Esempio n. 1
        public LZX(string file)
            File = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
            io = new EndianStream(File, false);

            // Read it to make sure its a PkZip file
            io.Seek((int)io.Length - 0x16, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            if (io.ReadInt32() != 0x06054B50)
                throw new Exception("This is not a PkZip File!");

            // Lets read the structure
            io.Seek((int)io.Length - 0x16, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ZipEndLocator el = new ZipEndLocator(io);

            // Now that we have this info lets read our directory entries
            entries = new List<ZipDirEntry>();

            io.Seek(el.DirectoryOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            for (int i = 0; i < el.EntriesInDirectory; i++)
                entries.Add(new ZipDirEntry(io));
Esempio n. 2
 public ZipEndLocator(EndianStream er)
     stream = er;
     signature = er.ReadInt32();
     diskNumber = er.ReadInt16();
     startDiskNumber = er.ReadInt16();
     entriesOnDisk = er.ReadInt16();
     EntriesInDirectory = er.ReadInt16();
     directorySize = er.ReadInt32();
     DirectoryOffset = er.ReadInt32();
     commentLength = er.ReadInt16();
     comment = er.ReadASCII(commentLength);
Esempio n. 3
        public ZipFileRecord(EndianStream er)
            stream = er;

            signature = er.ReadInt32();
            version = er.ReadInt16();
            flags = er.ReadInt16();
            compression = (CompressionType)er.ReadInt16();
            fileTime = er.ReadInt16();
            fileDate = er.ReadInt16();
            Crc = er.ReadUInt32();
            CompressedSize = er.ReadInt32();
            UncompressedSize = er.ReadInt32();
            fileNameLength = er.ReadInt16();
            extraFieldLength = er.ReadInt16();
            fileName = er.ReadASCII(fileNameLength);
            extraField = er.ReadASCII(extraFieldLength);

            data = er.ReadBytes(CompressedSize);
Esempio n. 4
        public ZipDirEntry(EndianStream es)
            stream = es;

            offset = (int)es.Position;
            signature = es.ReadInt32();
            versionMadeBy = es.ReadInt16();
            versionToExtract = es.ReadInt16();
            flags = es.ReadInt16();
            compression = (CompressionType)es.ReadInt16();
            fileTime = es.ReadInt16();
            fileDate = es.ReadInt16();
            crc = es.ReadUInt32();
            compressedSize = es.ReadInt32();
            uncompressedSize = es.ReadInt32();
            fileNameLength = es.ReadInt16();
            extraFieldLength = es.ReadInt16();
            fileCommentLength = es.ReadInt16();
            diskNumberStart = es.ReadInt16();
            internalAttributes = es.ReadInt16();
            externalAttributes = es.ReadInt32();
            headerOffset = es.ReadInt32();
            fileName = es.ReadASCII(fileNameLength);
            extraField = es.ReadASCII(extraFieldLength);