public override void OnGetGraphic(ImagePackage package,FilePath path){ // Already resized? ResizedImage resized=ResizedImages.Get(path.Path); if(resized!=null){ // Sure is! package.GotGraphic(resized.Image); return; } if(Callback.WillDelay){ // Buffer this call until later - we're not on the main thread. // Create the callback: ResourcesProtocolCallback callback=new ResourcesProtocolCallback(package,path); // Hook up the protocol handler for speed later: callback.Protocol=this; // Request it to run: callback.Go(); return; } if(path.Filetype=="spa"){ // Animated. // Load the binary file - Note: the full file should be called for this to work in Unity. byte[] binary=((TextAsset)Resources.Load(path.Path)).bytes; if(binary!=null){ // Apply it now: package.GotGraphic(new SPA(path.Url,binary)); return; } }else{ // Image Texture2D image=(Texture2D)Resources.Load(path.Directory+path.Filename); // Resize the image: resized=ResizedImages.Add(path.Path,image); if(image!=null){ package.GotGraphic(resized.Image); return; } } package.GotGraphic("Image not found in resources ("+path.Directory+path.Filename+" from URL '"+path.Url+"')."); }
// Textual stuff; usually .html files public override void OnGetText(TextPackage package,FilePath path){ // Get the bytes: string data=System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path.Path)); // Let the package know: package.GotText(data,null); }
/// <summary>Attempts to get a graphic from the given location using this protocol.</summary> /// <param name="package">The image request. GotGraphic must be called on this when the protocol is done.</param> /// <param name="path">The location of the file to retrieve using this protocol.</param> public override void OnGetGraphic(ImagePackage package,FilePath path){ if(path.Filetype=="spa"){ // Grab a runtime SPA: package.GotGraphic(SPA.Get(path.Path)); return; } package.GotGraphic(ImageCache.Get(path.Path)); }
// Raw binary data public override void OnGetData(DataPackage package,FilePath path){ // Get the bytes: byte[] data=System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path.Path); // Let the package know: package.GotData(data,null); }
/// <summary>Attempts to get a graphic from the given location using this protocol.</summary> /// <param name="package">The image request. GotGraphic must be called on this when the protocol is done.</param> /// <param name="path">The location of the file to retrieve using this protocol.</param> public override void OnGetGraphic(ImagePackage package,FilePath path){ // Create it: Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(0,0); // Load it: tex.LoadImage(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path.Path)); // Let the package know: package.GotGraphic(tex); }
public override void OnGetGraphic(ImagePackage package,FilePath path){ if(Callback.WillDelay){ // Buffer this call until later - we're not on the main thread. // Create the callback: ResourcesProtocolCallback callback=new ResourcesProtocolCallback(package,path); // Hook up the protocol handler for speed later: callback.Protocol=this; // Request it to run: callback.Go(); return; } if(path.Filetype=="spa"){ // Animated. // Load the binary file - Note: the full file should be called for this to work in Unity. byte[] binary=((TextAsset)Resources.Load(path.Path)).bytes; if(binary!=null){ // Apply it now: package.GotGraphic(new SPA(path.Url,binary)); return; } #if !MOBILE }else if(ContentType.IsVideo(path.Filetype)){ // Video MovieTexture movie=(MovieTexture)Resources.Load(path.Directory+path.Filename,typeof(MovieTexture)); if(movie!=null){ package.GotGraphic(movie); return; } #endif }else{ // Image Texture2D image=(Texture2D)Resources.Load(path.Directory+path.Filename); if(image!=null){ package.GotGraphic(image); return; } } package.GotGraphic("Image not found in resources ("+path.Directory+path.Filename+" from URL '"+path.Url+"')."); }
public HttpErrorInfo(HttpRequest request){ // Store the request: Request=request; // Grab the URL: Url=new FilePath(request.Url,""); // Grab the message: Message=request.Error; }
public FileErrorInfo(TextPackage package){ // Store the package: Package=package; // Grab the URL: Url=new FilePath(package.Url,""); // Grab the message: Message=package.Error; }
public override void OnGetGraphic(ImagePackage package,FilePath path){ // Work like a proper browser - let's go get the image from the web. // Second is for video - it's called when the video is ready for playback but // Not necessarily fully downloaded. // First, was this graphic already requested? // If so, we'll provide that immediately. ImagePackage previousRequest=GetFromCache(path.Url); if(previousRequest!=null){ // Great - provide this packages result first. // This prevents any flashing if innerHTML is loaded. package.GotCached(previousRequest); return; } HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest(path.Url,GotGraphicResult); request.OnRequestReady+=GotGraphicResult; request.ExtraData=package; request.Send(); }
/// <summary>Get the file at the given path as a MovieTexture (Unity Pro only!), Texture2D, /// SPA Animation or DynamicTexture using this protocol. /// Once it's been retrieved, this must call package.GotGraphic(theObject) internally.</summary> public virtual void OnGetGraphic(ImagePackage package,FilePath path){}
/// <summary>Submits the given form to the given path using this protocol.</summary> public virtual void OnPostForm(FormData form,Element formElement,FilePath path){}
/// <summary>Get generic binary at the given path using this protocol. Used for e.g. fonts. /// Once it's been retrieved, this must call package.GotData(theText) internally.</summary> public virtual void OnGetData(DataPackage package,FilePath path){}
/// <summary>Get the file at the given path as some html text using this protocol. /// Once it's been retrieved, this must call package.GotText(theText) internally.</summary> public virtual void OnGetText(TextPackage package,FilePath path){}
/// <summary>Sets up the filepath to the given url which may be relative to a given location.</summary> /// <param name="src">The file to get.</param> /// <param name="relativeTo">The path the file to get is relative to, if any. May be null.</param> private void SetPath(string src,string relativeTo){ File=new FilePath(src,relativeTo,false); FileType=File.Filetype.ToLower(); }
/// <summary>Does the item at the given location have full access to the code security domain? /// Used by Nitro. If it does not have full access, the Nitro security domain is asked about the path instead. /// If you're unsure, leave this false! If your game uses simple web browsing, /// this essentially stops somebody writing dangerous Nitro on a remote webpage and directing your game at it.</summary> public virtual bool FullAccess(FilePath path){ return false; }
/// <summary>Submits this form.</summary> public void submit(){ // Generate a nice dictionary of the form contents. // Step 1: find the unique names of the elements: Dictionary<string,string> uniqueValues=new Dictionary<string,string>(); List<Element> allInputs=GetAllInputs(); foreach(Element element in allInputs){ string type=element["type"]; if(type=="submit"||type=="button"){ // Don't want buttons in here. continue; } string name=element["name"]; if(name==null){ name=""; } // Step 2: For each one, get their value. // We might have a name repeated, in which case we check if they are radio boxes. if(uniqueValues.ContainsKey(name)){ // Ok the element is already added - we have two with the same name. // If they are radio, then only overwrite value if the new addition is checked. // Otherwise, overwrite - furthest down takes priority. if(element.Tag=="input"){ InputTag tag=(InputTag)(element.Handler); if(tag.Type==InputType.Radio&&!tag.Checked){ // Don't overwrite. continue; } } } string value=element.value; if(value==null){ value=""; } uniqueValues[name]=value; } FormData formData=new FormData(uniqueValues); // Hook up the form element: formData.form=Element; object result=Element.Run("onsubmit",formData); if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Action) && (result==null||!(bool)result) ){ // Post to Action. FilePath path=new FilePath(Action,Element.Document.basepath,false); FileProtocol fileProtocol=path.Handler; if(fileProtocol!=null){ fileProtocol.OnPostForm(formData,Element,path); } } }
/// <summary>Loads a link into the given document.</summary> /// <param name="path">The path the link was pointing at.</param> /// <param name="document">The document the link will load into.</param> private void LoadIntoDocument(FilePath path,Document document){ // Clear the document so it's obvious to the player the link is now loading: document.innerHTML=""; document.location=path; // Load the html. Note that path.Url is fully resolved at this point: TextPackage package=new TextPackage(path.Url,""); package.ExtraData=document; package.Get(GotLinkText); }
public override bool OnClick(UIEvent clickEvent){ base.OnClick(clickEvent); if(!clickEvent.heldDown){ // Time to go to our Href. #if MOBILE || UNITY_METRO // First, look for <source> elements. // Grab the kids: List<Element> kids=Element.childNodes; if(kids!=null){ // For each child, grab it's src value. Favours the most suitable protocol for this platform (e.g. market:// on android). foreach(Element child in kids){ if(child.Tag!="source"){ continue; } // Grab the src: string childSrc=child["src"]; if(childSrc==null){ continue; } // Get the optional type - it can be Android,W8,IOS,Blackberry: string type=child["type"]; if(type!=null){ type=type.Trim().ToLower(); } #if UNITY_ANDROID if(type=="android" || childSrc.StartsWith("market:")){ Href=childSrc; } #elif UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO if(type=="w8" || type=="wp8" || type=="windows" || childSrc.StartsWith("ms-windows-store:")){ Href=childSrc; } #elif UNITY_IPHONE if(type=="ios" || childSrc.StartsWith("itms:") || childSrc.StartsWith("itms-apps:")){ Href=childSrc; } #endif } } #endif if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Href)){ FilePath path=new FilePath(Href,Element.Document.basepath,false); // Do we have a file protocol handler available? FileProtocol fileProtocol=path.Handler; if(fileProtocol!=null){ fileProtocol.OnFollowLink(Element,path); } } clickEvent.stopPropagation(); } return true; }
public ResourcesProtocolCallback(ImagePackage package,FilePath path){ Images=package; Path=path; }
public override void OnFollowLink(Element linkElement,FilePath path){ string target=linkElement["target"]; if(target!=null && target=="_blank"){ // Open the given url. Application.OpenURL(path.Url); return; } // Clear the document so it's obvious to the player the link is now loading: linkElement.Document.innerHTML=""; linkElement.Document.location=path; // Load the html. Note that path.Url is fully resolved at this point: TextPackage package=new TextPackage(path.Url,""); package.ExtraData=linkElement.Document; package.Get(GotLinkText); }
public override void OnGetData(DataPackage package,FilePath path){ HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest(path.Url,GotDataResult); request.ExtraData=package; request.Send(); }
public override void OnPostForm(FormData form,Element formElement,FilePath path){ // Post to HTTP; Action is our URL. HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest(path.Url,OnFormSent); request.ExtraData=formElement; request.AttachForm(form.ToUnityForm()); request.Send(); }
/// <summary>The user clicked on the given link which points to the given path.</summary> public virtual void OnFollowLink(Element linkElement,FilePath path){}
public override void OnFollowLink(Element linkElement,FilePath path){ Application.LoadLevel(path.Directory+path.File); }
public override void OnGetText(TextPackage package,FilePath path){ if(Callback.WillDelay){ // Buffer this call until later - we're not on the main thread. // Create the callback: ResourcesProtocolCallback callback=new ResourcesProtocolCallback(package,path); // Hook up the protocol handler for speed later: callback.Protocol=this; // Request it to run: callback.Go(); return; } // Getting a files text content from resources. string text=null; string error=null; string resPath=null; string filetype=path.Filetype; if(filetype=="html" || filetype=="htm" || filetype=="txt"){ resPath=path.Directory+path.Filename; }else{ // The file MUST end in .bytes for this to work. resPath=path.Path; } TextAsset asset=(TextAsset)Resources.Load(resPath); if(asset==null){ error="File not found in resources ("+path.Directory+path.Filename+" from URL '"+path.Url+"')"; if(filetype=="css" || filetype=="ns" || filetype=="nitro"){ error+=" Additionally, note that '."+filetype+"' files are not recognised by Unity as a text file. Try renaming the file to ."+filetype+".bytes in your Resources folder."; } }else{ text=asset.text; } package.GotText(text,error); }
/// <summary>Sets up the filepath to the given url which may be relative to a given location.</summary> /// <param name="src">The file to get.</param> /// <param name="relativeTo">The path the file to get is relative to, if any. May be null.</param> /// <param name="useResolution">True if the resolution string should be appended to the name.</param> private void SetPath(string src,string relativeTo,bool useResolution){ File=new FilePath(src,relativeTo,useResolution); FileType=File.Filetype.ToLower(); PixelPerfect=File.UsedResolution; }
public override bool FullAccess(FilePath path){ // This is entirely local and controlled by the developer - it's a safe protocol. return true; }
public override void OnGetText(TextPackage package,FilePath path){ // Work like a proper browser - Let's go grab text from the given url. // Note that this will only work with simple sites (no JS - nitro only) or ones built specifically for PowerUI. HttpRequest request=new HttpRequest(path.Url,GotTextResult); request.ExtraData=package; request.Send(); }
public override void OnGetData(DataPackage package,FilePath path){ if(Callback.WillDelay){ // Buffer this call until later - we're not on the main thread. // Create the callback: ResourcesProtocolCallback callback=new ResourcesProtocolCallback(package,path); // Hook up the protocol handler for speed later: callback.Protocol=this; // Request it to run: callback.Go(); return; } // Getting a files text content from resources. byte[] data=null; string error=null; string resPath=path.Path; TextAsset asset=(TextAsset)Resources.Load(resPath); if(asset==null){ error="File not found in resources ("+path.Directory+path.Filename+" from URL '"+path.Url+"'). Does your file in Unity end with .bytes?"; }else{ data=asset.bytes; } package.GotData(data,error); }
public override void OnFollowLink(Element linkElement,FilePath path){ // Grab the protocol: string protocol=path.Protocol; // Is it actually a web one? string[] names=GetNames(); bool web=false; for(int i=0;i<names.Length;i++){ if(protocol==names[i]){ web=true; break; } } Document targetDocument=null; if(web){ // Otherwise it's e.g. an app link. No target there - always external. // Resolve the link elements target: targetDocument=ResolveTarget(linkElement); } if(targetDocument==null){ // Open the URL outside of Unity: Application.OpenURL(path.Url); }else{ // Load into that document: LoadIntoDocument(path,targetDocument); } }