Esempio n. 1
        public ModuleObject(string name)
            if (name == string.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Name must not be empty!");
            moduleName = name;
            cache      = new Dictionary <string, ManagedType>();
            _namespace = name;

            // Use the filename from any of the assemblies just so there's something for
            // anything that expects __file__ to be set.
            var filename  = "unknown";
            var docstring = "Namespace containing types from the following assemblies:\n\n";

            foreach (Assembly a in AssemblyManager.GetAssemblies(name))
                if (!a.IsDynamic && a.Location != null)
                    filename = a.Location;
                docstring += "- " + a.FullName + "\n";

            dict = Runtime.PyDict_New();
            IntPtr pyname      = Runtime.PyString_FromString(moduleName);
            IntPtr pyfilename  = Runtime.PyString_FromString(filename);
            IntPtr pydocstring = Runtime.PyString_FromString(docstring);
            IntPtr pycls       = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(GetType());

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(dict, PyIdentifier.__name__, pyname);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(dict, PyIdentifier.__file__, pyfilename);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(dict, PyIdentifier.__doc__, pydocstring);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(dict, PyIdentifier.__class__, pycls);

            SetObjectDict(pyHandle, dict);

Esempio n. 2
        public ModuleObject(string name)
            if (name == string.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Name must not be empty!");
            moduleName = name;
            cache      = new Dictionary <string, ManagedType>();
            _namespace = name;

            // Use the filename from any of the assemblies just so there's something for
            // anything that expects __file__ to be set.
            var filename  = "unknown";
            var docstring = "Namespace containing types from the following assemblies:\n\n";

            foreach (Assembly a in AssemblyManager.GetAssemblies(name))
                if (!a.IsDynamic && a.Location != null)
                    filename = a.Location;
                docstring += "- " + a.FullName + "\n";

            var dictRef = Runtime.PyObject_GenericGetDict(ObjectReference);

            dict = dictRef.DangerousMoveToPointer();

            using var pyname      = NewReference.DangerousFromPointer(Runtime.PyString_FromString(moduleName));
            using var pyfilename  = NewReference.DangerousFromPointer(Runtime.PyString_FromString(filename));
            using var pydocstring = NewReference.DangerousFromPointer(Runtime.PyString_FromString(docstring));
            BorrowedReference pycls = TypeManager.GetTypeReference(GetType());

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(DictRef, PyIdentifier.__name__, pyname);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(DictRef, PyIdentifier.__file__, pyfilename);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(DictRef, PyIdentifier.__doc__, pydocstring);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(DictRef, PyIdentifier.__class__, pycls);

        public ModuleObject(string name) : base()
            if (name == String.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Name must not be empty!");
            moduleName = name;
            cache      = new Dictionary <string, ManagedType>();
            _namespace = name;

            // Use the filename from any of the assemblies just so there's something for
            // anything that expects __file__ to be set.
            string filename  = "unknown";
            string docstring = "Namespace containing types from the following assemblies:\n\n";

            foreach (Assembly a in AssemblyManager.GetAssemblies(name))
                filename   = a.Location;
                docstring += "- " + a.FullName + "\n";

            dict = Runtime.PyDict_New();
            IntPtr pyname      = Runtime.PyString_FromString(moduleName);
            IntPtr pyfilename  = Runtime.PyString_FromString(filename);
            IntPtr pydocstring = Runtime.PyString_FromString(docstring);
            IntPtr pycls       = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(this.GetType());

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__name__", pyname);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__file__", pyfilename);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", pydocstring);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__class__", pycls);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(this.pyHandle, ObjectOffset.DictOffset(this.pyHandle), dict);
