Esempio n. 1
        public string GetApprovedDataToSyncSecure(List<int> mdaIdList, SystemUser user)
            if (mdaIdList.Count == 0) return string.Empty;

            //TODO check that all these mda's are from the same installation
            if (LoginRemoteService(user))
                InstallationServices installationServices = new InstallationServices();
                int siteId = installationServices.GetSiteIdFromMDAIdOnServer(mdaIdList.First());
                string feedback = syncProxy.SendApprovedData(_tokenHeader, siteId);
                XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(Crypto.DecryptStringAES(feedback, installationServices.InstallationTokenBySiteId(siteId)));
                if ((bool)xDoc.Element("SecuredWebService").Attribute("success"))
                    //TODO using .Value throws "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." exception
                    //investigate whether the server is using wrong encoding which can be a pain in the ass in future.
                    //However it seems using .ToString() solves it.
                    //string test = xDoc.Element("SecuredWebService").ToString();
                    //string test1 = xDoc.Element("SecuredWebService").Value;

                    XDocument xDocData = XDocument.Parse(xDoc.Element("SecuredWebService").Element("data").Element("Approved").ToString());
                    return Crypto.EncryptStringAES(xDocData.ToString(), installationServices.InstallationTokenByMDAId(mdaIdList.First()));
            return string.Empty;
Esempio n. 2
        private void ServerImport(string folder, MemoryStream ms)
            //TODO this check is usually not called, because this option is only available while on server.
            if (!SiteConfigServices.IsServer)
                SetMessage("Error writing file");
                SetMessage("You can only import data for approval on a server");

            string syncFileName = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", folder, Constants.SSEPS_FILE_SYNC);
            if (File.Exists(syncFileName))
                SetMessage("File found on selected medium");
                SetMessage(string.Format("File name {0} ", syncFileName));
                SetMessage("Importing data");
                using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(syncFileName))
                    foreach (ZipEntry entry in zip)
                        ms.Position = 0;
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms);
                        String file = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        string[] splitFile = file.Split('|');
                        if (splitFile.Count() != 2)
                            SetMessage("File in wrong format");
                            SetMessage("This file needs to be re-exported");
                        InstallationServices instalServices = new InstallationServices();
                        int siteId = int.Parse(splitFile[0]);
                        string token = instalServices.InstallationTokenBySiteId(siteId);
                        string realXml = Crypto.DecryptStringAES(splitFile[1], token);
                        XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(realXml);
                        if (xDoc.Root.Name.ToString() == "Sync")
                            if (_syncServices.ImportDataForApproval(_configurationManager.LoggedInUser,
                                Crypto.EncryptStringAES(xDoc.ToString(), token), siteId))
                                SetMessage("Data imported successfully");
                                SetMessage("Failed to import data, server service down");
                            SetMessage("Failed to import data, file of unknown type");
                SetMessage("File not found on selected medium");