Esempio n. 1
        // Creates a native shape and assignes it to prim.BSShape
        private bool GetReferenceToNativeShape(BSPrim prim, ShapeData shapeData,
                                               ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType shapeType, ShapeData.FixedShapeKey shapeKey,
                                               ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            BulletShape newShape;

            shapeData.Type = shapeType;
            // Bullet native objects are scaled by the Bullet engine so pass the size in
            prim.Scale      = shapeData.Size;
            shapeData.Scale = shapeData.Size;

            // release any previous shape
            DereferenceShape(prim.BSShape, true, shapeCallback);

            // Native shapes are always built independently.
            newShape               = new BulletShape(BulletSimAPI.BuildNativeShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, shapeData), shapeType);
            newShape.shapeKey      = (ulong)shapeKey;
            newShape.isNativeShape = true;

            // Don't need to do a 'ReferenceShape()' here because native shapes are not tracked.
            // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.AddNativeShapeToPrim,create,newshape={1}", shapeData.ID, newShape);

            prim.BSShape = newShape;
Esempio n. 2
 // called when this character is being destroyed and the resources should be released
 public void Destroy()
         BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject(_scene.WorldID, _localID);
Esempio n. 3
         * // Remove linkage between myself and any possible children I might have.
         * // Called at taint time!
         * private void PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildrenFromRoot(BSPhysObject rootPrim)
         * {
         *  DetailLog("{0},PhysicallyUnlinkAllChildren,taint", rootPrim.LocalID);
         *  PhysicsScene.Constraints.RemoveAndDestroyConstraint(rootPrim.BSBody);
         * }

        // Call each of the constraints that make up this linkset and recompute the
        //    various transforms and variables. Used when objects are added or removed
        //    from a linkset to make sure the constraints know about the new mass and
        //    geometry.
        // Must only be called at taint time!!
        private void RecomputeLinksetConstraintVariables()
            float linksetMass = LinksetMass;

            foreach (BSPhysObject child in m_taintChildren)
                BSConstraint constrain;
                if (PhysicsScene.Constraints.TryGetConstraint(LinksetRoot.BSBody, child.BSBody, out constrain))
                    // DetailLog("{0},BSLinkset.RecomputeLinksetConstraintVariables,taint,child={1},mass={2},A={3},B={4}",
                    //         LinksetRoot.LocalID, child.LocalID, linksetMass, constrain.Body1.ID, constrain.Body2.ID);
                    // Non-fatal error that happens when children are being added to the linkset but
                    //    their constraints have not been created yet.

            // If the whole linkset is not here, doesn't make sense to recompute linkset wide values
            if (m_children.Count == m_taintChildren.Count)
                // If this is a multiple object linkset, set everybody's center of mass to the set's center of mass
                OMV.Vector3 centerOfMass = ComputeLinksetCenterOfMass();
                BulletSimAPI.SetCenterOfMassByPosRot2(LinksetRoot.BSBody.ptr, centerOfMass, OMV.Quaternion.Identity);
                foreach (BSPhysObject child in m_taintChildren)
                    BulletSimAPI.SetCenterOfMassByPosRot2(child.BSBody.ptr, centerOfMass, OMV.Quaternion.Identity);
Esempio n. 4
        // Create the initial instance of terrain and the underlying ground plane.
        // The objects are allocated in the unmanaged space and the pointers are tracked
        //    by the managed code.
        // The terrains and the groundPlane are not added to the list of PhysObjects.
        // This is called from the initialization routine so we presume it is
        //    safe to call Bullet in real time. We hope no one is moving prims around yet.
        public void CreateInitialGroundPlaneAndTerrain()
            // The ground plane is here to catch things that are trying to drop to negative infinity
            BulletShape groundPlaneShape = new BulletShape(
                BulletSimAPI.CreateGroundPlaneShape2(BSScene.GROUNDPLANE_ID, 1f, TERRAIN_COLLISION_MARGIN),

            m_groundPlane = new BulletBody(BSScene.GROUNDPLANE_ID,
                                           BulletSimAPI.CreateBodyWithDefaultMotionState2(groundPlaneShape.ptr, BSScene.GROUNDPLANE_ID,
                                                                                          Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity));
            BulletSimAPI.AddObjectToWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_groundPlane.ptr);
            // Everything collides with the ground plane.
                                                 (uint)CollisionFilterGroups.GroundPlaneFilter, (uint)CollisionFilterGroups.GroundPlaneMask);

            Vector3 minTerrainCoords = new Vector3(0f, 0f, HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION - HEIGHT_EQUAL_FUDGE);
            Vector3 maxTerrainCoords = new Vector3(DefaultRegionSize.X, DefaultRegionSize.Y, HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION);
            int     totalHeights     = (int)maxTerrainCoords.X * (int)maxTerrainCoords.Y;

            float[] initialMap = new float[totalHeights];
            for (int ii = 0; ii < totalHeights; ii++)
                initialMap[ii] = HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION;
            UpdateOrCreateTerrain(BSScene.TERRAIN_ID, initialMap, minTerrainCoords, maxTerrainCoords, true);
Esempio n. 5
        // update all the localIDs specified
        // If the local ID is APPLY_TO_NONE, just change the default value
        // If the localID is APPLY_TO_ALL change the default value and apply the new value to all the lIDs
        // If the localID is a specific object, apply the parameter change to only that object
        private void UpdateParameterSet(List <uint> lIDs, ref float defaultLoc, string parm, uint localID, float val)
            switch (localID)
            case PhysParameterEntry.APPLY_TO_NONE:
                defaultLoc = val;   // setting only the default value

            case PhysParameterEntry.APPLY_TO_ALL:
                defaultLoc = val;  // setting ALL also sets the default value
                List <uint> objectIDs = lIDs;
                string      xparm     = parm.ToLower();
                float       xval      = val;
                TaintedObject(delegate() {
                    foreach (uint lID in objectIDs)
                        BulletSimAPI.UpdateParameter(m_worldID, lID, xparm, xval);

                // setting only one localID
                TaintedUpdateParameter(parm, localID, val);
Esempio n. 6
 // called when this character is being destroyed and the resources should be released
 public override void Destroy()
     DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.Destroy", LocalID);
     PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.destroy", delegate()
         BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject(PhysicsScene.WorldID, LocalID);
Esempio n. 7
 public override void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap)
     m_heightMap = heightMap;
         BulletSimAPI.SetHeightmap(m_worldID, m_heightMap);
Esempio n. 8
 public override void UnSubscribeEvents()
     // DetailLog("{0},{1}.UnSubscribeEvents,unsubscribing", LocalID, TypeName);
     SubscribedEventsMs = 0;
     PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(TypeName + ".UnSubscribeEvents", delegate()
         CurrentCollisionFlags = BulletSimAPI.RemoveFromCollisionFlags2(BSBody.ptr, CollisionFlags.BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS);
Esempio n. 9
        public virtual bool SetAngularLimits(Vector3 low, Vector3 high)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.SetAngularLimits2(m_constraint.ptr, low, high);
Esempio n. 10
 public virtual void Dispose()
     if (m_enabled)
         m_enabled = false;
         bool success = BulletSimAPI.DestroyConstraint2(m_world.ptr, m_constraint.ptr);
         m_world.physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSConstraint.Dispose,taint,body1={1},body2={2},success={3}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, m_body1.ID, m_body2.ID, success);
         m_constraint.ptr = System.IntPtr.Zero;
Esempio n. 11
        // schedule the actual updating of the paramter to when the phys engine is not busy
        private void TaintedUpdateParameter(string parm, uint localID, float val)
            uint   xlocalID = localID;
            string xparm    = parm.ToLower();
            float  xval     = val;

            TaintedObject(delegate() {
                BulletSimAPI.UpdateParameter(m_worldID, xlocalID, xparm, xval);
Esempio n. 12
        public bool SetBreakingImpulseThreshold(float threshold)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.SetBreakingImpulseThreshold2(m_constraint.ptr, threshold);
Esempio n. 13
        // Release the usage of a body.
        // Called when releasing use of a BSBody. BSShape is handled separately.
        public void DereferenceBody(BulletBody body, bool inTaintTime, BodyDestructionCallback bodyCallback)
            if (body.ptr == IntPtr.Zero)

            lock (m_collectionActivityLock)
                BodyDesc bodyDesc;
                if (Bodies.TryGetValue(body.ID, out bodyDesc))
                    bodyDesc.lastReferenced = System.DateTime.Now;
                    Bodies[body.ID]         = bodyDesc;
                    DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceBody,ref={1}", body.ID, bodyDesc.referenceCount);

                    // If body is no longer being used, free it -- bodies are never shared.
                    if (bodyDesc.referenceCount == 0)
                        BSScene.TaintCallback removeOperation = delegate()
                            DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceBody,DestroyingBody. ptr={1}",
                                      body.ID, body.ptr.ToString("X"));
                            // If the caller needs to know, pass the event up.
                            if (bodyCallback != null)

                            // Zero any reference to the shape so it is not freed when the body is deleted.
                            BulletSimAPI.SetCollisionShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, body.ptr, IntPtr.Zero);
                            // It may have already been removed from the world in which case the next is a NOOP.
                            BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, body.ptr);
                            BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, body.ptr);
                        // If already in taint-time, do the operations now. Otherwise queue for later.
                        if (inTaintTime)
                            PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSShapeCollection.DereferenceBody", removeOperation);
                    DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceBody,DID NOT FIND BODY", body.ID, bodyDesc.referenceCount);
Esempio n. 14
        public virtual bool SetSolverIterations(float cnt)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintNumSolverIterations2(m_constraint.ptr, cnt);
                ret = true;
Esempio n. 15
        public void Destroy()
#if (!ISWIN)
                BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject(_scene.WorldID, _localID);
            _scene.TaintedObject(() => BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject(_scene.WorldID, _localID));
Esempio n. 16
        public bool TranslationalLimitMotor(bool enable, float targetVelocity, float maxMotorForce)
            bool  ret   = false;
            float onOff = enable ? ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue : ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.TranslationalLimitMotor2(m_constraint.ptr, onOff, targetVelocity, maxMotorForce);
Esempio n. 17
        public bool UseFrameOffset(bool useOffset)
            bool  ret   = false;
            float onOff = useOffset ? ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue : ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse;

            if (m_enabled)
                ret = BulletSimAPI.UseFrameOffset2(m_constraint.ptr, onOff);
Esempio n. 18
        public bool SetFrames(Vector3 frameA, Quaternion frameArot, Vector3 frameB, Quaternion frameBrot)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                BulletSimAPI.SetFrames2(m_constraint.ptr, frameA, frameArot, frameB, frameBrot);
                ret = true;
Esempio n. 19
 // Release all the terrain we have allocated
 public void ReleaseTerrain()
     foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, BulletHeightMapInfo> kvp in m_heightMaps)
         if (BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, kvp.Value.terrainBody.ptr))
             BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, kvp.Value.terrainBody.ptr);
Esempio n. 20
        public virtual bool CalculateTransforms()
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                // Recompute the internal transforms
                ret = true;
Esempio n. 21
        // Set motion values to zero.
        // Do it to the properties so the values get set in the physics engine.
        // Push the setting of the values to the viewer.
        // Called at taint time!
        public override void ZeroMotion()
            _velocity           = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
            _acceleration       = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
            _rotationalVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;

            // Zero some other properties directly into the physics engine
            BulletSimAPI.SetLinearVelocity2(BSBody.ptr, OMV.Vector3.Zero);
            BulletSimAPI.SetAngularVelocity2(BSBody.ptr, OMV.Vector3.Zero);
            BulletSimAPI.SetInterpolationVelocity2(BSBody.ptr, OMV.Vector3.Zero, OMV.Vector3.Zero);
Esempio n. 22
        public bool SetCFMAndERP(float cfm, float erp)
            bool ret = false;

            if (m_enabled)
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintParam2(m_constraint.ptr, ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM, cfm, ConstraintParamAxis.AXIS_ALL);
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintParam2(m_constraint.ptr, ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP, erp, ConstraintParamAxis.AXIS_ALL);
                BulletSimAPI.SetConstraintParam2(m_constraint.ptr, ConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_CFM, cfm, ConstraintParamAxis.AXIS_ALL);
                ret = true;
Esempio n. 23
        // Release all the terrain structures we might have allocated
        public void ReleaseGroundPlaneAndTerrain()
            if (m_groundPlane.ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (BulletSimAPI.RemoveObjectFromWorld2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_groundPlane.ptr))
                    BulletSimAPI.DestroyObject2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, m_groundPlane.ptr);
                m_groundPlane.ptr = IntPtr.Zero;

Esempio n. 24
 public override void SetTerrain(ITerrainChannel channel, short[] heightMap)
     m_heightMap = channel;
         float[] t = new float[heightMap.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < heightMap.Length; i++)
             t[i] = (heightMap[i]) / Constants.TerrainCompression;
         BulletSimAPI.SetHeightmap(m_worldID, t);
Esempio n. 25
        public BSCharacter(uint localID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
            base.BaseInitialize(parent_scene, localID, avName, "BSCharacter");
            _physicsActorType = (int)ActorTypes.Agent;
            _position         = pos;
            _size             = size;
            _flying           = isFlying;
            _orientation      = OMV.Quaternion.Identity;
            _velocity         = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
            _buoyancy         = ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(isFlying);

            // The dimensions of the avatar capsule are kept in the scale.
            // Physics creates a unit capsule which is scaled by the physics engine.
            _avatarDensity = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarDensity;
            // set _avatarVolume and _mass based on capsule size, _density and _scale

            ShapeData shapeData = new ShapeData();

            shapeData.ID          = LocalID;
            shapeData.Type        = ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_AVATAR;
            shapeData.Position    = _position;
            shapeData.Rotation    = _orientation;
            shapeData.Velocity    = _velocity;
            shapeData.Scale       = _scale;
            shapeData.Mass        = _mass;
            shapeData.Buoyancy    = _buoyancy;
            shapeData.Static      = ShapeData.numericFalse;
            shapeData.Friction    = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarFriction;
            shapeData.Restitution = PhysicsScene.Params.avatarRestitution;

            // do actual create at taint time
            PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSCharacter.create", delegate()
                DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.create,taint", LocalID);
                BulletSimAPI.CreateObject(PhysicsScene.WorldID, shapeData);

                // Set the buoyancy for flying. This will be refactored when all the settings happen in C#.
                // If not set at creation, the avatar will stop flying when created after crossing a region boundry.
                BulletSimAPI.SetObjectBuoyancy(PhysicsScene.WorldID, LocalID, _buoyancy);

                BSBody = new BulletBody(LocalID, BulletSimAPI.GetBodyHandle2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, LocalID));

                // This works here because CreateObject has already put the character into the physical world.
                                                     (uint)CollisionFilterGroups.AvatarFilter, (uint)CollisionFilterGroups.AvatarMask);
Esempio n. 26
        // Create a body object in Bullet.
        // Updates prim.BSBody with the information about the new body if one is created.
        // Returns 'true' if an object was actually created.
        // Called at taint-time.
        private bool CreateBody(bool forceRebuild, BSPrim prim, BulletSim sim, BulletShape shape,
                                ShapeData shapeData, BodyDestructionCallback bodyCallback)
            bool ret = false;

            // the mesh, hull or native shape must have already been created in Bullet
            bool mustRebuild = (prim.BSBody.ptr == IntPtr.Zero);

            // If there is an existing body, verify it's of an acceptable type.
            // If not a solid object, body is a GhostObject. Otherwise a RigidBody.
            if (!mustRebuild)
                CollisionObjectTypes bodyType = (CollisionObjectTypes)BulletSimAPI.GetBodyType2(prim.BSBody.ptr);
                if (prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_RIGID_BODY ||
                    !prim.IsSolid && bodyType != CollisionObjectTypes.CO_GHOST_OBJECT)
                    // If the collisionObject is not the correct type for solidness, rebuild what's there
                    mustRebuild = true;

            if (mustRebuild || forceRebuild)
                DereferenceBody(prim.BSBody, true, bodyCallback);

                BulletBody aBody;
                IntPtr     bodyPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (prim.IsSolid)
                    bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateBodyFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                                                shapeData.ID, shapeData.Position, shapeData.Rotation);
                    // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,mesh,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString("X"));
                    bodyPtr = BulletSimAPI.CreateGhostFromShape2(sim.ptr, shape.ptr,
                                                                 shapeData.ID, shapeData.Position, shapeData.Rotation);
                    // DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.CreateBody,ghost,ptr={1}", prim.LocalID, bodyPtr.ToString("X"));
                aBody = new BulletBody(shapeData.ID, bodyPtr);

                ReferenceBody(aBody, true);

                prim.BSBody = aBody;

                ret = true;

Esempio n. 27
        // Remove linkage between myself and a particular child
        // The root and child bodies are passed in because we need to remove the constraint between
        //      the bodies that were at unlink time.
        // Called at taint time!
        private void PhysicallyUnlinkAChildFromRoot(BSPhysObject rootPrim, BulletBody rootBody,
                                                    BSPhysObject childPrim, BulletBody childBody)
                      rootPrim.LocalID, rootBody.ptr.ToString("X"),
                      childPrim.LocalID, childBody.ptr.ToString("X"));

            // Find the constraint for this link and get rid of it from the overall collection and from my list
            PhysicsScene.Constraints.RemoveAndDestroyConstraint(rootBody, childBody);

            // Make the child refresh its location
Esempio n. 28
        }//end SetDefaultsForType

        // Some of the properties of this prim may have changed.
        // Do any updating needed for a vehicle
        public void Refresh()
            if (Type == Vehicle.TYPE_NONE)

            // Set the prim's inertia to zero. The vehicle code handles that and this
            //    removes the torque action introduced by Bullet.
            Vector3 inertia = Vector3.Zero;

            BulletSimAPI.SetMassProps2(Prim.BSBody.ptr, Prim.MassRaw, inertia);
Esempio n. 29
        // Release the usage of a shape.
        // The collisionObject is released since it is a copy of the real collision shape.
        public void DereferenceShape(BulletShape shape, bool atTaintTime, ShapeDestructionCallback shapeCallback)
            if (shape.ptr == IntPtr.Zero)

            BSScene.TaintCallback dereferenceOperation = delegate()
                switch (shape.type)
                case ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_HULL:
                    DereferenceHull(shape, shapeCallback);

                case ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_MESH:
                    DereferenceMesh(shape, shapeCallback);

                case ShapeData.PhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_UNKNOWN:

                    // Native shapes are not tracked and are released immediately
                    if (shape.ptr != IntPtr.Zero & shape.isNativeShape)
                                  BSScene.DetailLogZero, shape.ptr.ToString("X"), atTaintTime);
                        if (shapeCallback != null)
                        BulletSimAPI.DeleteCollisionShape2(PhysicsScene.World.ptr, shape.ptr);
            if (atTaintTime)
                lock (m_collectionActivityLock)
                PhysicsScene.TaintedObject("BSShapeCollection.DereferenceShape", dereferenceOperation);
Esempio n. 30
 public BSHingeConstraint(BulletSim world, BulletBody obj1, BulletBody obj2,
                          Vector3 pivotInA, Vector3 pivotInB,
                          Vector3 axisInA, Vector3 axisInB,
                          bool useLinearReferenceFrameA, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies)
     m_world      = world;
     m_body1      = obj1;
     m_body2      = obj2;
     m_constraint = new BulletConstraint(
         BulletSimAPI.CreateHingeConstraint2(m_world.ptr, m_body1.ptr, m_body2.ptr,
                                             pivotInA, pivotInB,
                                             axisInA, axisInB,
                                             useLinearReferenceFrameA, disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies));
     m_enabled = true;