBytes);


			Int64 adjustmenLayerEndPos = extraDataStartPosition + extraDataSize;
			while (reverseReader.BaseStream.Position < adjustmenLayerEndPos)
					AdjustmentInfo.Add(new AdjusmentLayerInfo(reverseReader, this));
					reverseReader.BaseStream.Position = adjustmenLayerEndPos;

			// make shure we are not on a wrong offset, so set the stream position 
			// manually
			reverseReader.BaseStream.Position = adjustmenLayerEndPos;