public MatchSetupWindow(FrcEvent frc, int lastMatchID, 
			bool cantTakeNoForAnAnswer) : base()
			Settings = new LoadMatchSettings();
			Settings.Frc = frc;
			if (frc == null)
				Settings.MatchID = 1;
				Settings.MatchID = Math.Min(lastMatchID + 1, frc.Matches.Count - 1);
				Pregame = frc.LoadMatch(Settings.MatchID);

			CantTakeNo = cantTakeNoForAnAnswer;

		public void PostJsonLoading(FrcEvent e)
			Team = e.LoadTeam(TeamID);
			Match = e.LoadMatch(MatchID);
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the match after instantiated by JSON.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">Event to load the rest of the match from</param>
		public void PostJsonLoading(FrcEvent e)
			Event = e;
			Match = e.LoadMatch(MatchID);