Esempio n. 1
        private static int Test_HtmlStringIdIndexOf_One(string html, string id, bool expected)
            int nerror = 0;
            var actual = EpubWizard.HtmlStringIdIndexOf(html, id) >= 0;

            if (actual != expected)
                App.Error($"ERROR: HtmlStringContainsId({html}, {id}) expected {expected} but got {actual}");
Esempio n. 2
 public static string FindClosestAnchorHelper(string foundHtml, int maxPosition, IList <EpubChapter> chapterList, int currDepth, int maxDepth, ref string closest)
     foreach (var chapter in chapterList)
         // FAIL: for many ebooks, the anchors are complex values that unlikely to be found in
         // any book. But for Fire at Red Lake, there's a set of transcriber's notes in their own
         // chapter. The chapter anchor for these is "tn". No surprise, there's plenty of words
         // that includes a 'tn' and therefore the transcribers notes are preferentially found.
         var chpos = EpubWizard.HtmlStringIdIndexOf(foundHtml, chapter.HashLocation ?? "***NO ANCHOR***"); //was .Anchor
         if (chpos >= 0 && chpos <= maxPosition)
             // Found a possible match. The same html might be referred to by multiple chapters,
             // so keep on going; there might be a better match.
             closest = chapter.HashLocation; //  .Anchor;
         if ((currDepth + 1 < maxDepth) && (chapter.SubChapters.Count > 0))
             FindClosestAnchorHelper(foundHtml, maxPosition, chapter.SubChapters, currDepth + 1, maxDepth, ref closest);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the id of the chapter that contains an anchor. This is used, for example, when
        /// selecting an image and wanting to shift the chapter display.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetChapterContainingId(EpubBookExt epubBook, string id, int preferredHtmlIndex)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                // just return the first chapter
                return(GetFirstChapter(epubBook.TableOfContents).HashLocation ?? ""); // ?? "";

            // Step one: find the html with the id
            var idList = EpubWizard.GetIdVariants(id);

            var(foundHtml, foundIndex, foundHtmlName, foundId) = EpubWizard.FindHtmlContainingId(epubBook, idList, preferredHtmlIndex);
            if (foundHtml == null)
                if (id != "uiLog")
                    // uiLog isn't always findable for ... reasons
                    App.Error($"IMPOSSIBLE ERROR: completely unable to find id {id} ");

            var    pos     = EpubWizard.HtmlStringIdIndexOf(foundHtml, id);
            string closest = null;

            FindClosestAnchorHelper(foundHtml, pos, epubBook.TableOfContents, 0, 3, ref closest);

            // Fixup #1: try the TOC directly
            // FAIL: the order of the fixups is really important. BAEN 2013 short stories doesn't include chapter id values
            // and they have one story with nested sections AND they have duplicate ID values (calibre_pb_1 etc.) AND each story is
            // in its own HTML page. If you select the first story after the story with sub-stories, then we really want to find
            // the story by chapter and don't want the previous story.
            if (closest == null)
                // FAIL: All of me a small town romance: the chapters don't have any anchors at all.
                // Instead of looking for the chapter by id, look for it based on a matching
                // filename. If it matches, return the Filename as the id.
                // No, it's not quite an id, but it is close enough to work :-)

                foreach (var chapter in epubBook.TableOfContents)
                    // The chapters here might have names like ../TextFiles/chapter.xhml
                    // while we're looking for plain TextFiles/chapter.xhml
                    // We have to return the raw chapter name because we'll use it later on.
                    // // // BUG: using the wrong name!!!  var htmlFileNameVariants = MakeHtmlFileNameVariants(foundHtmlName);
                    var htmlFileNameVariants = MakeHtmlFileNameVariants(chapter.FileName());
                    foreach (var fname in htmlFileNameVariants)
                        if (fname == foundHtmlName)
                            closest = chapter.FileName();

            // Fixup #2: maybe try the previous HTML
            if (closest == null)
                // Didn't find one; that's probably because we're in a gap. We need to find the same thing for the
                // previous chapter, but with closest set to the end of the html.
                if (foundIndex > 0)
                    foundHtml = FindHtmlByIndex(epubBook, foundIndex - 1);
                    FindClosestAnchorHelper(foundHtml, int.MaxValue, epubBook.TableOfContents, 0, 3, ref closest);
                // First html, and still can't find anything? Give up, we're not going to find anything.

            // All the fixups failed
            if (closest == null)
                App.Error($"ERROR: when asked for matching chapter, can't find it for {id}. Possibly the chapters have no anchors.");
