Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the authority for voting procedure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index given to this authority.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">Voting parameters for the procedure.</param>
        public void Prepare(int index, Signed<VotingParameters> signedParameters)
            if (index < 1)
            throw new ArgumentException("Index must be at least 1.");
              if (signedParameters == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("signedParameters");

              this.signedParameters = signedParameters;
              this.parameters = signedParameters.Value;
              this.authority = new Authority(index, this.parameters);
              this.authorities = new Dictionary<int, Certificate>();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data of authority from file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Name of file to load.</param>
        private void Load(string fileName)
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
              DeserializeContext context = new DeserializeContext(fileStream);

              this.parameters = context.ReadObject<VotingParameters>();
              this.signedParameters = context.ReadObject<Signed<VotingParameters>>();

              this.authorities = new Dictionary<int,Certificate>();
              int count = context.ReadInt32();
              count.Times(() => this.authorities.Add(context.ReadInt32(), context.ReadObject<Certificate>()));

              this.authority = new Authority(context, this.parameters);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Crypto base test.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only used during development.
        /// </remarks>
        public void BaseTest()
            BigInt prime = Prime.Find(80);
              BigInt safePrime = Prime.FindSafe(88);

              BaseParameters parameters = new BaseParameters();

              Question question = new Question(new MultiLanguageString(string.Empty), new MultiLanguageString(string.Empty), new MultiLanguageString(string.Empty), 1);
              question.AddOption(new Option(new MultiLanguageString("Ja"), new MultiLanguageString(string.Empty), new MultiLanguageString(string.Empty)));
              question.AddOption(new Option(new MultiLanguageString("Nein"), new MultiLanguageString(string.Empty), new MultiLanguageString(string.Empty)));

              Authority[] auths = new Authority[5];

              for (int aI = 0; aI < parameters.AuthorityCount; aI++)
            auths[aI] = new Authority(aI + 1, parameters);

              foreach (Authority a in auths)

              foreach (Authority a in auths)
            List<Share> shares = new List<Share>();
            List<List<VerificationValue>> As = new List<List<VerificationValue>>();

            foreach (Authority b in auths)
              As.Add(new List<VerificationValue>());

              for (int l = 0; l <= parameters.Thereshold; l++)
            As[As.Count - 1].Add(b.VerificationValue(l));

            a.VerifySharing(shares, As);

              BigInt publicKey = new BigInt(1);
              foreach (Authority a in auths)
            publicKey = (publicKey * a.PublicKeyPart).Mod(parameters.P);

              List<Ballot> ballots = new List<Ballot>();
              ballots.Add(new Ballot(new int[] { 0, 1 }, parameters, question, publicKey, null));
              ballots.Add(new Ballot(new int[] { 0, 1 }, parameters, question, publicKey, null));
              ballots.Add(new Ballot(new int[] { 1, 0 }, parameters, question, publicKey, null));
              ballots.Add(new Ballot(new int[] { 0, 1 }, parameters, question, publicKey, null));
              ballots.Add(new Ballot(new int[] { 1, 0 }, parameters, question, publicKey, null));
              ballots.Add(new Ballot(new int[] { 0, 1 }, parameters, question, publicKey, null));

              if (!ballots.All(ballot => ballot.Verify(publicKey, parameters, question, RandomNumberGenerator.Create(), BaseParameters.StandardProofCount, new Progress(null))))
            throw new Exception("Bad proof.");

              for (int optionIndex = 0; optionIndex < question.Options.Count(); optionIndex++)
            IEnumerable<Vote> votes = ballots.Select(ballot => ballot.Votes[optionIndex]);

            Vote sum = null;
            votes.Foreach(vote => sum = sum == null ? vote : sum + vote);

            List<PartialDecipher> partialDeciphers = new List<PartialDecipher>();
            auths.Foreach(authority => partialDeciphers.AddRange(authority.PartialDeciphers(1, sum, 0, optionIndex)));

            IEnumerable<BigInt> partialDeciphers0 = partialDeciphers
              .Where(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.GroupIndex == 1)
              .Select(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.Value);
            int v0 = sum.Decrypt(partialDeciphers0, parameters);

            IEnumerable<BigInt> partialDeciphers1 = partialDeciphers
              .Where(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.GroupIndex == 1)
              .Select(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.Value);
            int v1 = sum.Decrypt(partialDeciphers1, parameters);

            IEnumerable<BigInt> partialDeciphers2 = partialDeciphers
              .Where(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.GroupIndex == 1)
              .Select(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.Value);
            int v2 = sum.Decrypt(partialDeciphers2, parameters);

            IEnumerable<BigInt> partialDeciphers3 = partialDeciphers
              .Where(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.GroupIndex == 1)
              .Select(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.Value);
            int v3 = sum.Decrypt(partialDeciphers3, parameters);

            IEnumerable<BigInt> partialDeciphers4 = partialDeciphers
              .Where(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.GroupIndex == 1)
              .Select(partialDecipher => partialDecipher.Value);
            int v4 = sum.Decrypt(partialDeciphers4, parameters);

            if (v0 == v1 &&
            v0 == v2 &&
            v0 == v3 &&
            v0 == v4)
              throw new Exception("Everything ok.");
              throw new Exception("Bad vote.");