Esempio n. 1
        public readonly float utility_price_to_compare; // in $/kWh

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public GUIData(GUIDataBuilder b)
            analysis_years = b.manalysis_years;
            cost_per_watt_dc = b.mcost_per_watt_dc;
            use_cost_per_watt_override = b.muse_cost_per_watt;
            utility_price_to_compare = b.mutility_price_to_compare;
            utility_monthly_fixed_cost = b.mutility_monthly_fixed_cost;
            utility_ann_escal_rate = b.mutility_ann_escal_rate;
            inflation_rate = b.minflation_rate;
            discount_rate = b.mdiscount_rate;
            loan_rate = b.mloan_rate;
            loan_term = b.mloan_term;
            loan_debt = b.mloan_debt;
            srec_price = b.msrec_price;
            enable_incentives = b.menable_incentives;
Esempio n. 2
 public GUIData(GUIDataBuilder b)
     analysis_years             = b.manalysis_years;
     cost_per_watt_dc           = b.mcost_per_watt_dc;
     use_cost_per_watt_override = b.muse_cost_per_watt;
     utility_price_to_compare   = b.mutility_price_to_compare;
     utility_monthly_fixed_cost = b.mutility_monthly_fixed_cost;
     utility_ann_escal_rate     = b.mutility_ann_escal_rate;
     inflation_rate             = b.minflation_rate;
     discount_rate     = b.mdiscount_rate;
     loan_rate         = b.mloan_rate;
     loan_term         = b.mloan_term;
     loan_debt         = b.mloan_debt;
     srec_price        = b.msrec_price;
     enable_incentives = b.menable_incentives;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Demo of the SAM API implemented by J. Ranalli on 8/21/14
        /// </summary>
        static void SAMRewriteTest()
            //===Create the high level inputs===
            //From GIS
            GISData gis = new GISDataBuilder()
            //From User Input
            GUIData gui = new GUIDataBuilder()

            //===Run the model for one year===
            Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start();
            PVSystemModel pv = GUITranslator.runModel(gis, gui); // This is the model run command
            s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("\nRuntime: " + s.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms \n\n");

            //===Example Uses of the Output For Single Year===
            Console.WriteLine("Nameplate Capacity: " + pv.getNameplateCapacity() + " kWDC");
            Console.WriteLine("Inverter Capacity: " + pv.getInverterACCapacity() + " WAC");
            Console.WriteLine("Total System Cost: $" + pv.getSystemCost());
            Console.WriteLine("Cost Per Watt: $" + pv.getCostPerWatt());

            Console.WriteLine("Year One Power Produced: " + pv.getYearOneOutput() + " kWh");
            Console.WriteLine("Value of energy in Year 1: $" + pv.getAnnualValueOfEnergyProduced()[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("Net Present Value: $" + pv.getNetPresentValue());

            float[] yrbyyrvalue = pv.getAnnualValueOfEnergyProduced();
            for (int i = 0; i < yrbyyrvalue.Length; i++)

            //===Run the model for multiple years===
            Stopwatch s2 = new Stopwatch(); s.Start();
            int[] years = new int[] { 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 };
            MultiplePVSystemModel pv2 = GUITranslator.multiRunModel(gis, gui, years); // This is the model run command
            s2.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("\nRuntime: " + s.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms \n\n");

            //===Example Uses of the Output for Multiple Year===
            float[] multival = pv2.getYearOneOutput();
            for (int i = 0; i < multival.Length; i++)
            double average = multival.Average();
            double sumOfSquaresOfDifferences = multival.Select(val => (val - average) * (val - average)).Sum();
            double sd = Math.Sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDifferences / multival.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("Average: "+average+",  STD: " + sd);
Esempio n. 4
        static void ridiculousRewrite()
            GISData gis = new GISDataBuilder()

            GUIData gui = new GUIDataBuilder()

            CompiledOutputData cod =,gui);

            //===Example Uses of the Output For Single Year===
            Console.WriteLine("Nameplate Capacity: " + cod.getSizeAndCostSettings().dc_rating + " kWDC");
            Console.WriteLine("Inverter Capacity: " + cod.getSizeAndCostSettings().ac_rating + " WAC");
            Console.WriteLine("Total System Cost: $" + cod.getSizeAndCostSettings().total_cost);
            Console.WriteLine("Cost Per Watt: $" + cod.getSizeAndCostSettings().cost_per_watt_dc);

            Console.WriteLine("Year One Power Produced: " + cod.getPVSAMV1Output().ac_annual + " kWh");
            Console.WriteLine("Value of energy in Year 1: $" + cod.getUtilityRateOutput().energy_value[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("Net Present Value: $" + cod.getCashLoanOutput().npv);