Esempio n. 1
 internal static extern int CryptUnprotectData(ref DataBlob pDataIn, IntPtr ppszDataDescr, ref DataBlob pOptionalEntropy, IntPtr pvReserved, IntPtr pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, ref DataBlob pDataOut);
Esempio n. 2
 internal static extern IntPtr CertFindDataBlobCertificateInStore(IntPtr hCertStore, int dwCertEncodingType, int dwFindFlags, int dwFindType, ref DataBlob pvFindPara, IntPtr pPrevCertContext);
Esempio n. 3
 internal static extern int CertSaveStore(IntPtr hCertStore, int dwMsgAndCertEncodingType, int dwSaveAs, int dwSaveTo, ref DataBlob pvSaveToPara, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 4
 internal static extern int CryptSetKeyParam(int hKey, int dwParam, ref DataBlob pbData, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 5
		internal static extern int PFXExportCertStoreEx(IntPtr hStore, ref DataBlob pPFX, string szPassword, IntPtr pvReserved, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 6
 internal static extern int PFXExportCertStoreEx(IntPtr hStore, ref DataBlob pPFX, string szPassword, IntPtr pvReserved, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 7
		internal static extern int PFXVerifyPassword(ref DataBlob pPFX, string szPassword, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 8
 internal static extern int PFXIsPFXBlob(ref DataBlob pPFX);
Esempio n. 9
		internal static extern IntPtr CertFindDataBlobCertificateInStore(IntPtr hCertStore, int dwCertEncodingType, int dwFindFlags, int dwFindType, ref DataBlob pvFindPara, IntPtr pPrevCertContext);
Esempio n. 10
		internal static extern IntPtr PFXImportCertStore(ref DataBlob pPFX, string szPassword, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 11
		internal static extern int CryptUnprotectData(ref DataBlob pDataIn, IntPtr ppszDataDescr, ref DataBlob pOptionalEntropy, IntPtr pvReserved, IntPtr pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, ref DataBlob pDataOut);
Esempio n. 12
		internal static extern int CryptSetKeyParam(int hKey, int dwParam, ref DataBlob pbData, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 13
		internal static extern int CertSaveStore(IntPtr hCertStore, int dwMsgAndCertEncodingType, int dwSaveAs, int dwSaveTo, ref DataBlob pvSaveToPara, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 14
 internal static extern IntPtr PFXImportCertStore(ref DataBlob pPFX, string szPassword, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 15
		internal static extern int PFXIsPFXBlob(ref DataBlob pPFX);
Esempio n. 16
 internal static extern int PFXVerifyPassword(ref DataBlob pPFX, string szPassword, int dwFlags);
Esempio n. 17
		internal static extern IntPtr CertOpenStoreData(IntPtr lpszStoreProvider, int dwMsgAndCertEncodingType, IntPtr hCryptProv, int dwFlags, ref DataBlob pvPara);
Esempio n. 18
 internal static extern IntPtr CertOpenStoreData(IntPtr lpszStoreProvider, int dwMsgAndCertEncodingType, IntPtr hCryptProv, int dwFlags, ref DataBlob pvPara);
		/// <summary>
		/// Decrypts data that has been encrypted with the <see cref="ProtectData"/> method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="data">The data to decrypt.</param>
		/// <param name="offset">The zero-based position in the <i>data</i> parameter at which to begin decrypting.</param>
		/// <param name="size">The number of bytes to decrypt.</param>
		/// <param name="entropy">Additional entropy to use during the decryption process. This parameter can be set to null.</param>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><i>data</i> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).</exception>
		/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The specified <i>offset</i> or <i>size</i> exceeds the size of buffer.</exception>
		/// <exception cref="CryptographicException">An error occurs during the encryption process. Under some circumstances, Microsoft cryptographic service providers may not allow encryption when used in France. This may occur on down-level platforms such as Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0, depending on the system's configuration and the version of the CSPs.</exception>
		/// <returns>The decrypted data.</returns>
		/// <remarks>The entropy used during decryption must be the same as the entropy used during encryption.</remarks>
		public byte[] UnprotectData(byte[] data, int offset, int size, byte[] entropy) {
			if (m_Disposed)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException();
			if (offset < 0 || offset + size > data.Length)
				throw new ArgumentException();
			DataBlob input = new DataBlob();
			DataBlob entr = new DataBlob();
			DataBlob output = new DataBlob();
			try {
				// initialize input structure
				input.cbData = size;
				input.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
				Marshal.Copy(data, offset, input.pbData, size);
				// initialize entropy structure
				if (entropy == null) {
					entr.cbData = 0;
					entr.pbData = IntPtr.Zero;
				} else {
					entr.cbData = entropy.Length;
					entr.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(entr.cbData);
					Marshal.Copy(entropy, 0, entr.pbData, entr.cbData);
				// initialize output structure
				output.cbData = 0;
				output.pbData = IntPtr.Zero;
				// call the function and check for errors
				int flags = 0;
				if (!Environment.UserInteractive)
					flags = flags | SecurityConstants.CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN;
				if (SspiProvider.CryptUnprotectData(ref input, IntPtr.Zero, ref entr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, flags, ref output) == 0 || output.pbData == IntPtr.Zero)
					throw new CryptographicException("The data could not be unprotected.");
				byte[] ret = new byte[output.cbData];
				Marshal.Copy(output.pbData, ret, 0, output.cbData);
				return ret;
			} finally {
				if (input.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)
				if (entr.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)
				if (output.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)