Inheritance: Asn1Encodable, IAsn1Choice, IAsn1String
		public override void PerformTest()
			string pseudonym = "pseudonym";
			DirectoryString surname = new DirectoryString("surname");
			Asn1Sequence givenName = new DerSequence(new DirectoryString("givenName"));

			NameOrPseudonym id = new NameOrPseudonym(pseudonym);

			checkConstruction(id, pseudonym, null, null);

			id = new NameOrPseudonym(surname, givenName);

			checkConstruction(id, null, surname, givenName);

			id = NameOrPseudonym.GetInstance(null);

			if (id != null)
				Fail("null GetInstance() failed.");

				NameOrPseudonym.GetInstance(new Object());

				Fail("GetInstance() failed to detect bad object.");
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// expected
		private void checkConstruction(
			NameOrPseudonym	id,
			string			pseudonym,
			DirectoryString	surname,
			Asn1Sequence	givenName)
			checkValues(id, pseudonym, surname, givenName);

			id = NameOrPseudonym.GetInstance(id);

			checkValues(id, pseudonym, surname, givenName);

			Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(id.ToAsn1Object().GetEncoded());

			if (surname != null)
				Asn1Sequence seq = (Asn1Sequence) aIn.ReadObject();

				id = NameOrPseudonym.GetInstance(seq);
				IAsn1String s = (IAsn1String) aIn.ReadObject();

				id = NameOrPseudonym.GetInstance(s);

			checkValues(id, pseudonym, surname, givenName);
Esempio n. 3
 public static DirectoryString GetInstance(Asn1TaggedObject obj, bool isExplicit)
     if (!isExplicit)
         throw new ArgumentException("choice item must be explicitly tagged");
Esempio n. 4
        * Constructor from given details.
        * <p/>
        * All parameters can be combined.
        * @param namingAuthorityID   ObjectIdentifier for naming authority.
        * @param namingAuthorityUrl  URL for naming authority.
        * @param namingAuthorityText Textual representation of naming authority.
        public NamingAuthority(
			DerObjectIdentifier	namingAuthorityID,
			string				namingAuthorityUrl,
			DirectoryString		namingAuthorityText)
            this.namingAuthorityID = namingAuthorityID;
            this.namingAuthorityUrl = new DerIA5String(namingAuthorityUrl, true);
            this.namingAuthorityText = namingAuthorityText;
		private void checkValues(
			NamingAuthority		auth,
			DerObjectIdentifier	namingAuthorityId,
			string				namingAuthorityURL,
			DirectoryString		namingAuthorityText)
			checkOptionalField("namingAuthorityId", namingAuthorityId, auth.NamingAuthorityID);
			checkOptionalField("namingAuthorityURL", namingAuthorityURL, auth.NamingAuthorityUrl);
			checkOptionalField("namingAuthorityText", namingAuthorityText, auth.NamingAuthorityText);
Esempio n. 6
        * Constructor from a given details.
        * <p/>
        * <p/>
        * Either <code>generalName</code> or <code>certRef</code> MUST be
        * <code>null</code>.
        * @param country            The country code whose laws apply.
        * @param typeOfSubstitution The type of procuration.
        * @param thirdPerson        The GeneralName of the person who is represented.
        * @param certRef            Reference to certificate of the person who is represented.
        public Procuration(
			string			country,
			DirectoryString	typeOfSubstitution,
			GeneralName		thirdPerson,
			IssuerSerial	certRef)
   = new DerPrintableString(country, true);
            this.typeOfSubstitution = typeOfSubstitution;
            this.thirdPerson = thirdPerson;
            this.certRef = certRef;
Esempio n. 7
        * Constructor from a given details.
        * @param surname   The surname.
        * @param givenName An IEnumerable of strings of the given name
        public NameOrPseudonym(
			string		surname,
			IEnumerable	givenName)
            this.surname = new DirectoryString(surname);
            this.givenName = new ArrayList();

            foreach (string s in givenName)
                this.givenName.Add(new DirectoryString(s));
		public override void PerformTest()
			NameOrPseudonym nameOrPseudonym = new NameOrPseudonym("pseudonym");
			BigInteger nameDistinguisher = BigInteger.ValueOf(10);
			DerGeneralizedTime dateOfBirth= new DerGeneralizedTime("20070315173729Z");
			DirectoryString placeOfBirth = new DirectoryString("placeOfBirth");
			string gender = "M";
			DirectoryString postalAddress = new DirectoryString("address");

			PersonalData data = new PersonalData(nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			checkConstruction(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			data = new PersonalData(nameOrPseudonym, null, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			checkConstruction(data, nameOrPseudonym, null, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			data = new PersonalData(nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, null, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			checkConstruction(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, null, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			data = new PersonalData(nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, null, gender, postalAddress);

			checkConstruction(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, null, gender, postalAddress);

			data = new PersonalData(nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, null, postalAddress);

			checkConstruction(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, null, postalAddress);

			data = new PersonalData(nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, null);

			checkConstruction(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, null);

			data = PersonalData.GetInstance(null);

			if (data != null)
				Fail("null GetInstance() failed.");

				PersonalData.GetInstance(new Object());

				Fail("GetInstance() failed to detect bad object.");
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// expected
Esempio n. 9
        * Constructor from a given details.
        * @param nameOrPseudonym  Name or pseudonym.
        * @param nameDistiguisher Name distinguisher.
        * @param dateOfBirth      Date of birth.
        * @param placeOfBirth     Place of birth.
        * @param gender           Gender.
        * @param postalAddress    Postal Address.
        public PersonalData(
			NameOrPseudonym		nameOrPseudonym,
			BigInteger			nameDistiguisher,
			DerGeneralizedTime	dateOfBirth,
			string				placeOfBirth,
			string				gender,
			string				postalAddress)
            this.nameOrPseudonym = nameOrPseudonym;
            this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
            this.gender = new DerPrintableString(gender, true);
            this.nameDistiguisher = nameDistiguisher;
            this.postalAddress = new DirectoryString(postalAddress);
            this.placeOfBirth = new DirectoryString(placeOfBirth);
        * Constructor from a given details.
        * @param nameOrPseudonym  Name or pseudonym.
        * @param nameDistinguisher Name distinguisher.
        * @param dateOfBirth      Date of birth.
        * @param placeOfBirth     Place of birth.
        * @param gender           Gender.
        * @param postalAddress    Postal Address.
        public PersonalData(
			NameOrPseudonym		nameOrPseudonym,
			IBigInteger			nameDistinguisher,
			DerGeneralizedTime	dateOfBirth,
			DirectoryString		placeOfBirth,
			string				gender,
			DirectoryString		postalAddress)
            this.nameOrPseudonym = nameOrPseudonym;
            this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
            this.gender = gender;
            this.nameDistinguisher = nameDistinguisher;
            this.postalAddress = postalAddress;
            this.placeOfBirth = placeOfBirth;
		private void checkValues(
			NameOrPseudonym	id,
			string			pseudonym,
			DirectoryString	surname,
			Asn1Sequence	givenName)

			if (surname != null)
				checkMandatoryField("surname", surname, id.Surname);
				checkMandatoryField("givenName", givenName, new DerSequence(id.GetGivenName()[0]));
				checkOptionalField("pseudonym", new DirectoryString(pseudonym), id.Pseudonym);
		private void checkConstruction(
			Restriction		restriction,
			DirectoryString	res)
			checkValues(restriction, res);

			restriction = Restriction.GetInstance(restriction);

			checkValues(restriction, res);

			Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(restriction.ToAsn1Object().GetEncoded());

			IAsn1String str = (IAsn1String) aIn.ReadObject();

			restriction = Restriction.GetInstance(str);

			checkValues(restriction, res);
		public override void PerformTest()
			DirectoryString res = new DirectoryString("test");
			Restriction restriction = new Restriction(res.GetString());

			checkConstruction(restriction, res);

				Restriction.GetInstance(new Object());

				Fail("GetInstance() failed to detect bad object.");
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// expected
		private void checkConstruction(
			AdditionalInformationSyntax syntax,
			DirectoryString information)
			checkValues(syntax, information);

			syntax = AdditionalInformationSyntax.GetInstance(syntax);

			checkValues(syntax, information);

			Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(syntax.ToAsn1Object().GetEncoded());

			IAsn1String info = (IAsn1String) aIn.ReadObject();

			syntax = AdditionalInformationSyntax.GetInstance(info);

			checkValues(syntax, information);
		private void checkConstruction(
			NamingAuthority		auth,
			DerObjectIdentifier	namingAuthorityID,
			string				namingAuthorityURL,
			DirectoryString		namingAuthorityText)
			checkValues(auth, namingAuthorityID, namingAuthorityURL, namingAuthorityText);

			auth = NamingAuthority.GetInstance(auth);

			checkValues(auth, namingAuthorityID, namingAuthorityURL, namingAuthorityText);

			Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(auth.ToAsn1Object().GetEncoded());

			Asn1Sequence seq = (Asn1Sequence) aIn.ReadObject();

			auth = NamingAuthority.GetInstance(seq);

			checkValues(auth, namingAuthorityID, namingAuthorityURL, namingAuthorityText);
		public override void PerformTest()
			string country = "AU";
			DirectoryString typeOfSubstitution = new DirectoryString("substitution");
			GeneralName thirdPerson = new GeneralName(new X509Name("CN=thirdPerson"));
			IssuerSerial certRef = new IssuerSerial(new GeneralNames(new GeneralName(new X509Name("CN=test"))), new DerInteger(1));

			ProcurationSyntax procuration = new ProcurationSyntax(country, typeOfSubstitution, thirdPerson);

			checkConstruction(procuration, country, typeOfSubstitution, thirdPerson, null);

			procuration = new ProcurationSyntax(country, typeOfSubstitution, certRef);

			checkConstruction(procuration, country, typeOfSubstitution, null, certRef);

			procuration = new ProcurationSyntax(null, typeOfSubstitution, certRef);

			checkConstruction(procuration, null, typeOfSubstitution, null, certRef);

			procuration = new ProcurationSyntax(country, null, certRef);

			checkConstruction(procuration, country, null, null, certRef);

			procuration = ProcurationSyntax.GetInstance(null);

			if (procuration != null)
				Fail("null GetInstance() failed.");

				ProcurationSyntax.GetInstance(new Object());

				Fail("GetInstance() failed to detect bad object.");
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// expected
		private void checkConstruction(
			ProcurationSyntax	procuration,
			string				country,
			DirectoryString		typeOfSubstitution,
			GeneralName			thirdPerson,
			IssuerSerial		certRef)
			checkValues(procuration, country, typeOfSubstitution, thirdPerson, certRef);

			procuration = ProcurationSyntax.GetInstance(procuration);

			checkValues(procuration, country, typeOfSubstitution, thirdPerson, certRef);

			Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(procuration.ToAsn1Object().GetEncoded());

			Asn1Sequence seq = (Asn1Sequence) aIn.ReadObject();

			procuration = ProcurationSyntax.GetInstance(seq);

			checkValues(procuration, country, typeOfSubstitution, thirdPerson, certRef);
		public override void PerformTest()
			DerObjectIdentifier namingAuthorityID = new DerObjectIdentifier("1.2.3");
			string namingAuthorityURL = "url";
			DirectoryString namingAuthorityText = new DirectoryString("text");

			NamingAuthority auth =  new NamingAuthority(namingAuthorityID, namingAuthorityURL, namingAuthorityText);

			checkConstruction(auth, namingAuthorityID, namingAuthorityURL, namingAuthorityText);

			auth =  new NamingAuthority(null, namingAuthorityURL, namingAuthorityText);

			checkConstruction(auth, null, namingAuthorityURL, namingAuthorityText);

			auth =  new NamingAuthority(namingAuthorityID, null, namingAuthorityText);

			checkConstruction(auth, namingAuthorityID, null, namingAuthorityText);

			auth =  new NamingAuthority(namingAuthorityID, namingAuthorityURL, null);

			checkConstruction(auth, namingAuthorityID, namingAuthorityURL, null);

			auth = NamingAuthority.GetInstance(null);

			if (auth != null)
				Fail("null GetInstance() failed.");

				NamingAuthority.GetInstance(new Object());

				Fail("GetInstance() failed to detect bad object.");
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// expected
		private void checkConstruction(
			ProfessionInfo			profInfo,
			NamingAuthority			auth,
			DirectoryString[]		professionItems,
			DerObjectIdentifier[]	professionOids,
			string					registrationNumber,
			DerOctetString			addProfInfo)
			checkValues(profInfo, auth, professionItems, professionOids, registrationNumber, addProfInfo);

			profInfo = ProfessionInfo.GetInstance(profInfo);

			checkValues(profInfo, auth, professionItems, professionOids, registrationNumber, addProfInfo);

			Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(profInfo.ToAsn1Object().GetEncoded());

			Asn1Sequence seq = (Asn1Sequence) aIn.ReadObject();

			profInfo = ProfessionInfo.GetInstance(seq);

			checkValues(profInfo, auth, professionItems, professionOids, registrationNumber, addProfInfo);
		private void checkConstruction(
			PersonalData		data,
			NameOrPseudonym		nameOrPseudonym,
			BigInteger			nameDistinguisher,
			DerGeneralizedTime	dateOfBirth,
			DirectoryString		placeOfBirth,
			string				gender,
			DirectoryString		postalAddress)
			checkValues(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			data = PersonalData.GetInstance(data);

			checkValues(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);

			Asn1InputStream aIn = new Asn1InputStream(data.ToAsn1Object().GetEncoded());

			Asn1Sequence seq = (Asn1Sequence) aIn.ReadObject();

			data = PersonalData.GetInstance(seq);

			checkValues(data, nameOrPseudonym, nameDistinguisher, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth, gender, postalAddress);
		private void checkValues(
			ProfessionInfo			profInfo,
			NamingAuthority			auth,
			DirectoryString[]		professionItems,
			DerObjectIdentifier[]	professionOids,
			string					registrationNumber,
			DerOctetString			addProfInfo)
			checkOptionalField("auth", auth, profInfo.NamingAuthority);
			checkMandatoryField("professionItems", professionItems[0], profInfo.GetProfessionItems()[0]);
			if (professionOids != null)
				checkOptionalField("professionOids", professionOids[0], profInfo.GetProfessionOids()[0]);
			checkOptionalField("registrationNumber", registrationNumber, profInfo.RegistrationNumber);
			checkOptionalField("addProfessionInfo", addProfInfo, profInfo.AddProfessionInfo);
Esempio n. 22
		* Constructor from a given details.
		* @param restriction The description of the restriction.
		public Restriction(
			string restriction)
			this.restriction = new DirectoryString(restriction);
Esempio n. 23
		* Constructor from DirectoryString.
		* <p/>
		* The DirectoryString is of type RestrictionSyntax:
		* <p/>
		* <pre>
		*      RestrictionSyntax ::= DirectoryString (SIZE(1..1024))
		* </pre>
		* @param restriction A IAsn1String.
		private Restriction(
			DirectoryString restriction)
			this.restriction = restriction;
Esempio n. 24
        * Constructor from Asn1Sequence.
        * <p/>
        * The sequence is of type ProcurationSyntax:
        * <p/>
        * <pre>
        *               ProcurationSyntax ::= SEQUENCE {
        *                 country [1] EXPLICIT PrintableString(SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL,
        *                 typeOfSubstitution [2] EXPLICIT DirectoryString (SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL,
        *                 signingFor [3] EXPLICIT SigningFor
        *               }
        * <p/>
        *               SigningFor ::= CHOICE
        *               {
        *                 thirdPerson GeneralName,
        *                 certRef IssuerSerial
        *               }
        * </pre>
        * @param seq The ASN.1 sequence.
        private Procuration(
			Asn1Sequence seq)
            if (seq.Count < 1 || seq.Count > 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + seq.Count);

            IEnumerator e = seq.GetEnumerator();

            while (e.MoveNext())
                Asn1TaggedObject o = Asn1TaggedObject.GetInstance(e.Current);
                switch (o.TagNo)
                    case 1:
                        country = DerPrintableString.GetInstance(o, true);
                    case 2:
                        typeOfSubstitution = DirectoryString.GetInstance(o, true);
                    case 3:
                        Asn1Object signingFor = o.GetObject();
                        if (signingFor is Asn1TaggedObject)
                            thirdPerson = GeneralName.GetInstance(signingFor);
                            certRef = IssuerSerial.GetInstance(signingFor);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Bad tag number: " + o.TagNo);
		private void checkValues(
			ProcurationSyntax procuration,
			string country,
			DirectoryString  typeOfSubstitution,
			GeneralName thirdPerson,
			IssuerSerial certRef)
			checkOptionalField("country", country, procuration.Country);
			checkOptionalField("typeOfSubstitution", typeOfSubstitution, procuration.TypeOfSubstitution);
			checkOptionalField("thirdPerson", thirdPerson, procuration.ThirdPerson);
			checkOptionalField("certRef", certRef, procuration.CertRef);
		private AdditionalInformationSyntax(
			DirectoryString information)
			this.information = information;
Esempio n. 27
        * Constructor from a given details.
        * @param pseudonym The pseudonym.
        public NameOrPseudonym(
			string pseudonym)
            this.pseudonym = new DirectoryString(pseudonym);
Esempio n. 28
        * Constructor from DERString.
        * <p/>
        * The sequence is of type NameOrPseudonym:
        * <p/>
        * <pre>
        *       NameOrPseudonym ::= CHOICE {
        *     	   surAndGivenName SEQUENCE {
        *     	     surName DirectoryString,
        *     	     givenName SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString
        *         },
        *     	   pseudonym DirectoryString
        *       }
        * </pre>
        * @param pseudonym pseudonym value to use.
        public NameOrPseudonym(
			DirectoryString pseudonym)
            this.pseudonym = pseudonym;
Esempio n. 29
        * Constructor from Asn1Sequence.
        * <p/>
        * The sequence is of type NameOrPseudonym:
        * <p/>
        * <pre>
        *       NameOrPseudonym ::= CHOICE {
        *     	   surAndGivenName SEQUENCE {
        *     	     surName DirectoryString,
        *     	     givenName SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString
        *         },
        *     	   pseudonym DirectoryString
        *       }
        * </pre>
        * @param seq The ASN.1 sequence.
        private NameOrPseudonym(
			Asn1Sequence seq)
            if (seq.Count != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + seq.Count);

            if (!(seq[0] is IAsn1String))
                throw new ArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + seq[0].GetType().Name);

            surname = DirectoryString.GetInstance(seq[0]);
            givenName = new ArrayList();

            Asn1Sequence s = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(seq[1]);

            foreach (object o in s)
                if (!(o is IAsn1String))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + o.GetType().Name);

		* Constructor from a given details.
		* @param information The describtion of the information.
		public AdditionalInformationSyntax(
			string information)
			this.information = new DirectoryString(information);
Esempio n. 31
		* Constructor from Asn1Sequence.
		* <p/>
		* <p/>
		* <pre>
		*             NamingAuthority ::= SEQUENCE
		*             {
		*               namingAuthorityID OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
		*               namingAuthorityUrl IA5String OPTIONAL,
		*               namingAuthorityText DirectoryString(SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL
		*             }
		* </pre>
		* @param seq The ASN.1 sequence.
		private NamingAuthority(
			Asn1Sequence seq)
			if (seq.Count > 3)
				throw new ArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + seq.Count);

			IEnumerator e = seq.GetEnumerator();

			if (e.MoveNext())
				Asn1Encodable o = (Asn1Encodable) e.Current;
				if (o is DerObjectIdentifier)
					namingAuthorityID = (DerObjectIdentifier) o;
				else if (o is DerIA5String)
					namingAuthorityUrl = DerIA5String.GetInstance(o).GetString();
				else if (o is IAsn1String)
					namingAuthorityText = DirectoryString.GetInstance(o);
					throw new ArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + o.GetType().Name);

			if (e.MoveNext())
				Asn1Encodable o = (Asn1Encodable) e.Current;
				if (o is DerIA5String)
					namingAuthorityUrl = DerIA5String.GetInstance(o).GetString();
				else if (o is IAsn1String)
					namingAuthorityText = DirectoryString.GetInstance(o);
					throw new ArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + o.GetType().Name);

			if (e.MoveNext())
				Asn1Encodable o = (Asn1Encodable) e.Current;
				if (o is IAsn1String)
					namingAuthorityText = DirectoryString.GetInstance(o);
					throw new ArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + o.GetType().Name);